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Version: 2.0 Author: Sokomine Liscence: GPLv3.0

Snow for stairs, slabs and nodeboxes. Due to the very nature of nodes in Minetest, the snow cannot handle all situations. Moresnow is made for roofs (which do look better with a snow cover in winter), slabs, fences etc.

The texture for the winter leaves (the snowy ones) is taken from Moontest, which can be found at

Autum and winter leaves

Fallen autumn leaves and winter leave blocks for trees can be enabled: moresnow.enable_autumnleaves = true They're pretty decorative.

Wool covers

The wool covers used to be defined for each wool color seperately. Many nodes were created. That's not ideal for servers.

If you did use an older version of the moresnow mod and players have used the wool layers for building, please set moresnow.enable_legacy_wool = true

All others are better off with just setting moresnow.enable_wool_cover = true

The new version creates nodes of the type moresnow:wool_multicolor. You can craft them like this: wool:white default:stick - - - - - - -

There are 64 colors available.

Note: In the following craft receipes, m stands for moresnow:wool_multicolor, and d stands for a dye of any color

In order to craft the one approximating wool colors best, craft: m d - - - - In order to get the darker variant, craft: m - d - - - In order to get plain colors (i.e. red, blue, ...), craft: m - - - d - In order to get pastel colors, craft: m - - - - d As there are 64 colors available and only 15 wool and dye colors, the extra four colors can be crafted by replacing the dye in the craft receipe above with wool:white.

Usage: Wield moresnow:wool_multicolor and place it either on flat ground for a carpet, on a stair, a slab, an inner or outer stair, a microblock or a panel. Less shapes than for moresnow are supported. After you've placed the wool layer and it has adjusted to the shape below, you can remove the stair or slab etc. that gave the wool its shape and replace that node with something else to your liking. Unlike the snow and leaves nodes, the wool is not a falling node and will stay where it is.

Snow cannon

The snow cannon is an easy way to cover an area (usually 8x8) with snow without having to place it manually. Set moresnow.enable_snow_cannon = true in order to enable the snow cannon as such.

If you set moresnow.crazy_mode = true then the snow cannon can be set into a mode where it shoots snowballs randomly around. They may land quite far away from the cannon. It is very fun to watch but perhaps not ideal for servers.

More documentation can be found in the Minetest forum and/or in the Wiki.