fix about and write Readme

This commit is contained in:
MisterE123 2022-02-20 12:38:13 -05:00
parent c2bf516c18
commit 082f56ca64
4 changed files with 114 additions and 130 deletions

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@ -1,139 +1,51 @@
# dactl
This is a periodic blog for sharing status updates with the minetest community. Check out the [about page] (
## Workflow
Blog editors have access to the repository. Their job is to curate the content submitted by the community and to create the periodic posts from the submitted content.
In the main directory, there are two important files:
The first is a basic template for each post, and the second is the staging area for the upcoming post.
Do not change the names of the files; the website builder automatically ignores *those* particular file names.
The workflow is as follows:
1) Delete last month's `YYYY-MM-DD-next_post.markdown`
2) copy `YYYY-MM-DD-sample_post.markdown` and rename it `YYYY-MM-DD-next_post.markdown`
3) Over the next month (or current period between posts), edit `YYYY-MM-DD-next_post.markdown` to contain the content for the next post:
* as issues are submitted on the [github issue tracker] ( and on the mirrored [gitlab issue tracker] (, Review the content provided in the issue and determine if it meets the [standards] (
* if it does, add it to the staging post. Organize the staging post by post type (headings are already given in the template). Include screenshots if they fit, and put a caption under them. We should only select 1 or 2 "Best of minetest" screenshots, and put them at the end of the post.
* place images in the /_posts/img folder
* close the issue as the content is added.
4) At the release time, Write a brief overview of the post in the overview section. Include the highlights only, not every detail. Choose or take a post cover image and link it in the header of the post. Also change the variables in the header as appropriate. Delete any headings in the post that do not have content, and their table of contents entry.
5) move the staging post into the _posts folder, and rename it to fit (`YYYY-MM-DD-postname.markdown`)
Thats it!
# dactl - Our web theme
dactl is a fast, modern and configurable [Jekyll]( theme with some tricks up it's sleeve. It has a live theme switcher and it's main blog layout display prominent hero images for posts with colored overlays and nice animations.
![light theme](uploads/screenshot_desktop_light.jpg)
![dark theme](uploads/screenshot_desktop_dark.jpg)
## Features
Though minimalistic-looking by nature, dactl is easily configurable and includes quite a lot of niceties:
Main features:
* Customizable blog layout - choose how your posts will be displayed
* Light/Dark live theme switcher
* Inline footnotes using [Barefoot](
* [IcoMoon]( custom icon set (~4kb)
* Typography and components size set in `rem` and `em` which makes them easily scalable
* Responsive design
Jekyll-specific features:
* Pagination (default: 5 posts per page)
* Fully compatible with Jekyll 3.x and GitHub Pages
* SEO optimized
* [Google Analytics]( support
* [Disqus]( comments support
* Syntax highlighter using [Rouge]( with numbered code lines
Other features:
* Archive page
* About page
* Tags functionality and tags pages
* Link posts functionality
Some of the features listed above can be easily configured or disabled by you.
## Information about dactl
At it's core, dactl is a forked version of [daktilo]( but it has been almost entirely rewritten from scratch.
I have just started my journey in the world of web development, learning new things on the way.
Looking for a way to put my newly acquired skills to test I found Jekyll and I quickly realized that it's going to be a good learning experience since I don't like building 'dummy' projects.
I've built this theme as a way to develop my skills further.
You can find credits at the bottom of this Readme file.
**All** feedback is welcome, both positive and negative.
## Installation
### Running locally
Assuming you've got Jekyll [installed](, clone or download this repo, `cd` to wherever you've put `dactl` folder and run `jekyll -s'`
### Hosting on GitHub
Fork this repo and rename it to ``... and that's it!
Your new dactl-themed Jekyll blog should be up and running at
## Usage
### Slight warning
dactl relies heavily on modern CSS properties such as [mix-blend-mode](, [-webkit-filter]( and [css variables]( so it may not work properly on older browsers.
It was tested with and works fully on webkit-powered browsers - Safari, Chrome, Vivaldi.
### Layout configurations
By default dactl uses blog layout which you can see below or check for yourself in the live version.
Main blog layout displays 5 posts. Each post has a heading contained in a medium-sized tile - with an color overlay over the background image. You need to set the image and color of the overlay in post's YAML front matter.
If you don't want to use images for post headings you can easily configure the layout to you needs by changing settings located in `configure.yml` file, both post and blog layout will adapt accordingly.
Options include:
* Use or don't use post heading images (Blog & Post)
* Show full post content or post excerpts (Blog)
* Show post titles only (Blog)
## Additional information about some features
### Hero images and blog layout
Liquid 'script' which is used to append correct hero image and overlay color as set in post YAML Front matter was written by me and while it's really basic it functions properly.
You can read more about it and see the code in `include/utils/hero.html`.
### Theme switcher
Theme switcher is made in vanilla Javascript and works using [CSS Variables]( Values (colors) specified for each variable are injected into `:root` on every page load.
User theme choice is saved in browser's [Local Storage]( and is persistent through sessions.
You can edit the colors of both Light and Dark themes in `themeswitcher.js` file found in `_assets/js/`.
### Inline Barefoot footnotes
dactl uses [Barefoot]( plugin to create nice looking inline footnotes from those generated by [kramdown](, daktl's markdown processor.
Barefoot description (from project's page):
>[Barefoot]( is a lightweight [Bigfoot.js]( alternative written in vanilla Javascript to create beautiful inline footnotes.
Barefoot grabs the common markup used for footnotes on the web, mostly generated by Markdown processors, and transform it into beautiful and meaningful footnotes.
### CSS
CSS is built by via Jekyll's SASS compiler. Source partial SASS files are located in `_sass` folder, included into `main.scss`, and compile to `main.css`.
### Additional pages
#### Archive page
Archive page displays all of your posts grouped by month. Under this page's title you'll find a Searchbox which is hooked up to DuckDuckGo's `:site` search and will open the results in a new tab.
You need to provide your blog's web address in `search_path` field found in `_config.yml` for it to work.
#### About page
About page displays your photo under the title (set in `config.yml`) and the content of
#### Tags & Tags Pages
Tags and tag pages are supported by using Jekyll's native collections functionality.
## Even more info
### Rems, font-size and scaling
dactl is built almost entirely with `rem`s (instead of pixels). `rem`s are like `em`s, but instead of building on the immediate parent's font-size, they build on the root element, `<html>`.
By default, dactl uses the following:
html {
font-size: 20px;
line-height: 1.6;
@media (max-width: 48rem) {
html {
font-size: 18px;
To easily scale your site's typography and components, simply customize the base font-sizes found in `_sass/variables.scss` file.
(Lifted from [here](
## Credits
### Resources used
- [](
- [Normalize.css]( - Nicolas Gallagher
- [Theme switcher]( - Fernando Paredes
- [Barefoot]( - Philip Gruneich
- [The Noun Project]( - Icon used as dactl's logo - [Artem Kovyazin](, icon used as 'avatar' in About [Drishya](
### Inspiration and thoughtful code-jacking
Inspiration and bits of things listed below are present inside dactl's code:
- [Daktilo]( - dactl is based on Daktilo and inherits it's one-column layout.
- [Hydejack]( - I've learned a lot about Jekyll when I took apart [@qwtel]('s excellent fork of [Hyde]( theme. I embraced his more partials = everything is easier to edit policy. Hydejack theme gave me an idea on how to create hero images liquid scripting, loading google fonts and using rem's/em's and more.
- [Minimal Mistakes]( - This guy makes awesome themes and writes a lot about Jekyll and it's more obscure use cases on his blog, [Made Mistakes]( Looking through his theme's code - Minimal Mistakes in particular - gave me lot of information about how to build a robust theme and how to make it configurable within `_config.yml`
- [Trophy]( - Link border slide animation SASS mixin which I slightly modified to be able to easily change the direction of the animation.
- Various blog posts about Jekyll and [Stackoverflow]( posts with useful [Liquid]( snippets.
## License
All parts of dactl Jekyll theme are free to use and abuse under the open-source [MIT license](
## TO DO
- [ ] Inline critical `.css` in `<head>` for faster load times
- [ ] Fix theme-switcher - sometimes it does not inject all of the colors properly on first page load and a refresh, fixes itself after switching the theme back and forth.

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@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
layout: post
title: "This Week in Minetest"
date: 2022-01-22 14:39:05 -0500
categories: jekyll update
# Table of contents
* [Briefing](#overview)
* [Engine](#engine)
* [Games](#games)
* [Mods](#mods)
* [Art/Builds](#art)
* [Server Spotlight](#s-spotlight)
* [Server News](#s-news)
* [In Other News](#o-news)
## Briefing <a name="overview"></a>
A short overview of today's post
## Engine News <a name="engine"></a>
What has been happening in engine development?
## Game News <a name="games"></a>
What new games have been released and what new features have been added to games for Minetest?
## Mod News <a name="mods"></a>
New mods and major Mod development updates
## Art and Builds <a name="art"></a>
Amazing builds, Minetest-related art
## Server Spotlight <a name="s-spotlight"></a>
If there is a server that wants to be advertised here, A paragraph and screenshots.
One server per article
## Server News <a name="s-news"></a>
Small news blips for servers in general. Great for announcing new servers, server events, major server updates, etc.
## In Other News <a name="s-news"></a>
Anything else that is news-worthy but doesnt fit in the other categories.
## Continue the Discussion:
<iframe src="" style="width: 100%; height: 400px; border: 0px"></iframe>

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@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ blog:
# Author info
fullname : Minetest
fullname : #Minetest
rss : true # generate RSS feed and show it's icon in header
mail : # change to your e-mail address
twitter : #twitter-user-name

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ Are you working with minetest? We'd love to know what's new with you! If you hav
We ask that you follow these guidelines when making issues to submit post content:
* In the issue, format the issue title like: ` [content] <content description>` replace `<content description>` with a very brief title/description of your submission.
* In the issue, format the issue title like: ` [content] content description`. Replace `content description` with a very brief title/description of your submission.
* Include who is working on the project
* Include a brief description. Keep it short. Links to further details are encouraged.
* Do not post about extremely trivial updates. Actually share project status updates, news or something new. While shills are allowed/encouraged to a degree, you need a good excuse to shill your project. No "hey check out my project that I made last year". New projects, major updates, and events are all good "excuses".