Initial commit

This commit is contained in:
h-v-smacker 2017-11-20 03:52:00 +03:00
parent 27a8ccd8a5
commit 74e18776e7
23 changed files with 285 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -1,2 +1,32 @@
# canned_food
Canned fruits/vegetables, and jams for Minetest game
# Canned Food
This mod introduces a variety of canned foods to add some pleasant variety into the available
assrtment of foods and item uses. It relies on the glass bottle from the default vessels mod,
giving this otherwise little used item a considerable purpose.
All products are defined by shapless recipes, and yield items which can be placed in the
real world. Although the cans with non-symmetrical items on labels look good only from
half of the angles.
The recipes follow the scheme of "glass bottle" + "produce" [ + "sugar" ]
The default 4 items do not require sugar, even though 3 of those are jams and probably
would taste horribly IRL without sugar:
* Apple jam
* Canned brown mushrooms
* Rose petal jam
* Dandelion jam
This is to guarantee that they will always be available in vanilla game. As you can notice,
canning also turns two othwerise inedible objects into food.
Ethereal and farming (redo) mods introduce items that can be canned, too.
Some of them (jams) require sugar as the third ingredient. So some of them require both mods.
The mason jars with canned food can be put into vessel storage shelves. Or put on display
just like the glass vessels can, and destroyed by hand (retreiving the item).
The benefit of canning the food is higher nutritional value (since shelf life is irrelevant
in minetest game, where food never goes bad), this is a "reward" for going through effort
to obtain the glass vessels. When the contents of the jasr are consumed,
the player is left with an empty glass bottle which can be reused.

depends.txt Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

init.lua Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
-- Introduces new food types to add some variety. All of them rely on glass bottles
-- from the default vessels mod, which otherwise sees very little use. In vanilla game,
-- at least 4 new types will be available, two of which will also turn inedible items
-- into edible food. With farming (redo) and ethereal, pretty much anything that can
-- be harvested can also be canned.
Definition scheme
internal_name_of_the_product = {
proper_name = Human-readable name,
found_in = mod name where the source object is introduced
obj_name = name of source object (internal, without "modname:")
orig_nutritional_value = self-explanatory
amount = how many objects are needed to fill a bottle /not implemented/
sugar = boolean, set if needs sugar (jams) or not
image files for items must follow the scheme "internal_name_of_the_product.png"
local canned_food_definitions = {
apple_jam = {
proper_name = "Apple jam",
found_in = "default",
obj_name = "apple",
orig_nutritional_value = 2,
amount = 3,
sugar = false -- must not use sugar to be available in vanilla
dandelion_jam = {
proper_name = "Dandelion jam",
found_in = "flowers",
obj_name = "dandelion_yellow",
orig_nutritional_value = 1,
amount = 5,
sugar = false -- must not use sugar to be available in vanilla
rose_jam = {
proper_name = "Rose petal jam",
found_in = "flowers",
obj_name = "rose",
orig_nutritional_value = 1,
amount = 5,
sugar = false -- must not use sugar to be available in vanilla
canned_mushrooms = {
proper_name = "Canned mushrooms",
found_in = "flowers",
obj_name = "mushroom_brown",
orig_nutritional_value = 1,
amount = 5,
sugar = false
orange_jam = {
proper_name = "Orange jam",
found_in = "ethereal",
obj_name = "orange",
orig_nutritional_value = 2,
amount = 3,
sugar = true
banana_jam = {
proper_name = "Banana jam",
found_in = "ethereal",
obj_name = "banana",
orig_nutritional_value = 1,
amount = 5,
sugar = true
strawberry_jam = {
proper_name = "Strawberry jam",
found_in = "ethereal",
obj_name = "strawberry",
orig_nutritional_value = 1,
amount = 5,
sugar = true
blueberry_jam = {
proper_name = "Blueberry jam",
found_in = "farming",
obj_name = "blueberries",
orig_nutritional_value = 1,
amount = 6,
sugar = true
raspberry_jam = {
proper_name = "Raspberry jam",
found_in = "farming",
obj_name = "raspberries",
orig_nutritional_value = 1,
amount = 6,
sugar = true
grape_jam = {
proper_name = "Grape jam",
found_in = "farming",
obj_name = "grapes",
orig_nutritional_value = 2,
amount = 4,
sugar = true
rhubarb_jam = {
proper_name = "Rhubarb jam",
found_in = "farming",
obj_name = "rhubarb",
orig_nutritional_value = 1,
amount = 6,
sugar = true
melon_jam = {
proper_name = "Melon jam",
found_in = "farming",
obj_name = "melon_slice",
orig_nutritional_value = 2,
amount = 3,
sugar = true
canned_carrot = {
proper_name = "Canned carrots",
found_in = "farming",
obj_name = "carrot",
orig_nutritional_value = 4,
amount = 3,
sugar = false
-- canned_potato = {
-- proper_name = "Canned potatoes",
-- found_in = "farming",
-- obj_name = "potato",
-- orig_nutritional_value = 1,
-- amount = 5,
-- sugar = false
-- },
canned_cucumber = {
-- aka pickles
proper_name = "Pickles",
found_in = "farming",
obj_name = "cucumber",
orig_nutritional_value = 4,
amount = 3,
sugar = false
canned_tomato = {
proper_name = "Canned tomatoes",
found_in = "farming",
obj_name = "tomato",
orig_nutritional_value = 4,
amount = 3,
sugar = false
canned_corn = {
proper_name = "Canned corn",
found_in = "farming",
obj_name = "corn",
orig_nutritional_value = 3,
amount = 3,
sugar = false
canned_beans = {
proper_name = "Canned beans",
found_in = "farming",
obj_name = "beans",
orig_nutritional_value = 1,
amount = 6,
sugar = false
canned_coconut = {
proper_name = "Canned coconut",
found_in = "ethereal",
obj_name = "coconut_slice",
orig_nutritional_value = 1,
amount = 5,
sugar = false
canned_pumpkin = {
proper_name = "Canned pumpkin puree",
found_in = "farming",
obj_name = "pumpkin_slice",
orig_nutritional_value = 2,
amount = 3,
sugar = false
-- creating all objects with one universal scheme
for product, def in pairs(canned_food_definitions) do
if minetest.get_modpath(def.found_in) then
if def.sugar and minetest.get_modpath("farming") or not def.sugar then
-- introducing a new item, a bit more nutricious than the source
-- material when sugar is used.
minetest.register_node("canned_food:" .. product, {
description = def.proper_name,
drawtype = "plantlike",
tiles = {product .. ".png"},
inventory_image = product .. ".png",
wield_image = product .. ".png",
paramtype = "light",
is_ground_content = false,
walkable = false,
selection_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {-0.25, -0.5, -0.25, 0.25, 0.3, 0.25}
groups = { canned_food = 1,
vessel = 1,
dig_immediate = 3,
attached_node = 1 },
-- canned food prolongs shelf life IRL, but in minetest food never
-- goes bad. Instead, we will reward the effort with 2x higher
-- nutritional value, even if that's not realistic.
-- when (and if) the 'amount' could be taken into account, the
-- rate could also be adjusted
on_use = minetest.item_eat(
math.floor (def.orig_nutritional_value * 2)
+ (def.sugar and 1 or 0), "vessels:glass_bottle"),
-- the empty bottle stays, of course
sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults(),
-- a family of shapeless recipes, with sugar for jams
-- except for apple: there should be at least 1 jam guaranteed
-- to be available in vanilla game (and mushrooms are the guaranteed
-- regular - not sweet - canned food)
if def.sugar then
type = "shapeless",
output = "canned_food:" .. product,
recipe = {"vessels:glass_bottle", "farming:sugar",
def.found_in .. ":" .. def.obj_name},
type = "shapeless",
output = "canned_food:" .. product,
recipe = {"vessels:glass_bottle",
def.found_in .. ":" .. def.obj_name},
-- The Moor has done his duty, the Moor can go
canned_food_definitions = nil

textures/#example_apple.xcf Normal file

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textures/apple_jam.png Normal file

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textures/banana_jam.png Normal file

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textures/blueberry_jam.png Normal file

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 630 B

textures/canned_beans.png Normal file

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textures/canned_carrot.png Normal file

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textures/canned_coconut.png Normal file

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textures/canned_corn.png Normal file

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textures/canned_pumpkin.png Normal file

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textures/canned_tomato.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


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textures/dandelion_jam.png Normal file

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textures/grape_jam.png Normal file

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textures/melon_jam.png Normal file

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textures/orange_jam.png Normal file

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textures/raspberry_jam.png Normal file

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textures/rhubarb_jam.png Normal file

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textures/rose_jam.png Normal file

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textures/strawberry_jam.png Normal file

Binary file not shown.


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