
150 lines
6.2 KiB

-- This is a quick way to generate a simple d_dynamic dialog with
-- displayed text new_text and options/answers from the table
-- (list) answers.
-- The strings topics are added as parameters to the dialog options.
-- TODO: do the common replacements like $PLAYER_NAME$, $NPC_NAME$ etc?
yl_speak_up.generate_next_dynamic_dialog_simple = function(
player, n_id, d_id, alternate_text, recursion_depth,
new_text, answers, topics,
back_option_o_id, back_option_target_dialog)
if(not(player)) then
local pname = player:get_player_name()
if(not(yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname])) then
local dialog = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].dialog
if(not(dialog)) then
local dyn_dialog = dialog.n_dialogs["d_dynamic"]
if(not(dyn_dialog)) then
-- which dialog did the player come from?
local prev_d_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].d_id
-- the dialog d_dynamic is modified directly; we do not return anything
-- set the new text:
dialog.n_dialogs["d_dynamic"].d_text = new_text
-- add all the answers:
dialog.n_dialogs["d_dynamic"].d_options = {}
if(not(topics)) then
topics = {}
for i, text in ipairs(answers) do
local future_o_id = "o_" .. tostring(i)
-- add the dialog option as such:
dialog.n_dialogs["d_dynamic"].d_options[future_o_id] = {
o_id = future_o_id,
o_hide_when_prerequisites_not_met = "false",
o_grey_when_prerequisites_not_met = "false",
o_sort = i,
o_text_when_prerequisites_not_met = "",
o_text_when_prerequisites_met = (text or ""),
-- some additional information to make it easier to
-- react to a selected answer:
tmp_topic = topics[i],
-- create a fitting dialog result automaticly:
-- give this new dialog a dialog result that leads back to this dialog
-- (this can be changed later on if needed):
local future_r_id = "r_1"
-- actually store the new result
dialog.n_dialogs["d_dynamic"].d_options[future_o_id].o_results = {}
dialog.n_dialogs["d_dynamic"].d_options[future_o_id].o_results[future_r_id] = {
r_id = future_r_id,
r_type = "dialog",
r_value = "d_dynamic"}
-- go back to back_option_target_dialog:
and dialog.n_dialogs["d_dynamic"].d_options[back_option_o_id]) then
dialog.n_dialogs["d_dynamic"].d_options[back_option_o_id].o_results["r_1"].r_value =
-- the dialog will be modified for this player only:
-- (pass on all the known parameters in case they're relevant):
-- called from yl_speak_up.get_fs_talkdialog(..):
yl_speak_up.generate_next_dynamic_dialog = function(player, n_id, d_id, alternate_text, recursion_depth)
if(not(player)) then
local pname = player:get_player_name()
if(not(yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname])) then
local dialog = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].dialog
if(not(dialog.n_dialogs["d_dynamic"])) then
dialog.n_dialogs["d_dynamic"] = {}
-- which dialog did the player come from?
local prev_d_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].d_id
local selected_o_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].selected_o_id
-- the text the NPC shall say:
local prev_answer = "- unknown -"
local tmp_topic = "- none -"
and dialog.n_dialogs[prev_d_id].d_options
and dialog.n_dialogs[prev_d_id].d_options[selected_o_id]
and dialog.n_dialogs[prev_d_id].d_options[selected_o_id].o_text_when_prerequisites_met) then
prev_answer = dialog.n_dialogs[prev_d_id].d_options[selected_o_id].o_text_when_prerequisites_met
tmp_topic = dialog.n_dialogs[prev_d_id].d_options[selected_o_id].tmp_topic
-- pname is the name of the player; d_id is "d_dynamic"
local new_text = "Hello $PLAYER_NAME$,\n".. -- also: pname
"you're talking to me, $NPC_NAME$, who has the NPC ID "..tostring(n_id)..".\n"..
"Previous dialog: "..tostring(prev_d_id)..".\n"..
"Selected option: "..tostring(selected_o_id).." with the text:\n"..
"We have shared "..tostring(dialog.n_dialogs["d_dynamic"].tmp_count or 0)..
" such continous dynamic dialogs this time.\n"
-- the answers/options the player can choose from:
local answers = {"$GOOD_DAY$! My name is $PLAYER_NAME$.",
"Can I help you, $NPC_NAME$?",
"What is your name? I'm called $PLAYER_NAME$.", "Who is your employer?",
"What are you doing here?", "Help me, please!", "This is just a test.",
"That's too boring. Let's talk normal again!"}
-- store a topic for each answer so that the NPC can reply accordingly:
local topics = {"my_name", "help_offered", "your_name", "your_employer", "your_job",
"help_me", "test", "back"}
-- react to the previously selected topic (usually you'd want a diffrent new_text,
-- answers and topics based on what the player last selected; this here is just for
-- demonstration):
if(tmp_topic == "my_name") then
new_text = new_text.."Pleased to meet you, $PLAYER_NAME$!"
elseif(tmp_topic == "help_offered") then
new_text = new_text.."Thanks! But I don't need any help right now."
elseif(tmp_topic == "your_name") then
new_text = new_text.."Thank you for asking for my name! It is $NPC_NAME$."
elseif(tmp_topic == "your_employer") then
new_text = new_text.."I work for $OWNER_NAME$."
elseif(tmp_topic == "your_job") then
new_text = new_text.."My job is to answer questions from adventurers like yourself."
elseif(tmp_topic == "help_me") then
new_text = new_text.."I'm afraid I'm unable to help you."
elseif(tmp_topic == "test") then
new_text = new_text.."Your test was successful. We're talking."
new_text = new_text.."Feel free to talk to me! Just choose an answer or question."
-- With this answer/option, the player can leave the d_dynamic dialog and return..
local back_option_o_id = "o_"..tostring(#answers)
-- ..back to dialog d_1 (usually the start dialog):
local back_option_target_dialog = "d_1"
-- store some additional values:
if(d_id ~= "d_dynamic" or not(dialog.n_dialogs["d_dynamic"].tmp_count)) then
dialog.n_dialogs["d_dynamic"].tmp_count = 0
dialog.n_dialogs["d_dynamic"].tmp_count = dialog.n_dialogs["d_dynamic"].tmp_count + 1
-- actually update the d_dynamic dialog
return yl_speak_up.generate_next_dynamic_dialog_simple(
player, n_id, d_id, alternate_text, recursion_depth,
new_text, answers, topics, back_option_o_id, back_option_target_dialog)