• Joined on 2022-08-27
laylem commented on issue your-land/bugtracker#5445 2023-11-04 08:06:35 +00:00
rheo reports: there's still gazer gas floati ...

What is the source of the gazer gas? The arena? Is there any special admin node that can stop gazer shots but not impede players, as a roof?

laylem commented on issue your-land/bugtracker#5332 2023-10-03 06:04:12 +00:00
Transformers reports: AliasAlreadyTaken can you add ...

I support this since I feel like we could use more coloured block variety. As for concrete fitting into the world, concrete has been used since ancient times, by Mayans, Greeks and other cultures…

laylem commented on issue your-land/bugtracker#5311 2023-09-27 23:35:11 +00:00
Laylem reports: [choppy] can't chop multiple t ...

Could this be toggled?

laylem commented on issue your-land/bugtracker#5171 2023-08-23 00:25:57 +00:00
JeCel reports: [mail] Change default setting ...

I agree that this is a bad default. I have to change this every time I log in... just another thing to do each login but would be nice if it was made descending by default.

On a semi-related…

laylem commented on issue your-land/bugtracker#5096 2023-08-18 04:19:04 +00:00
flux reports: nyans (and rainbows) are regis ...

I'm fine with burning books as a fuel. Occasionally I will burn books if I have duplicates from the library, as I don't ever use the trash icon, but I usually use real fuels for my furnace. If you…

laylem commented on issue your-land/bugtracker#5050 2023-08-04 02:26:18 +00:00
mrminer reports: add high-grade explosives | tn ...

Who would be able to use such a thing and for what?

laylem commented on issue your-land/bugtracker#5009 2023-07-27 06:45:40 +00:00
1.2 yl_cities public discussion

How to stop a player from burying the banner in cobble to stop mobs taking it?

So citizen NPCs are just decorative?

You said the Smith will buy coal and other minerals. Isn't this basically…

laylem commented on issue your-land/bugtracker#4882 2023-07-03 07:47:09 +00:00
Bug: Pillar / Half pillar

This means you don't lose any material as of right now. Could it be that you want to change the balance? That is, pillar = 2 half pillar? Or change the recipe, that is, pillar -> half pillar; half…

laylem commented on issue your-land/bugtracker#4869 2023-06-29 23:45:04 +00:00
Laylem reports: breaking moreblocks:slope_dese ...

While using lava pick.

laylem commented on issue your-land/bugtracker#4843 2023-06-25 04:04:21 +00:00
Laylem reports: [waterlily] I took damage fall ...

No, I did not die. I took fall damage because I landed on a water lily... which for some reason I can stand on.

laylem commented on issue your-land/bugtracker#4716 2023-06-25 02:40:59 +00:00
Laylem reports: [road] Where did this sand tow ...

Hmm... A quick look seems its not repaired yet.

laylem commented on issue your-land/bugtracker#4782 2023-06-18 03:32:22 +00:00
Fast travel between bases

Perhaps there can be a vote for temporary airship locations, with a certain number of slots available? If there is a temporary airship location, is it up to the destination to provide the airship…

laylem opened issue your-land/bugtracker#4788 2023-06-17 05:26:45 +00:00
NPC skin review
laylem commented on issue your-land/bugtracker#4740 2023-06-11 04:47:40 +00:00
Laylem reports: [npc skin] yl_npc_main_druid_m ...

If you look at it, part of the face is on the back of the leg...

laylem commented on issue your-land/bugtracker#4732 2023-06-10 05:46:51 +00:00
mr_block reports: I promise you I am not hacking ...

Possibly a duplicate of #3313 ?

laylem commented on issue your-land/bugtracker#4706 2023-06-08 11:27:19 +00:00
whysit reports: ocean is too safe at night... ...

Some kind of crystal boat that would give slightly higher speed than crystal boots over sea?

Silly idea: Boa-ots: Boots crafted from two boats, one for each foot. Unfortunately you walk…

laylem commented on issue your-land/bugtracker#4700 2023-06-06 02:18:35 +00:00
Laylem reports: [Wine] Connecting the wine bar ...

Also, if you put a recipe in there, ie. ingredients to make a drink, it will fill up to 100%.

laylem commented on issue your-land/bugtracker#4489 2023-05-18 07:41:43 +00:00
daydream reports: I just teleport tube many thin ...

For peace of mind, could we have a way to check a tp tube that would give the coordinates for all receivers it could send to?

laylem commented on issue your-land/bugtracker#4495 2023-05-17 18:30:25 +00:00
daydream reports: instead of area ban players who ...

What if they lose interact privilege except planting, and get a stack of seeds?

laylem commented on issue your-land/bugtracker#4454 2023-05-17 16:30:17 +00:00
Laylem reports: [node request?] I want a node ...

That would work for a stop gap solution to get 2x1 blocks. Thanks!

I hope one day we can get some dedicated blocks if nodes aren't as limited. Personally speaking I would like such blocks in…