484 lines
18 KiB
484 lines
18 KiB
import os
import sys
import zlib
import nbt
import random
import time
import logging
from io import BytesIO
import sqlite3
from serialize import *
from itemstack import *
from tile_entities import te_convert
from entities import e_convert
logger = logging.getLogger('block')
class MCMap:
"""A MC map"""
def __init__(self, path):
self.world_path = os.path.join(path, "region")
self.chunk_pos = []
for ext in ["mca", "mcr"]:
filenames = [i for i in os.listdir(self.world_path)
if i.endswith("."+ext)]
if len(filenames) > 0:
self.ext = ext
chunkCounta = 0
chunkCountb = 0
for filename in filenames:
chunkCounta += 1
s = filename.split(".")
cx, cz = int(s[1])*32, int(s[2])*32
with open(os.path.join(self.world_path, filename), "rb") as f:
for chkx in range(cx, cx+32):
for chkz in range(cz, cz+32):
offset = ((chkx%32) + 32*(chkz%32))*4
if bytesToInt(f.read(3)) != 0:
self.chunk_pos.append((chkx, chkz))
chunkCountb += 1
def getChunk(self, chkx, chkz):
return MCChunk(chkx, chkz, self.world_path, self.ext)
def getBlocksIterator(self):
num_chunks = len(self.chunk_pos)
chunk_ix = 0
t0 = time.time()
for chkx, chkz in self.chunk_pos:
if chunk_ix%10 == 0:
if chunk_ix > 0:
td = time.time() - t0 # wall clock time spent
tr = ((num_chunks * td) / chunk_ix) - td # time remaining
eta = "{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d}".format(int(tr/3600), int(tr/60) %60, int(tr) % 60)
eta = "??:??:??"
print('Processed %d / %d chunks, ETA %s h:m:s' % (chunk_ix, num_chunks, eta), end='\r')
chunk_ix += 1
blocks = self.getChunk(chkx, chkz).blocks
for block in blocks:
yield block
class MCChunk:
"""A 16x16 column of nodes"""
def __init__(self, chkx, chkz, path, ext):
filename = os.path.join(path,
"r.{}.{}.{}".format(chkx//32, chkz//32, ext))
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
ofs = ((chkx%32) + 32*(chkz%32))*4
offset = bytesToInt(f.read(3)) << 12
length = bytesToInt(f.read(4))
compression_type = bytesToInt(f.read(1))
data = f.read(length - 1) # 1 byte for compression_type
if compression_type == 1: # Gzip
udata = zlib.decompress(data, 15+16)
elif compression_type == 2: # Zlib
udata = zlib.decompress(data)
raise ValueError("Unsupported compression type")
raw_data = nbt.read(udata)['']['Level']
self.blocks = []
if ext == "mca":
# Anvil file format
for section in raw_data["Sections"]:
self.blocks.append(MCBlock(raw_data, (chkx, chkz), section["Y"], True))
for yslice in range(8):
self.blocks.append(MCBlock(raw_data, (chkx, chkz), yslice, False))
class MCBlock:
"""A 16x16x16 block"""
def __init__(self, chunk, chunkpos, yslice, is_anvil=True):
if is_anvil:
# the x axis has to be inverted to convert to minetest (the chunk location is at the L lower corner, so subtract one or there would be 2 chunks at 0).
# This converts the chunk location (node level data is converted by reverse_X_axis)
self.pos = (-chunkpos[0]-1, yslice, chunkpos[1])
# Find the slice
for section in chunk["Sections"]:
if section["Y"] == yslice:
self.pos = (chunkpos[0], yslice, chunkpos[1])
# No luck, we have to convert
self.from_chunk(chunk, yslice)
self.tile_entities = []
for te in chunk["TileEntities"]:
if (te["y"]>>4) == yslice:
t = te.copy()
# Entity data stores it's own position information, so has to be modified independently in addition to other blocks.
t["y"] &= 0xf
t["y"] = t["y"] -16
# within the chunk x position has to be inverted to convert to minetest:-
if is_anvil:
t["x"] = self.pos[0]*16 + 15-t["x"]%16
self.entities = []
for e in chunk["Entities"]:
t = e.copy()
def expand_half_bytes(l):
# This function reverses x axis node order within each slice, and
# expands the 4bit sequences into 8bit sequences
for y in range(0,2047,128):
for z in range(120,-1,-8):
#for z in range(0,127,8):
l2 = l[locSt:locSt+8]
#for i in reversed(l2):
for i in l2:
return l3
def reverse_X_axis(l):
# Anvil format is YZX ((y * 16 + z) * 16 + x)
# block data is actually u12 per data point (ie per node)
# but is split into u8 (='blocks') dealt with in reverse_X_axis() and u4 (='data') dealt with in expand_half_bytes()
# NB data, skylight and blocklight are only 4bits of data
# To convert minecraft to minetest coordinates you must invert the x order while leaving y and z the same
# 2017/02/14 : In order to have north on the good side, we'll rather invert Z axis
for y in range(0,4095,256):
#for z in range(0,255,16):
for z in range(240,-1,-16):
l2 = l[locSt:locSt+16]
#for i in reversed(l2):
for i in l2:
return l3
def from_section(self, section):
self.blocks = self.reverse_X_axis(section["Blocks"])
self.data = self.expand_half_bytes(section["Data"])
self.sky_light = self.expand_half_bytes(section["SkyLight"])
self.block_light = self.expand_half_bytes(section["BlockLight"])
def extract_slice(data, yslice):
data2 = [0]*4096
k = yslice << 4
k2 = 0
# Beware: impossible to understand code
# Sorry, but it has to be as fast as possible,
# as it is one bottleneck
# Basically: order is changed from XZY to YZX
for y in range(16):
for z in range(16):
for x in range(16):
data2[k2] = data[k]
k2 += 1
k += 2048
k = (k&0x7ff)+128
k = (k&0x7f)+1
return data2
def extract_slice_half_bytes(data, yslice):
data2 = [0]*4096
k = yslice << 3
k2 = 0
k3 = 256 # One layer above the previous one
# Beware: impossible to understand code
# Even worse than before: that time we've got
# to extract half bytes at the same time
# Again, order is changed from XZY to YZX
for y in range(0, 16, 2): # 2 values for y at a time
for z in range(16):
for x in range(16):
data2[k2] = data[k]&0xf
data2[k3] = (data[k]>>4)&0xf
k2 += 1
k3 += 1
k += 1024
k = (k&0x3ff)+64
k = (k&0x3f)+1
k2 += 256 # Skip a layer
k3 += 256
return data2
def from_chunk(self, chunk, yslice):
self.blocks = self.extract_slice(chunk["Blocks"], yslice)
self.data = self.extract_slice_half_bytes(chunk["Data"], yslice)
self.sky_light = self.extract_slice_half_bytes(chunk["SkyLight"], yslice)
self.block_light = self.extract_slice_half_bytes(chunk["BlockLight"], yslice)
class MTBlock:
def __init__(self, name_id_mapping):
self.name_id_mapping = name_id_mapping
self.content = [0]*4096
self.mcblockidentifier = ['']*4096
self.param1 = [0]*4096
self.param2 = [0]*4096
self.metadata = {}
self.pos = (0, 0, 0)
def fromMCBlock(self, mcblock, conversion_table):
logger.debug('***fromMCBlock: Starting New Block***')
self.timers = []
self.pos = (mcblock.pos[0], mcblock.pos[1]-4, mcblock.pos[2])
content = self.content
mcblockidentifier = self.mcblockidentifier
param1 = self.param1
param2 = self.param2
blocks = mcblock.blocks
data = mcblock.data
skylight = mcblock.sky_light
blocklight = mcblock.block_light
# now load all the nodes in the 16x16x16 (=4096) block
for i in range(4096):
content[i], param2[i] = conversion_table[blocks[i]][data[i]]
param1[i] = max(blocklight[i], skylight[i])|(blocklight[i]<<4)
mcblockidentifier[i] = str(blocks[i]) + ':' + str(data[i])
def isdoor(b):
return b == 64 or b == 71 or (b >= 193 and b <= 197)
# water
if (blocks[i] == 9 or blocks[i] == 11) and (data[i] == 0):
content[i], param2[i] = conversion_table[blocks[i]][data[i]]
elif blocks[i] >= 8 and blocks[i] <= 11:
# nop, exit case
# pressure plates - append mesecons node timer
elif blocks[i] == 70 or blocks[i] == 72:
self.timers.append(((i&0xf)|((i>>4)&0xf)<<8|((i>>8)&0xf)<<4, 100, 0))
# rotate lily pads randomly
elif blocks[i] == 111:
param2[i] = random.randint(0,3)
# melon/pumpkin blocks
elif blocks[i] == 86 or blocks[i] == 103:
param2[i] = random.randint(0,23)
# grass of varying length randomly
elif blocks[i] == 31 and data[i] == 1:
content[i], param2[i] = conversion_table[931][random.randint(0,4)]
# fix doors based on top/bottom bits
elif isdoor(blocks[i]) and data[i] < 8: # bottom part
above = i + 256
if (above >= 4096):
logger.warning('Unable to fix door - top part is across block boundary! (%d >= 4096)' % above)
elif isdoor(blocks[above]) and data[above] < 8:
logger.warning('Unable to fix door - bottom part 0x%x on top of bottom part 0x%x!', data[i], data[above])
d_right = data[above] & 1 # 0 - left, 1 - right
d_open = data[i] & 4 # 0 - closed, 1 - open
d_face = data[i] & 3 # n,e,s,w orientation
alt = 964
if blocks[i] == 71:
alt = 966
content[i], param2[i] = conversion_table[alt][d_face|d_open|(d_right<<3)]
if d_right == 1:
self.metadata[(i & 0xf, (i>>8) & 0xf, (i>>4) & 0xf)] = ({ "right": "1" }, {})
elif content[i]==0 and param2[i]==0 and not (blocks[i]==0):
logger.warning('Unknown Minecraft Block:' + str(mcblockidentifier[i])) # This is the minecraft ID#/data as listed in map_content.txt
for te in mcblock.tile_entities:
id = te["id"]
x, y, z = -te["x"] - 1, te["y"], -te["z"] - 1
index = ((y&0xf)<<8)|((z&0xf)<<4)|(x&0xf)
f = te_convert.get(id.lower(), lambda arg: (None, None, None)) # Do nothing if not found
block, p2, meta = f(te)
logger.debug('EntityInfoPre: ' +str(te))
logger.debug('EntityInfoPost: ' +' y='+str(y)+' z='+str(z)+' x='+str(x)+' Meta:'+str(meta))
# NB block and p2 never seems to be returned, but if this is important, then just change the above 'meta' to 'f(te)'
if block != None:
blocks[index] = block
if p2 != None:
param2[index] = p2
if meta != None:
p = meta[0]["_plant"]
if p > 15:
content[index], param2[index] = conversion_table[941][p&0xf]
content[index], param2[index] = conversion_table[940][p]
self.metadata[(x&0xf, y&0xf, z&0xf)] = meta
for e in mcblock.entities:
id = e["id"]
f = e_convert.get(id.lower(), lambda arg: (None, None, None)) # Do nothing if not found
block, p2, meta = f(e)
def save(self):
os = BytesIO()
writeU8(os, 25) # Version
flags = 0x00
if self.pos[1] < -1:
flags |= 0x01 #is_underground
flags |= 0x02 #day_night_differs
flags |= 0x04 #lighting_expired
flags |= 0x08 #generated
writeU8(os, flags)
writeU8(os, 2) # content_width
writeU8(os, 2) # params_width
cbuffer = BytesIO()
# Bulk node data
content = self.content
k = 0
nimap = {}
rev_nimap = []
first_free_content = 0
for z in range(16):
for y in range(16):
for x in range(16):
#writeU16(cbuffer, content[k])
c = content[k]
if c in nimap:
writeU16(cbuffer, nimap[c])
nimap[c] = first_free_content
writeU16(cbuffer, first_free_content)
first_free_content += 1
k += 1
k += (256-16)
k += (16-16*256)
param1 = self.param1
k = 0
for z in range(16):
for y in range(16):
for x in range(16):
writeU8(cbuffer, param1[k])
k += 1
k += (256-16)
k += (16-16*256)
param2 = self.param2
k = 0
for z in range(16):
for y in range(16):
for x in range(16):
writeU8(cbuffer, param2[k])
k += 1
k += (256-16)
k += (16-16*256)
# Nodemeta
meta = self.metadata
cbuffer = BytesIO()
writeU8(cbuffer, 1) # Version
writeU16(cbuffer, len(meta))
for pos, data in meta.items():
writeU16(cbuffer, (pos[2]<<8)|(pos[1]<<4)|pos[0])
writeU32(cbuffer, len(data[0]))
for name, val in data[0].items():
writeString(cbuffer, name)
writeLongString(cbuffer, str(val))
serialize_inv(cbuffer, data[1])
# Static objects
writeU8(os, 0) # Version
writeU16(os, 0) # Number of objects
# Timestamp
writeU32(os, 0xffffffff) # BLOCK_TIMESTAMP_UNDEFINED
# Name-ID mapping
writeU8(os, 0) # Version
writeU16(os, len(rev_nimap))
for i in range(len(rev_nimap)):
writeU16(os, i)
writeString(os, self.name_id_mapping[rev_nimap[i]])
# Node timer
writeU8(os, 2+4+4) # Timer data len
writeU16(os, len(self.timers)) # Number of timers
if len(self.timers) > 0:
logger.info('wrote ' + str(len(self.timers)) + ' node timers')
for i in range(len(self.timers)):
writeU16(os, self.timers[i][0])
writeU32(os, self.timers[i][1])
writeU32(os, self.timers[i][2])
return os.getvalue()
class MTMap:
def __init__(self, path):
self.world_path = path
self.blocks = []
def getBlockAsInteger(p):
return p[0]+4096*(p[1]+4096*p[2])
def fromMCMapBlocksIterator(mcmap, name_id_mapping, conversion_table):
for mcblock in mcmap.getBlocksIterator():
mtblock = MTBlock(name_id_mapping)
mtblock.fromMCBlock(mcblock, conversion_table)
yield mtblock
def fromMCMap(self, mcmap, nimap, ct):
self.blocks = self.fromMCMapBlocksIterator(mcmap, nimap, ct)
def save(self):
conn = sqlite3.connect(os.path.join(self.world_path, "map.sqlite"))
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `blocks` (\
num_saved = 0
for block in self.blocks:
if num_saved%100 == 0:
#print("Saved", num_saved, "blocks")
num_saved += 1
cur.execute("INSERT INTO blocks VALUES (?,?)",
# (self.getBlockAsInteger((-block.pos[0],block.pos[1],block.pos[2])),
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Tests
from random import randrange
t = [randrange(256) for i in range(2048*8)]
assert(MCBlock.extract_slice(MCBlock.expand_half_bytes(t), 0)
== MCBlock.extract_slice_half_bytes(t, 0))
from time import time
t0 = time()
s1 = MCBlock.extract_slice(MCBlock.expand_half_bytes(t), 1)
t0 = time()
s2 = MCBlock.extract_slice_half_bytes(t, 1)
assert(s1 == s2)