new pitch correction

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Alexsandro Percy 2022-05-11 12:21:53 -03:00
parent dd6218b52c
commit 7db1f4cb4c
1 changed files with 11 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -281,6 +281,17 @@ function airutils.get_plane_pitch(velocity, longit_speed, min_speed, angle_of_at
return math.rad(pitch_by_longit_speed) + v_speed_factor
function airutils.adjust_attack_angle_by_speed(angle_of_attack, min_angle, max_angle, limit, longit_speed, ideal_step, dtime)
--coloca em nivel gradualmente
local factor = 0
if angle_of_attack > max_angle then factor = -1 end
if angle_of_attack < min_angle then factor = 1 end
local correction = (limit*(longit_speed/5000)) * factor * (dtime/ideal_step)
--minetest.chat_send_all("angle: "..angle_of_attack.." - correction: "..correction)
local new_angle_of_attack = angle_of_attack + correction
return new_angle_of_attack
function airutils.set_paint(self, puncher, itmstck, texture_name)
local item_name = ""
if itmstck then item_name = itmstck:get_name() end