pups reports: Please, add an option to turn ... #6006

opened 2024-01-18 14:14:43 +00:00 by yourland-report · 27 comments

pups reports a bug:

Please, add an option to turn off "choppy" at all, in order that even "shift" could not activate "choppy".

Player position:

	x = 2707.5239257813,
	y = 25.5,
	z = 1215.8549804688

Player look:

	x = -0.078583329916,
	y = -0.4832823574543,
	z = -0.871930539608

Player information:

	protocol_version = 42,
	ip_version = 6,
	min_rtt = 0.037999998778105,
	avg_rtt = 0.03999999910593,
	minor = 8,
	lang_code = "",
	state = "Active",
	version_string = "5.8.0",
	major = 5,
	max_rtt = 0.89600002765656,
	min_jitter = 0,
	max_jitter = 0.70100003480911,
	avg_jitter = 0.0020000003278255,
	connection_uptime = 2316,
	serialization_version = 29,
	patch = 0,
	formspec_version = 7

Player meta:

	fields = {
		punch_count = "768",
		hud_state = "on",
		inflicted_damage = "5682",
		arenalib_infobox_arenaID = "0",
		yl_church = "return {[\"last_death\"] = {[\"y\"] = -291, [\"x\"] = 2708, [\"z\"] = 1219}, [\"last_death_portal\"] = 1653541657}",
		played_time = "258254",
		yl_commons_player_created = "1651490842",
		placed_nodes = "7631",
		died = "25",
		crafted = "516",
		["3d_armor_inventory"] = "return {\"\", \"shields:shield_cactus 1 19200\", \"3d_armor:boots_cactus 1 19200\", \"3d_armor:leggings_cactus 1 19200\", \"3d_armor:chestplate_cactus 1 19200\", \"3d_armor:helmet_cactus 1 19200\"}",
		yl_commons_player_joined = "1705584980",
		xp = "33279",
		jointime = "1651490842",
		bitten = "0",
		["unified_inventory:bags"] = "return {\"unified_inventory:bag_large\", \"unified_inventory:bag_large\", \"unified_inventory:bag_large\", \"unified_inventory:bag_large\"}",
		digged_nodes = "28944",
		["signslib:pos"] = "(2709,15,1209)",
		["stamina:exhaustion"] = "90",
		["stamina:level"] = "18",
		repellant = "0",
		["stamina:poisoned"] = "no"

Log identifier

[MOD] yl_report log identifier = rxpgTsRYcrZx8mJcDMENO8tvje6RlOeH

Profiler save:



# Server: version: 5.7.0-yl-thx-tmm | game: Minetest Game | uptime: 21h 24min 32s | max lag: 1.11s | clients (15/52): 473, AliasAlreadyTaken, aliwoto, Bailiff, Chache, damour2_, daydream, DragonWrangler1, Giuseppe, ModTron, Murmel, Naan, pups, Service, whosit

Teleport command:

/teleport xyz 2708 26 1216

Compass command:

/give_compass Construction rxpgTsRYcrZx8mJcDMENO8tvje6RlOeH D2691E 2708 26 1216
pups reports a bug: > Please, add an option to turn off "choppy" at all, in order that even "shift" could not activate "choppy". Player position: ``` { x = 2707.5239257813, y = 25.5, z = 1215.8549804688 } ``` Player look: ``` { x = -0.078583329916, y = -0.4832823574543, z = -0.871930539608 } ``` Player information: ``` { protocol_version = 42, ip_version = 6, min_rtt = 0.037999998778105, avg_rtt = 0.03999999910593, minor = 8, lang_code = "", state = "Active", version_string = "5.8.0", major = 5, max_rtt = 0.89600002765656, min_jitter = 0, max_jitter = 0.70100003480911, avg_jitter = 0.0020000003278255, connection_uptime = 2316, serialization_version = 29, patch = 0, formspec_version = 7 } ``` Player meta: ``` { fields = { punch_count = "768", hud_state = "on", inflicted_damage = "5682", arenalib_infobox_arenaID = "0", yl_church = "return {[\"last_death\"] = {[\"y\"] = -291, [\"x\"] = 2708, [\"z\"] = 1219}, [\"last_death_portal\"] = 1653541657}", played_time = "258254", yl_commons_player_created = "1651490842", placed_nodes = "7631", died = "25", crafted = "516", ["3d_armor_inventory"] = "return {\"\", \"shields:shield_cactus 1 19200\", \"3d_armor:boots_cactus 1 19200\", \"3d_armor:leggings_cactus 1 19200\", \"3d_armor:chestplate_cactus 1 19200\", \"3d_armor:helmet_cactus 1 19200\"}", yl_commons_player_joined = "1705584980", xp = "33279", jointime = "1651490842", bitten = "0", ["unified_inventory:bags"] = "return {\"unified_inventory:bag_large\", \"unified_inventory:bag_large\", \"unified_inventory:bag_large\", \"unified_inventory:bag_large\"}", digged_nodes = "28944", ["signslib:pos"] = "(2709,15,1209)", ["stamina:exhaustion"] = "90", ["stamina:level"] = "18", repellant = "0", ["stamina:poisoned"] = "no" } } ``` Log identifier ``` [MOD] yl_report log identifier = rxpgTsRYcrZx8mJcDMENO8tvje6RlOeH ``` Profiler save: ``` profile-20240118T141443.json_prettyEE ``` Status: ``` # Server: version: 5.7.0-yl-thx-tmm | game: Minetest Game | uptime: 21h 24min 32s | max lag: 1.11s | clients (15/52): 473, AliasAlreadyTaken, aliwoto, Bailiff, Chache, damour2_, daydream, DragonWrangler1, Giuseppe, ModTron, Murmel, Naan, pups, Service, whosit ``` Teleport command: ``` /teleport xyz 2708 26 1216 ``` Compass command: ``` /give_compass Construction rxpgTsRYcrZx8mJcDMENO8tvje6RlOeH D2691E 2708 26 1216 ```
AliasAlreadyTaken was assigned by yourland-report 2024-01-18 14:14:43 +00:00
AliasAlreadyTaken added the
1. kind/enhancement
label 2024-01-18 15:12:26 +00:00



Some people prefer not to use choppy under any circumstances

Some people prefer not to use choppy under any circumstances


using shift(crouch) to stay on a node if you work somewhere high up risks activating choppy accidently

> Why? using shift(crouch) to stay on a node if you work somewhere high up risks activating choppy accidently

I understand that. You don't have to. But why should you hold the axe with left-click and press Shift at the same time?

I understand that. You don't have to. But why should you hold the axe with left-click and press Shift at the same time?

building on a tower made of wood for example.

building on a tower made of wood for example.

Ok, the previous answer was still about Alias. Bla was very fast.

using shift(crouch) to stay on a node if you work somewhere high up risks activating choppy accidently

Of course, when you're working at heights, you always have to be careful. Ok, and with Shift you have more security. But why should you work with an axe at the same time? If you want to be on the safe side, then you just put a block under you that is not made of wood and have a secure footing even with the axe.

Ok, the previous answer was still about Alias. Bla was very fast. > using shift(crouch) to stay on a node if you work somewhere high up risks activating choppy accidently Of course, when you're working at heights, you always have to be careful. Ok, and with Shift you have more security. But why should you work with an axe at the same time? If you want to be on the safe side, then you just put a block under you that is not made of wood and have a secure footing even with the axe.

For example, if you're making part of a house from wood trunks, and misplace a block, it's very easy to forget that removing one block quickly with an axe will start destroying more parts of your house...

For example, if you're making part of a house from wood trunks, and misplace a block, it's very easy to forget that removing one block quickly with an axe will start destroying more parts of your house...

building on a tower made of wood for example.
it's very easy to forget that removing one block quickly with an axe will start destroying more parts of your house...

choppy won't target any nodes that the player places themself, though that only counts for blocks placed after choppy was installed.

> building on a tower made of wood for example. > it's very easy to forget that removing one block quickly with an axe will start destroying more parts of your house... choppy won't target any nodes that the player places themself, though that only counts for blocks placed after choppy was installed.

Ah, nice, I was confusing it with how the previous mod worked then...
Then mostly it's the problem when you forget you have it on (like I often do) and need to carefully prune some trees (which I rarely do).

Ah, nice, I was confusing it with how the previous mod worked then... Then mostly it's the problem when you forget you have it on (like I often do) and need to carefully prune some trees (which I rarely do).

How can choppy recognize such blocks? But it is still valid to have option to disable it completely, like when you prune trees, build a tree house, or adjust wall/fence from trees, etc...

How can choppy recognize such blocks? But it is still valid to have option to disable it completely, like when you prune trees, build a tree house, or adjust wall/fence from trees, etc...

... like when you prune trees, build a tree house, or adjust wall/fence from trees, etc...

Just use your sword for such rare situations.

> ... like when you prune trees, build a tree house, or adjust wall/fence from trees, etc... Just use your sword for such rare situations.

Those maybe rare, but sometimes you need to cut many nodes and the sword is very slow for wood

Those maybe rare, but sometimes you need to cut many nodes and the sword is very slow for wood

How can choppy recognize such blocks?

being solid opaque nodes, tree trunks don't define a paramtype, so i'm free to use that as an indicator. i add a callback that sets param1=1 when a player places the node, and have choppy check for that. technically someone else could try to use param1 for some conflicting behavior, but i've only ever seen it used for this exact thing ("placed by player").

this isn't the first time this feature has been requested, and i've been hesitant to add it because i think it complicates the user interface, but i suppose i should add it.

> How can choppy recognize such blocks? being solid opaque nodes, [tree trunks don't define a paramtype, so i'm free to use that as an indicator](https://github.com/minetest/minetest/blob/8cbd629010b22eb735c7bb95f4c4cd396dae1039/doc/lua_api.md?plain=1#L1253-L1255). i add a callback that sets `param1=1` when a player places the node, and have choppy check for that. technically someone else could try to use param1 for some conflicting behavior, but i've only ever seen it used for this exact thing ("placed by player"). this isn't the first time this feature has been requested, and i've been hesitant to add it because i think it complicates the user interface, but i suppose i should add it.
flux added this to the flux's TODO list project 2024-01-21 00:00:26 +00:00

One example where this may be useful is if you incorporate actual live trees in your architecture. Like the city that is near 5100,0,-15500 where live trees were used to construct city walls. And if you want to cut corridors, ladders, walkways or gates in the wooden mass ... disabling choppy would be needed, especially as key to climb down ladder (when moving around the construction) = sneak key

One example where this may be useful is if you incorporate actual live trees in your architecture. Like the city that is near 5100,0,-15500 where live trees were used to construct city walls. And if you want to cut corridors, ladders, walkways or gates in the wooden mass ... disabling choppy would be needed, especially as key to climb down ladder (when moving around the construction) = sneak key

Use an alt for this very very special work.

Use an alt for this very very special work.

Not everyone wants to make an alt just to do special cases.

Not everyone wants to make an alt just to do special cases.

Yes, you can certainly wish for all kinds of improvements for very special needs or you can go the easy way. Ultimately, this is decided by the few who are able to implement these changes in the code. Until then, you can at least consider the easy way ...

Yes, you can certainly wish for all kinds of improvements for very special needs or you can go the easy way. Ultimately, this is decided by the few who are able to implement these changes in the code. Until then, you can at least consider the easy way ...

Use an alt for this very very special work.

Is there any important reason why choppy shouldn´t get a on/off toggle?
Cause suggesting alts seems a bit extrem just to prevent that, especially because in that case it won´t even help.
If you want to cut a path through a forest or build a treehouse into an existing tree both require unprotected or an area which results in choppy working.

> Use an alt for this very very special work. Is there any important reason why choppy shouldn´t get a on/off toggle? Cause suggesting alts seems a bit extrem just to prevent that, especially because in that case it won´t even help. If you want to cut a path through a forest or build a treehouse into an existing tree both require unprotected or an area which results in choppy working.

Is there any important reason why choppy shouldn´t get a on/off toggle?

mostly because i though it would make the user interface more complicated than it needed to be. but as i mentioned above, i do think i should add it now, because it's been requested several times.

> Is there any important reason why choppy shouldn´t get a on/off toggle? mostly because i though it would make the user interface more complicated than it needed to be. but as i mentioned above, i do think i should add it now, because it's been requested several times.
flux self-assigned this 2024-01-24 00:11:31 +00:00

Is there any important reason why choppy shouldn´t get a on/off toggle?

mostly because i though it would make the user interface more complicated than it needed to be. but as i mentioned above, i do think i should add it now, because it's been requested several times.

I understand your reason completly but more interested in why Boot is trying everything to prevent something simple like a chat command to toggle choppy on/off. Especially cause it doesn´t have any effect(no impact on node limit or media download etc) on those that don´t want to use it.

> > Is there any important reason why choppy shouldn´t get a on/off toggle? > > mostly because i though it would make the user interface more complicated than it needed to be. but as i mentioned above, i do think i should add it now, because it's been requested several times. I understand your reason completly but more interested in why Boot is trying everything to prevent something simple like a chat command to toggle choppy on/off. Especially cause it doesn´t have any effect(no impact on node limit or media download etc) on those that don´t want to use it.

... interested in why Boot is trying everything to prevent something simple like a chat command to toggle choppy on/off.

You want to look into the brain of Boot? Do you remember when choppy came on the server? That didn't work at first and then too well. You got tons of XP while the axe was automatically dancing. This was then fixed and since then it has been running wonderfully and fast. So why change something that works, the boot thinks. As a layman, I cannot know what effort and risks are associated with a change. If you say that the flag can be changed easily and without danger with a chat command, then of course you have my blessing.

> ... interested in why Boot is trying everything to prevent something simple like a chat command to toggle choppy on/off. You want to look into the brain of Boot? Do you remember when choppy came on the server? That didn't work at first and then too well. You got tons of XP while the axe was automatically dancing. This was then fixed and since then it has been running wonderfully and fast. So why change something that works, the boot thinks. As a layman, I cannot know what effort and risks are associated with a change. If you say that the flag can be changed easily and without danger with a chat command, then of course you have my blessing.

So why change something that works, the boot thinks.

Because that happens with all mods the whole time, some things get fixed/changed/improved/extented
For example see # 6060 your request to improve editing FAQ entries, editing works you just correctly state that its cumbersome.
choppy works too but just like with editing you can slip up and make a mistake.

> So why change something that works, the boot thinks. Because that happens with all mods the whole time, some things get fixed/changed/improved/extented For example see # 6060 your request to improve editing FAQ entries, editing works you just correctly state that its cumbersome. choppy works too but just like with editing you can slip up and make a mistake.

Does this mean that the command /toggle_woodcuting is obsolete? Its still in the Help Volume 2.

Does this mean that the command `/toggle_woodcuting` is obsolete? Its still in the Help Volume 2.

It's not even a command anymore.

It's not even a command anymore.

Does this mean that the command /toggle_woodcuting is obsolete? Its still in the Help Volume 2.

i haven't implemented this yet, but my plan is to create a totally different command which will disable choppy entirely, no matter how you toggle it.

/disable_choppy will fully disable it, independent of the usual toggle status.

while it's seemingly simple, it's not a trivial change given how much depends on the current internal choppy API, so i probably won't get around to this soon. i'll need to set aside a bunch of time to ensure the changes don't break anything.

> Does this mean that the command `/toggle_woodcuting` is obsolete? Its still in the Help Volume 2. i haven't implemented this yet, but my plan is to create a totally different command which will disable choppy entirely, no matter how you toggle it. `/disable_choppy` will fully disable it, independent of the usual toggle status. while it's seemingly simple, it's not a trivial change given how much depends on the current internal choppy API, so i probably won't get around to this soon. i'll need to set aside a bunch of time to ensure the changes don't break anything.
flux added the
4. step/ready to QA test
label 2024-04-03 20:44:31 +00:00
flux added this to the 1.1.124 milestone 2024-04-03 20:44:36 +00:00

implemented /disable_choppy. it wasn't hard. 9571c167d4

implemented `/disable_choppy`. it wasn't hard. https://github.com/fluxionary/minetest-choppy/commit/9571c167d48e0188bc5aab2ccaa45b5e1763550c
AliasAlreadyTaken added the
ugh/QA OK
label 2024-04-22 12:32:26 +00:00

Fixed and on main.

Fixed and on main.
AliasAlreadyTaken added
5. result/fixed
and removed
4. step/ready to QA test
labels 2024-06-30 06:32:51 +00:00
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8 Participants
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Reference: your-land/bugtracker#6006
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