fixes + new algo #1

AliasAlreadyTaken merged 7 commits from :main into main 2024-09-14 22:24:55 +00:00

decided that this is a cool idea.

some random thoughs:

  • I would still prefere a loadstring solution in a zero env. Maybe mt devs / lua pros can tell us more about the risks of such a solution?
  • alg1 and alg3 follow the same idea, so I only fixed one of them
  • my algo doesn't crash with invalid input, it returns a string with the error if it can't parse the table
  • more testing needed: I'm quite sure there are still some ugly edge cases around
    • p.ex: the original algos had problems to parse string values correctly if they contained some special chars (,;={}[]"')
    • larger tables: I'm not sure how the algos will scale with long / very long input strings
    • Invalid input: is there a way this could be parsed like a valid table? I only tested my own algo against some cases of it...
  • errors: atm the scrips only return a very unhelpful "something went wrong" message if the table cannot be parsed. Do we need better messages? IMO there is no need, I would tell whoever submitted the table to fix it with tools of their liking...
decided that this is a cool idea. some random thoughs: - I would still prefere a loadstring solution in a zero env. Maybe mt devs / lua pros can tell us more about the risks of such a solution? - alg1 and alg3 follow the same idea, so I only fixed one of them - my algo doesn't crash with invalid input, it returns a string with the error if it can't parse the table - more testing needed: I'm quite sure there are still some ugly edge cases around - p.ex: the original algos had problems to parse string values correctly if they contained some special chars (,;={}[]"') - larger tables: I'm not sure how the algos will scale with long / very long input strings - Invalid input: is there a way this could be parsed like a valid table? I only tested my own algo against some cases of it... - errors: atm the scrips only return a very unhelpful "something went wrong" message if the table cannot be parsed. Do we need better messages? IMO there is no need, I would tell whoever submitted the table to fix it with tools of their liking...
tour added 4 commits 2024-09-13 16:32:34 +00:00
tour added 1 commit 2024-09-14 18:04:50 +00:00
tour added 2 commits 2024-09-14 18:41:31 +00:00
AliasAlreadyTaken merged commit bab8c2b629 into main 2024-09-14 22:24:55 +00:00
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Reference: AliasAlreadyTaken/test_string_to_table#1
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