2018-03-07 22:42:54 -08:00

484 lines
18 KiB

import os
import sys
import zlib
import nbt
import random
import time
import logging
from io import BytesIO
import sqlite3
from serialize import *
from itemstack import *
from tile_entities import te_convert
from entities import e_convert
logger = logging.getLogger('block')
class MCMap:
"""A MC map"""
def __init__(self, path):
self.world_path = os.path.join(path, "region")
self.chunk_pos = []
for ext in ["mca", "mcr"]:
filenames = [i for i in os.listdir(self.world_path)
if i.endswith("."+ext)]
if len(filenames) > 0:
self.ext = ext
chunkCounta = 0
chunkCountb = 0
for filename in filenames:
chunkCounta += 1
s = filename.split(".")
cx, cz = int(s[1])*32, int(s[2])*32
with open(os.path.join(self.world_path, filename), "rb") as f:
for chkx in range(cx, cx+32):
for chkz in range(cz, cz+32):
offset = ((chkx%32) + 32*(chkz%32))*4
if bytesToInt( != 0:
self.chunk_pos.append((chkx, chkz))
chunkCountb += 1
def getChunk(self, chkx, chkz):
return MCChunk(chkx, chkz, self.world_path, self.ext)
def getBlocksIterator(self):
num_chunks = len(self.chunk_pos)
chunk_ix = 0
t0 = time.time()
for chkx, chkz in self.chunk_pos:
if chunk_ix%10 == 0:
if chunk_ix > 0:
td = time.time() - t0 # wall clock time spent
tr = ((num_chunks * td) / chunk_ix) - td # time remaining
eta = "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d}".format(int(tr/3600), int(tr/60) %60, int(tr) % 60)
eta = "??:??:??"
print('Processed %d / %d chunks, ETA %s h:m:s' % (chunk_ix, num_chunks, eta), end='\r')
chunk_ix += 1
blocks = self.getChunk(chkx, chkz).blocks
for block in blocks:
yield block
class MCChunk:
"""A 16x16 column of nodes"""
def __init__(self, chkx, chkz, path, ext):
filename = os.path.join(path,
"r.{}.{}.{}".format(chkx//32, chkz//32, ext))
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
ofs = ((chkx%32) + 32*(chkz%32))*4
offset = bytesToInt( << 12
length = bytesToInt(
compression_type = bytesToInt(
data = - 1) # 1 byte for compression_type
if compression_type == 1: # Gzip
udata = zlib.decompress(data, 15+16)
elif compression_type == 2: # Zlib
udata = zlib.decompress(data)
raise ValueError("Unsupported compression type")
raw_data =['']['Level']
self.blocks = []
if ext == "mca":
# Anvil file format
for section in raw_data["Sections"]:
self.blocks.append(MCBlock(raw_data, (chkx, chkz), section["Y"], True))
for yslice in range(8):
self.blocks.append(MCBlock(raw_data, (chkx, chkz), yslice, False))
class MCBlock:
"""A 16x16x16 block"""
def __init__(self, chunk, chunkpos, yslice, is_anvil=True):
if is_anvil:
# the x axis has to be inverted to convert to minetest (the chunk location is at the L lower corner, so subtract one or there would be 2 chunks at 0).
# This converts the chunk location (node level data is converted by reverse_X_axis)
self.pos = (-chunkpos[0]-1, yslice, chunkpos[1])
# Find the slice
for section in chunk["Sections"]:
if section["Y"] == yslice:
self.pos = (chunkpos[0], yslice, chunkpos[1])
# No luck, we have to convert
self.from_chunk(chunk, yslice)
self.tile_entities = []
for te in chunk["TileEntities"]:
if (te["y"]>>4) == yslice:
t = te.copy()
# Entity data stores it's own position information, so has to be modified independently in addition to other blocks.
t["y"] &= 0xf
t["y"] = t["y"] -16
# within the chunk x position has to be inverted to convert to minetest:-
if is_anvil:
t["x"] = self.pos[0]*16 + 15-t["x"]%16
self.entities = []
for e in chunk["Entities"]:
t = e.copy()
def expand_half_bytes(l):
# This function reverses x axis node order within each slice, and
# expands the 4bit sequences into 8bit sequences
for y in range(0,2047,128):
for z in range(120,-1,-8):
#for z in range(0,127,8):
l2 = l[locSt:locSt+8]
#for i in reversed(l2):
for i in l2:
return l3
def reverse_X_axis(l):
# Anvil format is YZX ((y * 16 + z) * 16 + x)
# block data is actually u12 per data point (ie per node)
# but is split into u8 (='blocks') dealt with in reverse_X_axis() and u4 (='data') dealt with in expand_half_bytes()
# NB data, skylight and blocklight are only 4bits of data
# To convert minecraft to minetest coordinates you must invert the x order while leaving y and z the same
# 2017/02/14 : In order to have north on the good side, we'll rather invert Z axis
for y in range(0,4095,256):
#for z in range(0,255,16):
for z in range(240,-1,-16):
l2 = l[locSt:locSt+16]
#for i in reversed(l2):
for i in l2:
return l3
def from_section(self, section):
self.blocks = self.reverse_X_axis(section["Blocks"]) = self.expand_half_bytes(section["Data"])
self.sky_light = self.expand_half_bytes(section["SkyLight"])
self.block_light = self.expand_half_bytes(section["BlockLight"])
def extract_slice(data, yslice):
data2 = [0]*4096
k = yslice << 4
k2 = 0
# Beware: impossible to understand code
# Sorry, but it has to be as fast as possible,
# as it is one bottleneck
# Basically: order is changed from XZY to YZX
for y in range(16):
for z in range(16):
for x in range(16):
data2[k2] = data[k]
k2 += 1
k += 2048
k = (k&0x7ff)+128
k = (k&0x7f)+1
return data2
def extract_slice_half_bytes(data, yslice):
data2 = [0]*4096
k = yslice << 3
k2 = 0
k3 = 256 # One layer above the previous one
# Beware: impossible to understand code
# Even worse than before: that time we've got
# to extract half bytes at the same time
# Again, order is changed from XZY to YZX
for y in range(0, 16, 2): # 2 values for y at a time
for z in range(16):
for x in range(16):
data2[k2] = data[k]&0xf
data2[k3] = (data[k]>>4)&0xf
k2 += 1
k3 += 1
k += 1024
k = (k&0x3ff)+64
k = (k&0x3f)+1
k2 += 256 # Skip a layer
k3 += 256
return data2
def from_chunk(self, chunk, yslice):
self.blocks = self.extract_slice(chunk["Blocks"], yslice) = self.extract_slice_half_bytes(chunk["Data"], yslice)
self.sky_light = self.extract_slice_half_bytes(chunk["SkyLight"], yslice)
self.block_light = self.extract_slice_half_bytes(chunk["BlockLight"], yslice)
class MTBlock:
def __init__(self, name_id_mapping):
self.name_id_mapping = name_id_mapping
self.content = [0]*4096
self.mcblockidentifier = ['']*4096
self.param1 = [0]*4096
self.param2 = [0]*4096
self.metadata = {}
self.pos = (0, 0, 0)
def fromMCBlock(self, mcblock, conversion_table):
logger.debug('***fromMCBlock: Starting New Block***')
self.timers = []
self.pos = (mcblock.pos[0], mcblock.pos[1]-4, mcblock.pos[2])
content = self.content
mcblockidentifier = self.mcblockidentifier
param1 = self.param1
param2 = self.param2
blocks = mcblock.blocks
data =
skylight = mcblock.sky_light
blocklight = mcblock.block_light
# now load all the nodes in the 16x16x16 (=4096) block
for i in range(4096):
content[i], param2[i] = conversion_table[blocks[i]][data[i]]
param1[i] = max(blocklight[i], skylight[i])|(blocklight[i]<<4)
mcblockidentifier[i] = str(blocks[i]) + ':' + str(data[i])
def isdoor(b):
return b == 64 or b == 71 or (b >= 193 and b <= 197)
# water
if (blocks[i] == 9 or blocks[i] == 11) and (data[i] == 0):
content[i], param2[i] = conversion_table[blocks[i]][data[i]]
elif blocks[i] >= 8 and blocks[i] <= 11:
# nop, exit case
# pressure plates - append mesecons node timer
elif blocks[i] == 70 or blocks[i] == 72:
self.timers.append(((i&0xf)|((i>>4)&0xf)<<8|((i>>8)&0xf)<<4, 100, 0))
# rotate lily pads randomly
elif blocks[i] == 111:
param2[i] = random.randint(0,3)
# melon/pumpkin blocks
elif blocks[i] == 86 or blocks[i] == 103:
param2[i] = random.randint(0,23)
# grass of varying length randomly
elif blocks[i] == 31 and data[i] == 1:
content[i], param2[i] = conversion_table[931][random.randint(0,4)]
# fix doors based on top/bottom bits
elif isdoor(blocks[i]) and data[i] < 8: # bottom part
above = i + 256
if (above >= 4096):
logger.warning('Unable to fix door - top part is across block boundary! (%d >= 4096)' % above)
elif isdoor(blocks[above]) and data[above] < 8:
logger.warning('Unable to fix door - bottom part 0x%x on top of bottom part 0x%x!', data[i], data[above])
d_right = data[above] & 1 # 0 - left, 1 - right
d_open = data[i] & 4 # 0 - closed, 1 - open
d_face = data[i] & 3 # n,e,s,w orientation
alt = 964
if blocks[i] == 71:
alt = 966
content[i], param2[i] = conversion_table[alt][d_face|d_open|(d_right<<3)]
if d_right == 1:
self.metadata[(i & 0xf, (i>>8) & 0xf, (i>>4) & 0xf)] = ({ "right": "1" }, {})
elif content[i]==0 and param2[i]==0 and not (blocks[i]==0):
logger.warning('Unknown Minecraft Block:' + str(mcblockidentifier[i])) # This is the minecraft ID#/data as listed in map_content.txt
for te in mcblock.tile_entities:
id = te["id"]
x, y, z = -te["x"] - 1, te["y"], -te["z"] - 1
index = ((y&0xf)<<8)|((z&0xf)<<4)|(x&0xf)
f = te_convert.get(id.lower(), lambda arg: (None, None, None)) # Do nothing if not found
block, p2, meta = f(te)
logger.debug('EntityInfoPre: ' +str(te))
logger.debug('EntityInfoPost: ' +' y='+str(y)+' z='+str(z)+' x='+str(x)+' Meta:'+str(meta))
# NB block and p2 never seems to be returned, but if this is important, then just change the above 'meta' to 'f(te)'
if block != None:
blocks[index] = block
if p2 != None:
param2[index] = p2
if meta != None:
p = meta[0]["_plant"]
if p > 15:
content[index], param2[index] = conversion_table[941][p&0xf]
content[index], param2[index] = conversion_table[940][p]
self.metadata[(x&0xf, y&0xf, z&0xf)] = meta
for e in mcblock.entities:
id = e["id"]
f = e_convert.get(id.lower(), lambda arg: (None, None, None)) # Do nothing if not found
block, p2, meta = f(e)
def save(self):
os = BytesIO()
writeU8(os, 25) # Version
flags = 0x00
if self.pos[1] < -1:
flags |= 0x01 #is_underground
flags |= 0x02 #day_night_differs
flags |= 0x04 #lighting_expired
flags |= 0x08 #generated
writeU8(os, flags)
writeU8(os, 2) # content_width
writeU8(os, 2) # params_width
cbuffer = BytesIO()
# Bulk node data
content = self.content
k = 0
nimap = {}
rev_nimap = []
first_free_content = 0
for z in range(16):
for y in range(16):
for x in range(16):
#writeU16(cbuffer, content[k])
c = content[k]
if c in nimap:
writeU16(cbuffer, nimap[c])
nimap[c] = first_free_content
writeU16(cbuffer, first_free_content)
first_free_content += 1
k += 1
k += (256-16)
k += (16-16*256)
param1 = self.param1
k = 0
for z in range(16):
for y in range(16):
for x in range(16):
writeU8(cbuffer, param1[k])
k += 1
k += (256-16)
k += (16-16*256)
param2 = self.param2
k = 0
for z in range(16):
for y in range(16):
for x in range(16):
writeU8(cbuffer, param2[k])
k += 1
k += (256-16)
k += (16-16*256)
# Nodemeta
meta = self.metadata
cbuffer = BytesIO()
writeU8(cbuffer, 1) # Version
writeU16(cbuffer, len(meta))
for pos, data in meta.items():
writeU16(cbuffer, (pos[2]<<8)|(pos[1]<<4)|pos[0])
writeU32(cbuffer, len(data[0]))
for name, val in data[0].items():
writeString(cbuffer, name)
writeLongString(cbuffer, str(val))
serialize_inv(cbuffer, data[1])
# Static objects
writeU8(os, 0) # Version
writeU16(os, 0) # Number of objects
# Timestamp
writeU32(os, 0xffffffff) # BLOCK_TIMESTAMP_UNDEFINED
# Name-ID mapping
writeU8(os, 0) # Version
writeU16(os, len(rev_nimap))
for i in range(len(rev_nimap)):
writeU16(os, i)
writeString(os, self.name_id_mapping[rev_nimap[i]])
# Node timer
writeU8(os, 2+4+4) # Timer data len
writeU16(os, len(self.timers)) # Number of timers
if len(self.timers) > 0:'wrote ' + str(len(self.timers)) + ' node timers')
for i in range(len(self.timers)):
writeU16(os, self.timers[i][0])
writeU32(os, self.timers[i][1])
writeU32(os, self.timers[i][2])
return os.getvalue()
class MTMap:
def __init__(self, path):
self.world_path = path
self.blocks = []
def getBlockAsInteger(p):
return p[0]+4096*(p[1]+4096*p[2])
def fromMCMapBlocksIterator(mcmap, name_id_mapping, conversion_table):
for mcblock in mcmap.getBlocksIterator():
mtblock = MTBlock(name_id_mapping)
mtblock.fromMCBlock(mcblock, conversion_table)
yield mtblock
def fromMCMap(self, mcmap, nimap, ct):
self.blocks = self.fromMCMapBlocksIterator(mcmap, nimap, ct)
def save(self):
conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(self.world_path, "map.sqlite"))
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `blocks` (\
num_saved = 0
for block in self.blocks:
if num_saved%100 == 0:
#print("Saved", num_saved, "blocks")
num_saved += 1
cur.execute("INSERT INTO blocks VALUES (?,?)",
# (self.getBlockAsInteger((-block.pos[0],block.pos[1],block.pos[2])),
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Tests
from random import randrange
t = [randrange(256) for i in range(2048*8)]
assert(MCBlock.extract_slice(MCBlock.expand_half_bytes(t), 0)
== MCBlock.extract_slice_half_bytes(t, 0))
from time import time
t0 = time()
s1 = MCBlock.extract_slice(MCBlock.expand_half_bytes(t), 1)
t0 = time()
s2 = MCBlock.extract_slice_half_bytes(t, 1)
assert(s1 == s2)