daydream QA on test: waterlive sea urchin appears t ... #5682

opened 2023-12-14 01:25:13 +00:00 by yourland-report · 12 comments

daydream reports a bug:

waterlive sea urchin appears to be spawning and then immediately spinning as an item...

coral fish are spawning around like blue or green corals that look like grasses but not on the orange and black (their old spawn item) that looks more like just solid block.

coral fish are not spawning at all in protected area even with spawnit = true as seen in area #6122

Player position:

	y = -0.093999996781349,
	z = -8417.056640625,
	x = -7409.9506835938

Player look:

	y = -0.37298777699471,
	z = -0.89783483743668,
	x = -0.23403567075729

Player information:

	major = 5,
	version_string = "5.8.0",
	ip_version = 6,
	min_rtt = 0.15700000524521,
	avg_rtt = 0.16400000452995,
	min_jitter = 0,
	max_jitter = 2.069000005722,
	avg_jitter = 0,
	connection_uptime = 3410,
	serialization_version = 29,
	patch = 0,
	minor = 8,
	max_rtt = 2.2309999465942,
	state = "Active",
	lang_code = "",
	protocol_version = 42,
	formspec_version = 7

Player meta:

	fields = {
		partychat = "party",
		["stamina:level"] = "7",
		bitten = "0",
		["stamina:poisoned"] = "no",
		["signslib:pos"] = "(1971,-2757,1508)",
		["stamina:exhaustion"] = "48",
		punch_count = "522618",
		repellant = "0",
		arenalib_infobox_arenaID = "0",
		yl_commons_thankyou = "663",
		played_time = "33319896",
		["petz:old_override_table"] = "return {[\"speed\"] = 2, [\"sneak\"] = true, [\"jump\"] = 1.5, [\"gravity\"] = 1, [\"new_move\"] = true, [\"sneak_glitch\"] = false}",
		placed_nodes = "441027",
		xp = "2789403",
		crafted = "185768",
		["petz:werewolf_clan_idx"] = "1",
		yl_church = "return {[\"last_death\"] = {[\"x\"] = 20043, [\"y\"] = 19987, [\"z\"] = 20040}, [\"last_heal\"] = 1673944229, [\"last_death_portal\"] = 1694869693}",
		["petz:lycanthropy"] = "0",
		inflicted_damage = "9089104",
		jointime = "1650064821",
		["unified_inventory:bags"] = "return {\"water_life:croc_bag\", \"water_life:croc_bag\", \"water_life:croc_bag\", \"water_life:croc_bag\"}",
		xp_redo_hud_color = "0xFFC001",
		hud_state = "on",
		["petz:werewolf"] = "0",
		digged_nodes = "2584690",
		died = "339",
		yl_commons_player_created = "1650064821",
		yl_commons_player_joined = "1702513721",
		["petz:werewolf_vignette_id"] = "19",
		["ocean_build.last_warning"] = "1.65235e+09",
		["3d_armor_inventory"] = "return {\"3d_armor:helmet_nether 1 3286\", \"shields:shield_rainbow 1 1322\", \"3d_armor:chestplate_nether 1 5280\", \"3d_armor:leggings_nether 1 5280\", \"3d_armor:boots_crystal 1 3286\", \"\"}",
		["ocean_build.ocean_built"] = "8"

Log identifier

[MOD] yl_report log identifier = mcMf3mzMkWSth0Gm5brmMy7fNVclyFLh

Profiler save:



# Server: version: 5.7.0-yl-thx-tmm | game: Minetest Game | uptime: 1h 42min 5s | max lag: 0.167s | clients (3/52): Administrator, Boris, daydream

Teleport command:

/teleport xyz -7410 -0 -8417

Compass command:

/give_compass Construction mcMf3mzMkWSth0Gm5brmMy7fNVclyFLh D2691E -7410 -0 -8417
daydream reports a bug: > waterlive sea urchin appears to be spawning and then immediately spinning as an item... coral fish are spawning around like blue or green corals that look like grasses but not on the orange and black (their old spawn item) that looks more like just solid block. coral fish are not spawning at all in protected area even with spawnit = true as seen in area #6122 Player position: ``` { y = -0.093999996781349, z = -8417.056640625, x = -7409.9506835938 } ``` Player look: ``` { y = -0.37298777699471, z = -0.89783483743668, x = -0.23403567075729 } ``` Player information: ``` { major = 5, version_string = "5.8.0", ip_version = 6, min_rtt = 0.15700000524521, avg_rtt = 0.16400000452995, min_jitter = 0, max_jitter = 2.069000005722, avg_jitter = 0, connection_uptime = 3410, serialization_version = 29, patch = 0, minor = 8, max_rtt = 2.2309999465942, state = "Active", lang_code = "", protocol_version = 42, formspec_version = 7 } ``` Player meta: ``` { fields = { partychat = "party", ["stamina:level"] = "7", bitten = "0", ["stamina:poisoned"] = "no", ["signslib:pos"] = "(1971,-2757,1508)", ["stamina:exhaustion"] = "48", punch_count = "522618", repellant = "0", arenalib_infobox_arenaID = "0", yl_commons_thankyou = "663", played_time = "33319896", ["petz:old_override_table"] = "return {[\"speed\"] = 2, [\"sneak\"] = true, [\"jump\"] = 1.5, [\"gravity\"] = 1, [\"new_move\"] = true, [\"sneak_glitch\"] = false}", placed_nodes = "441027", xp = "2789403", crafted = "185768", ["petz:werewolf_clan_idx"] = "1", yl_church = "return {[\"last_death\"] = {[\"x\"] = 20043, [\"y\"] = 19987, [\"z\"] = 20040}, [\"last_heal\"] = 1673944229, [\"last_death_portal\"] = 1694869693}", ["petz:lycanthropy"] = "0", inflicted_damage = "9089104", jointime = "1650064821", ["unified_inventory:bags"] = "return {\"water_life:croc_bag\", \"water_life:croc_bag\", \"water_life:croc_bag\", \"water_life:croc_bag\"}", xp_redo_hud_color = "0xFFC001", hud_state = "on", ["petz:werewolf"] = "0", digged_nodes = "2584690", died = "339", yl_commons_player_created = "1650064821", yl_commons_player_joined = "1702513721", ["petz:werewolf_vignette_id"] = "19", ["ocean_build.last_warning"] = "1.65235e+09", ["3d_armor_inventory"] = "return {\"3d_armor:helmet_nether 1 3286\", \"shields:shield_rainbow 1 1322\", \"3d_armor:chestplate_nether 1 5280\", \"3d_armor:leggings_nether 1 5280\", \"3d_armor:boots_crystal 1 3286\", \"\"}", ["ocean_build.ocean_built"] = "8" } } ``` Log identifier ``` [MOD] yl_report log identifier = mcMf3mzMkWSth0Gm5brmMy7fNVclyFLh ``` Profiler save: ``` profile-20231214T012513.json_prettyEE ``` Status: ``` # Server: version: 5.7.0-yl-thx-tmm | game: Minetest Game | uptime: 1h 42min 5s | max lag: 0.167s | clients (3/52): Administrator, Boris, daydream ``` Teleport command: ``` /teleport xyz -7410 -0 -8417 ``` Compass command: ``` /give_compass Construction mcMf3mzMkWSth0Gm5brmMy7fNVclyFLh D2691E -7410 -0 -8417 ```
AliasAlreadyTaken was assigned by yourland-report 2023-12-14 01:25:13 +00:00
daydream changed title from daydream reports: waterlive sea urchin appears t ... to daydream QA on test: waterlive sea urchin appears t ... 2023-12-14 01:36:29 +00:00
AliasAlreadyTaken added the
1. kind/bug
label 2023-12-14 08:23:05 +00:00

i'll look into this. i do remember noticing the urchin thing actually, but i forgot to make a note of it and it got lost in the sea of bugs.

i'll look into this. i do remember noticing the urchin thing actually, but i forgot to make a note of it and it got lost in the sea of bugs.
flux self-assigned this 2023-12-14 20:00:07 +00:00
flux added this to the flux's TODO list project 2023-12-14 20:00:11 +00:00
AliasAlreadyTaken was unassigned by flux 2023-12-14 20:00:15 +00:00

waterlive sea urchin appears to be spawning and then immediately spinning as an item...

might be because they were spawning in water that was too cold? fixed that: 0f69b259fa

coral fish are spawning around like blue or green corals that look like grasses but not on the orange and black (their old spawn item) that looks more like just solid block.

they should spawn near any coral or kelp... setting up a big hunk of just brown (horn) coral to see what happens

coral fish are not spawning at all in protected area even with spawnit

ah, i didn't update the spawn rules after we switched to "disable spawn in protected areas by default". fixed in 7f55caad00

> waterlive sea urchin appears to be spawning and then immediately spinning as an item... might be because they were spawning in water that was too cold? fixed that: > coral fish are spawning around like blue or green corals that look like grasses but not on the orange and black (their old spawn item) that looks more like just solid block. they should spawn near *any* coral or kelp... setting up a big hunk of just brown (horn) coral to see what happens > coral fish are not spawning at all in protected area even with spawnit ah, i didn't update the spawn rules after we switched to "disable spawn in protected areas by default". fixed in

waterlive sea urchin appears to be spawning and then immediately spinning as an item...

might be because they were spawning in water that was too cold? fixed that: 0f69b259fa

apparently that doesn't fix it - water_life apparently computes its own temperature? i'll have to reverse engineer that...

> > waterlive sea urchin appears to be spawning and then immediately spinning as an item... > > might be because they were spawning in water that was too cold? fixed that: apparently that doesn't fix it - water_life apparently computes its own temperature? i'll have to reverse engineer that...

1b8031e479/api.lua (L90)

	biome.temp = math.floor((table.heat-32)*5/9)	--turn fahrenheit into celsius

:\ ```lua biome.temp = math.floor((table.heat-32)*5/9) --turn fahrenheit into celsius ``` :\

fixed the temperature logic for urchins: ce9efc458a

fixed the temperature logic for urchins:

coral fish are spawning around like blue or green corals that look like grasses but not on the orange and black (their old spawn item) that looks more like just solid block.

they should spawn near any coral or kelp... setting up a big hunk of just brown (horn) coral to see what happens

confirmed that coralfish do spawn near full-node brown coral, writing this off to probably a fluke of statistics

>> coral fish are spawning around like blue or green corals that look like grasses but not on the orange and black (their old spawn item) that looks more like just solid block. > > they should spawn near *any* coral or kelp... setting up a big hunk of just brown (horn) coral to see what happens confirmed that coralfish *do* spawn near full-node brown coral, writing this off to probably a fluke of statistics
flux added this to the 1.1.122 milestone 2023-12-14 21:03:38 +00:00
flux added the
4. step/ready to QA test
label 2023-12-14 21:03:45 +00:00

mostly, the testing on this one, is whether non-hostile animals can spawn in protection areas that are spawnit-enabled.

sea urchins should be spawning in "hot" oceans (IRL sea urchins have no such restriction...)

this is near haven:

mostly, the testing on this one, is whether non-hostile animals can spawn in protection areas that are spawnit-enabled. sea urchins should be spawning in "hot" oceans (IRL sea urchins have no such restriction...) this is near haven: ![image](/attachments/c63a6f06-32aa-445c-859b-0e2c45ee0ac6)
850 KiB

Tysm flux <3

Tysm flux <3


Sounds like a classis imperial/ metric issues. Those still die when placed in water:


QA Sounds like a classis imperial/ metric issues. Those still die when placed in water: ![image](/attachments/b39ae682-9093-46ea-80fe-ee15ecce8cb1)
243 KiB

We'll probably have to see whether it works on main or fix in a future update

We'll probably have to see whether it works on main or fix in a future update
AliasAlreadyTaken added the
ugh/QA main
label 2023-12-16 08:38:40 +00:00

Those still die when placed in water:

yeah, that is also unfortunately true. they will also die if they manage to snail-crawl into an area that's too cold for them.

> Those still die when placed in water: yeah, that is also unfortunately true. they will also die if they manage to snail-crawl into an area that's too cold for them.
flux added
5. result/fixed
and removed
4. step/ready to QA test
labels 2023-12-18 23:22:50 +00:00
flux removed this from the flux's TODO list project 2023-12-18 23:22:54 +00:00
flux removed their assignment 2023-12-18 23:22:57 +00:00

verified that urchins spawn in suitable areas

verified that urchins spawn in suitable areas
flux closed this issue 2023-12-18 23:24:30 +00:00
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Reference: your-land/bugtracker#5682
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