
1.1.108 Balrogs, Bridges and Bugfixes
Updates for 3d_armor, Scorpions, bonemeal, castle_shields, cucina_vegana, ethereal, farming, mobs_balrog,smart_chat, yl_areas_addon, yl_arena, yl_bailiff, yl_chat, yl_commons, yl_matterbridge, yl_nether_mobs, yl_spleef

Balrogs are now worth their name. Be very careful when fighting one of those. Also, "balrog farms" were disabled.
Thank you flux 🙂

The Chat bridge is now active. We linked together the ingame chat, twitch, irc and discord:
twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/bailiffofhaven
irc: libera.chat #your-land-chat
discord: https://discord.gg/PCaFzkU
Thank you @Bla and clyde

Here's what else we fixed: https://gitea.your-land.de/your-land/bugtracker/milestone/22

100% Completed