
Milestone here: https://gitea.your-land.de/your-land/bugtracker/milestone/49

Discussion there: #6471

  • Fixes 9 critical issues
  • Fixes multiplying itemframes (thankyou flux)
  • Migrates mails to latest version (thankyou Athozus)
  • Fixes various NPC crashes (thankyou Sokomine)
  • Adds two new quests (thankyou daydream, Parrish and LadyPixels)
  • Overhauls the church portal (thankyou Astrobe and Aspiremint)
  • Adds yl_googly_eyes (Thankyou Styxcolor)
  • Adds new skins and coat of arms
  • Pulls in latest upstream mods
100% Completed
#6471 by AliasAlreadyTaken was closed 2024-07-02 09:23:00 +00:00 Alias@work 2 / 2