daydream reports: is it a bug not to be able to ... #4459

opened 2023-05-11 03:12:13 +00:00 by yourland-report · 1 comment

daydream reports a bug:

is it a bug not to be able to run on wool (like slabs of it used for carpet) ?

Player position:

	x = 2061.7380371094,
	y = -18.437000274658,
	z = 1583.1459960938

Player look:

	x = 0.044000171124935,
	y = -0.17192909121513,
	z = -0.98412615060806

Player information:

	min_rtt = 0.16400000452995,
	avg_rtt = 0.17599999904633,
	min_jitter = 0,
	max_jitter = 2.8700001239777,
	avg_jitter = 0.0030000060796738,
	connection_uptime = 82609,
	serialization_version = 29,
	patch = 0,
	formspec_version = 6,
	lang_code = "",
	max_rtt = 3.0420000553131,
	minor = 7,
	major = 5,
	version_string = "5.7.0",
	state = "Active",
	protocol_version = 41,
	ip_version = 6

Player meta:

	fields = {
		["stamina:level"] = "6",
		["signslib:pos"] = "(2060,-16,1596)",
		["stamina:poisoned"] = "no",
		["petz:lycanthropy"] = "0",
		yl_commons_player_created = "1650064821",
		yl_commons_player_joined = "1683692159",
		jointime = "1650064821",
		bitten = "0",
		repellant = "0",
		["petz:old_override_table"] = "return {[\"speed\"] = 2, [\"sneak\"] = true, [\"jump\"] = 1.5, [\"gravity\"] = 1, [\"new_move\"] = true, [\"sneak_glitch\"] = false}",
		arenalib_infobox_arenaID = "0",
		["petz:werewolf_clan_idx"] = "1",
		["petz:werewolf_vignette_id"] = "19",
		xp_redo_hud_color = "0xFFC001",
		["unified_inventory:bags"] = "return {\"water_life:croc_bag\", \"water_life:croc_bag\", \"water_life:croc_bag\", \"water_life:croc_bag\"}",
		played_time = "20999238",
		digged_nodes = "1816252",
		placed_nodes = "289813",
		died = "283",
		yl_unified_trash_review = "return {\"ethereal:glostone\", \"ethereal:glostone\", \"default:book_written 1 0 \\\"\\\\u0001description\\\\u0002\\\\u001b(T@default)\\\\\\\"\\\\u001bFRiddles :D\\\\u001bE\\\\\\\" by \\\\u001bFLaurii\\\\u001bE\\\\u001bE\\\\u0003title\\\\u0002Riddles :D\\\\u0003text\\\\u00021. What can you put in a bucket to make it weigh less?\\\\n2. What is at the end of a rainbow?\\\\n3. What is the longest word in the dictionary?\\\\n4. If two snakes marry, what will their towels say?\\\\n5. How can you drop a raw egg from a height onto a concrete floor without cracking it?\\\\n6. What is 3/7 chicken, 2/3 cat, and 2/4 goat?\\\\n7. Where do you take a sick boat?\\\\n8. Why is Europe like a frying pan?\\\\n9. When is a door no longer a door?\\\\n10. What tastes better than it smells?\\\\n11. What building has the most stories?\\\\n12. What has a bottom at the top?\\\\n13. What has four wheels and flies?\\\\n14. What month of the year has 28 days in it?\\\\n15. What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?\\\\n16. What starts with T, ends with T, and has T in it?\\\\n17. Where is the only place where today comes before yesterday?\\\\n18. What goes all around the world but stays in a corner?\\\\u0003page_max\\\\u00022\\\\u0003owner\\\\u0002Laurii\\\\u0003page\\\\u00021\\\\u0003\\\"\", \"default:book_written 1 0 \\\"\\\\u0001text\\\\u0002Time for this\\\\nTime for that.\\\\n\\\\nA momentary period,\\\\nIn the infinite that life seems.\\\\n\\\\nWe are full of moments\\\\nPieces of time.\\\\n\\\\nWe join each other,\\\\nLittle by little getting bigger.\\\\nForgetting that this life,\\\\nIt is as fleeting as that little piece of Time.\\\\u0003page\\\\u00021\\\\u0003page_max\\\\u00021\\\\u0003owner\\\\u0002Laurii\\\\u0003description\\\\u0002\\\\u001b(T@default)\\\\\\\"\\\\u001bFTime\\\\u001bE\\\\\\\" by \\\\u001bFLaurii\\\\u001bE\\\\u001bE\\\\u0003title\\\\u0002Time\\\\u0003\\\"\"}",
		punch_count = "261171",
		inflicted_damage = "3356590",
		["petz:werewolf"] = "0",
		yl_church = "return {[\"last_heal\"] = 1673944229, [\"last_death\"] = {[\"x\"] = 2817, [\"y\"] = 55, [\"z\"] = 209}, [\"last_death_portal\"] = 1683415197}",
		crafted = "12846",
		partychat = "party",
		["3d_armor_inventory"] = "return {\"3d_armor:helmet_nether 1 560\", \"shields:shield_rainbow 1 224\", \"3d_armor:chestplate_nether 1 1120\", \"3d_armor:leggings_nether 1 1120\", \"3d_armor:boots_crystal 1 560\", \"\"}",
		["ocean_build.ocean_built"] = "8",
		xp = "1704075",
		["stamina:exhaustion"] = "131.5",
		hud_state = "on",
		yl_commons_thankyou = "412",
		["ocean_build.last_warning"] = "1.65235e+09"

Log identifier

[MOD] yl_report log identifier = 7pZS4prS7uhRaojJkkPLfVCqJYPPKvbC

Profiler save:



# Server: version: 5.6.1-yl | game: Minetest Game | uptime: 23h 39min 54s | max lag: 0.203s | clients (12/52): AliasAlreadyTaken, Aliza, daydream, Ganyu, HorusDamocles, mahou, niceride, rheo, Scathach, Service, shanish3, Sokomine

Teleport command:

/teleport xyz 2062 -18 1583

Compass command:

/give_compass Construction 7pZS4prS7uhRaojJkkPLfVCqJYPPKvbC D2691E 2062 -18 1583
daydream reports a bug: > is it a bug not to be able to run on wool (like slabs of it used for carpet) ? Player position: ``` { x = 2061.7380371094, y = -18.437000274658, z = 1583.1459960938 } ``` Player look: ``` { x = 0.044000171124935, y = -0.17192909121513, z = -0.98412615060806 } ``` Player information: ``` { min_rtt = 0.16400000452995, avg_rtt = 0.17599999904633, min_jitter = 0, max_jitter = 2.8700001239777, avg_jitter = 0.0030000060796738, connection_uptime = 82609, serialization_version = 29, patch = 0, formspec_version = 6, lang_code = "", max_rtt = 3.0420000553131, minor = 7, major = 5, version_string = "5.7.0", state = "Active", protocol_version = 41, ip_version = 6 } ``` Player meta: ``` { fields = { ["stamina:level"] = "6", ["signslib:pos"] = "(2060,-16,1596)", ["stamina:poisoned"] = "no", ["petz:lycanthropy"] = "0", yl_commons_player_created = "1650064821", yl_commons_player_joined = "1683692159", jointime = "1650064821", bitten = "0", repellant = "0", ["petz:old_override_table"] = "return {[\"speed\"] = 2, [\"sneak\"] = true, [\"jump\"] = 1.5, [\"gravity\"] = 1, [\"new_move\"] = true, [\"sneak_glitch\"] = false}", arenalib_infobox_arenaID = "0", ["petz:werewolf_clan_idx"] = "1", ["petz:werewolf_vignette_id"] = "19", xp_redo_hud_color = "0xFFC001", ["unified_inventory:bags"] = "return {\"water_life:croc_bag\", \"water_life:croc_bag\", \"water_life:croc_bag\", \"water_life:croc_bag\"}", played_time = "20999238", digged_nodes = "1816252", placed_nodes = "289813", died = "283", yl_unified_trash_review = "return {\"ethereal:glostone\", \"ethereal:glostone\", \"default:book_written 1 0 \\\"\\\\u0001description\\\\u0002\\\\u001b(T@default)\\\\\\\"\\\\u001bFRiddles :D\\\\u001bE\\\\\\\" by \\\\u001bFLaurii\\\\u001bE\\\\u001bE\\\\u0003title\\\\u0002Riddles :D\\\\u0003text\\\\u00021. What can you put in a bucket to make it weigh less?\\\\n2. What is at the end of a rainbow?\\\\n3. What is the longest word in the dictionary?\\\\n4. If two snakes marry, what will their towels say?\\\\n5. How can you drop a raw egg from a height onto a concrete floor without cracking it?\\\\n6. What is 3/7 chicken, 2/3 cat, and 2/4 goat?\\\\n7. Where do you take a sick boat?\\\\n8. Why is Europe like a frying pan?\\\\n9. When is a door no longer a door?\\\\n10. What tastes better than it smells?\\\\n11. What building has the most stories?\\\\n12. What has a bottom at the top?\\\\n13. What has four wheels and flies?\\\\n14. What month of the year has 28 days in it?\\\\n15. What kind of tree can you carry in your hand?\\\\n16. What starts with T, ends with T, and has T in it?\\\\n17. Where is the only place where today comes before yesterday?\\\\n18. What goes all around the world but stays in a corner?\\\\u0003page_max\\\\u00022\\\\u0003owner\\\\u0002Laurii\\\\u0003page\\\\u00021\\\\u0003\\\"\", \"default:book_written 1 0 \\\"\\\\u0001text\\\\u0002Time for this\\\\nTime for that.\\\\n\\\\nA momentary period,\\\\nIn the infinite that life seems.\\\\n\\\\nWe are full of moments\\\\nPieces of time.\\\\n\\\\nWe join each other,\\\\nLittle by little getting bigger.\\\\nForgetting that this life,\\\\nIt is as fleeting as that little piece of Time.\\\\u0003page\\\\u00021\\\\u0003page_max\\\\u00021\\\\u0003owner\\\\u0002Laurii\\\\u0003description\\\\u0002\\\\u001b(T@default)\\\\\\\"\\\\u001bFTime\\\\u001bE\\\\\\\" by \\\\u001bFLaurii\\\\u001bE\\\\u001bE\\\\u0003title\\\\u0002Time\\\\u0003\\\"\"}", punch_count = "261171", inflicted_damage = "3356590", ["petz:werewolf"] = "0", yl_church = "return {[\"last_heal\"] = 1673944229, [\"last_death\"] = {[\"x\"] = 2817, [\"y\"] = 55, [\"z\"] = 209}, [\"last_death_portal\"] = 1683415197}", crafted = "12846", partychat = "party", ["3d_armor_inventory"] = "return {\"3d_armor:helmet_nether 1 560\", \"shields:shield_rainbow 1 224\", \"3d_armor:chestplate_nether 1 1120\", \"3d_armor:leggings_nether 1 1120\", \"3d_armor:boots_crystal 1 560\", \"\"}", ["ocean_build.ocean_built"] = "8", xp = "1704075", ["stamina:exhaustion"] = "131.5", hud_state = "on", yl_commons_thankyou = "412", ["ocean_build.last_warning"] = "1.65235e+09" } } ``` Log identifier ``` [MOD] yl_report log identifier = 7pZS4prS7uhRaojJkkPLfVCqJYPPKvbC ``` Profiler save: ``` profile-20230511T031213.json_prettyEE ``` Status: ``` # Server: version: 5.6.1-yl | game: Minetest Game | uptime: 23h 39min 54s | max lag: 0.203s | clients (12/52): AliasAlreadyTaken, Aliza, daydream, Ganyu, HorusDamocles, mahou, niceride, rheo, Scathach, Service, shanish3, Sokomine ``` Teleport command: ``` /teleport xyz 2062 -18 1583 ``` Compass command: ``` /give_compass Construction 7pZS4prS7uhRaojJkkPLfVCqJYPPKvbC D2691E 2062 -18 1583 ```
AliasAlreadyTaken was assigned by yourland-report 2023-05-11 03:12:13 +00:00

ok I accidentally hit my 'j' key cuz I'm a numpty. Case closed.

ok I accidentally hit my 'j' key cuz I'm a numpty. Case closed.
AliasAlreadyTaken added the
5. result/wontfix
4. step/needs confirmation
labels 2023-05-11 14:11:26 +00:00
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Reference: your-land/bugtracker#4459
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