2023-05-05 09:19:41: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5410,9,7767) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-05 12:39:05: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5418,8,7769) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-05 15:50:19: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5413,9,7767) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-05 16:03:07: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5415,8,7767) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:47:36: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 304.51 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:47:48: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 316.51 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:47:52: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 320.51 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:48:03: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 332.51 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:48:25: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 354.50 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:48:27: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 356.50 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:48:56: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 386.49 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:48:58: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 388.49 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:49:10: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 400.47 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:49:20: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 411.47 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:49:22: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 413.50 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:49:24: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 415.50 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:49:26: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 417.52 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:49:28: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 419.52 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:49:32: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 423.51 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:49:34: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 425.51 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:49:40: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 431.48 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:49:49: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 441.48 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:50:01: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 453.51 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:50:07: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 459.51 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:50:11: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 463.51 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:50:17: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 469.51 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:50:25: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 477.45 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:50:27: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 478.45 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:50:44: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 496.45 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:50:46: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 498.45 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:50:50: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 502.45 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:50:52: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 504.45 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:50:58: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 510.51 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:51:06: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 518.51 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:51:08: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 520.48 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:51:10: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 522.48 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:51:20: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 532.45 seconds ago 2023-05-05 17:51:22: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:sandstone 3" dropped at (5413,9,7769) by , 533.45 seconds ago 2023-05-05 19:44:02: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5411,9,7769) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-06 01:09:34: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5413,9,7764) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-06 01:09:34: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5413,9,7764) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-06 01:52:44: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5419,9,7768) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:04:59: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:01: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:raw_rabbit" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 1.41 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:01: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:02: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:03: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:wolf_set 1 0 \"\\u0001description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Wolf\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Female\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Dark_grey\\u001bE\\u0003staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen2\\\"] = 1, [\\\"gen1\\\"] = 8}, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"convert_count\\\"] = 5, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1444, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 2}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 20, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 2}\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.61 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:03: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:piggy_set 1 0 \"\\u0001description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Piggy\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\u0003staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1288, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\"}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 10, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 1.97 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:07: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:08: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:raw_chicken" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 1.74 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:12: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:12: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:puppy_set 1 0 \"\\u0001description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Puppy\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\u0003staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"sleep_end_time\\\"] = 2868, [\\\"status\\\"] = \\\"sleep\\\", [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 2141, [\\\"sleep_start_time\\\"] = 4332, [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 8, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.38 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:13: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:14: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:calf_set 1 0 \"\\u0001description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Calf\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Male\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Black_white\\u001bE\\u0003staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen2\\\"] = 2, [\\\"gen1\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 569, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = true, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 15, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.99 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:17: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:18: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "ethereal:fern_tubers" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 1.08 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:19: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:19: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:goat_set 1 0 \"\\u0001description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Goat\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\u0003staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 335, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = true, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 15, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.75 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:25: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:26: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:flamingo_set 1 0 \"\\u0001description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Flamingo\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Pink\\u001bE\\u0003staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1799, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 10, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.94 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:29: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:30: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:puppy_set 1 0 \"\\u0001description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Puppy\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\u0003staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 296, [\\\"sleep_start_time\\\"] = 4462, [\\\"sleep_end_time\\\"] = 2738, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 3}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 8, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 3}\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.75 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:30: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:32: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:bunny_set 1 0 \"\\u0001description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Bunny\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Male\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Brown\\u001bE\\u0003staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen2\\\"] = 1, [\\\"gen1\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = true, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"sleep_end_time\\\"] = 2143, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1134, [\\\"sleep_start_time\\\"] = 23442, [\\\"status\\\"] = \\\"sleep\\\", [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 8, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 1.46 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:32: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:33: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:34: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:kitty_set 1 0 \"\\u0001description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Kitty\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Female\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Camel\\u001bE\\u0003staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen2\\\"] = 10, [\\\"gen1\\\"] = 10}, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"status\\\"] = \\\"sleep\\\", [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 985, [\\\"sleep_start_time\\\"] = 12496, [\\\"sleep_end_time\\\"] = 16996, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 4}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 18, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 4}\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.75 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:34: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:bunny_set 1 0 \"\\u0001description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Bunny\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Male\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Brown\\u001bE\\u0003staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen2\\\"] = 10, [\\\"gen1\\\"] = 10}, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = true, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"sleep_end_time\\\"] = 1481, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1757, [\\\"sleep_start_time\\\"] = 22780, [\\\"status\\\"] = \\\"sleep\\\", [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 8, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 2.02 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:35: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:36: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:lamb_set 1 0 \"\\u0001description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Lamb\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Female\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)White\\u001bE\\u0003staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen2\\\"] = 10, [\\\"gen1\\\"] = 10}, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 937, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 8, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 1.17 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:36: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:38: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:lamb_set 1 0 \"\\u0001description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Lamb\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Female\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Grey\\u001bE\\u0003staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen2\\\"] = 1, [\\\"gen1\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1075, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 2}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 8, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 2}\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 1.88 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:39: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:40: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:kitty_set 1 0 \"\\u0001description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Kitty\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Male\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Brown\\u001bE\\u0003staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen2\\\"] = 1, [\\\"gen1\\\"] = 2}, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = true, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"status\\\"] = \\\"sleep\\\", [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1306, [\\\"sleep_start_time\\\"] = 13859, [\\\"sleep_end_time\\\"] = 18359, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 18, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.99 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:40: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:41: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:42: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:goat_set 1 0 \"\\u0001description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Goat\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\u0003staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1744, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = true, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 3}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 15, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 3}\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.56 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:42: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:bunny_set 1 0 \"\\u0001description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Bunny\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Female\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Gray\\u001bE\\u0003staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen2\\\"] = 1, [\\\"gen1\\\"] = 2}, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 2185, [\\\"sleep_start_time\\\"] = 21318, [\\\"sleep_end_time\\\"] = 19, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 2}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 8, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 2}\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 1.74 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:42: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-12 06:05:44: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:piggy_set 1 0 \"\\u0001description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Piggy\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\u0003staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1240, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = true, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 10, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 1.36 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:47:55: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:47:55: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "flowers:mushroom_brown 11" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.09 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:47:57: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:47:57: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:pony_set 1 0 \"\\u0001description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Pony\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Male\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)White\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Speed Stats\\u001bE: 3/2/4\\u0003staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"hp\\\"] = 15, [\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen1\\\"] = 6, [\\\"gen2\\\"] = 2}, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1624, [\\\"accel\\\"] = 4, [\\\"max_speed_reverse\\\"] = 2, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"max_speed_forward\\\"] = 3, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 2, [\\\"is_male\\\"] = true}, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 2}\\u0003\"" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 0.61 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:47:58: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:47:59: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:pony_set 1 0 \"\\u0001description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Pony\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Male\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Brown\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Speed Stats\\u001bE: 2/1/2\\u0003staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"hp\\\"] = 15, [\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen1\\\"] = 1, [\\\"gen2\\\"] = 7}, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 2567, [\\\"accel\\\"] = 2, [\\\"max_speed_reverse\\\"] = 1, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"max_speed_forward\\\"] = 2, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1, [\\\"is_male\\\"] = true}, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003\"" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 1.36 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:48:03: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:48:03: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:calf_set 1 0 \"\\u0001description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Calf\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Female\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Black_white\\u001bE\\u0003staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"hp\\\"] = 15, [\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1, [\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen1\\\"] = 2, [\\\"gen2\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1668}, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003\"" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 0.42 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:48:47: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:48:48: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:leather" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 0.85 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:48:49: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:48:50: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:beef 2" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 1.55 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:48:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:48:52: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:mini_lamb_chop 3" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 1.03 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:48:53: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:48:54: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:48:54: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "wool:white 3" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 1.55 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:48:54: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:goat_set 1 0 \"\\u0001description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Goat\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\u0003staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"hp\\\"] = 15, [\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1, [\\\"is_male\\\"] = true, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 2189}, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003\"" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 0.52 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:48:55: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:48:56: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:48:56: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "darkage:chalk 6" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.09 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:48:56: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:goat_set 1 0 \"\\u0001description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Goat\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\u0003staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"hp\\\"] = 15, [\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1600}, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003\"" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 1.32 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:48:58: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:49:00: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:49:00: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:gravel 2" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 1.74 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:49:00: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:coal_lump" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 0.33 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:49:01: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:49:02: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:leopard_skin" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 1.13 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:49:02: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:49:03: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:49:04: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:wolf_jaw" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 0.85 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:49:04: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:bunny_set 1 0 \"\\u0001description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Bunny\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Female\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Black\\u001bE\\u0003staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"hp\\\"] = 8, [\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen1\\\"] = 3, [\\\"gen2\\\"] = 3}, [\\\"sleep_start_time\\\"] = 21370, [\\\"sleep_end_time\\\"] = 71, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 3, [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 950}, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 3}\\u0003\"" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 1.93 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:49:06: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:49:06: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "darkage:chalk 99" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 0.38 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:49:07: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:49:08: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "darkage:chalk 99" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 1.03 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:49:09: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:49:10: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "darkage:chalk 99" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 1.55 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:49:11: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:49:12: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:49:12: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "darkage:chalk 99" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 1.22 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:49:12: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "darkage:chalk 99" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.05 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:49:13: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:49:14: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "darkage:chalk 99" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 0.75 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:49:15: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:49:16: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:piggy_set 1 0 \"\\u0001description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Piggy\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\u0003staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"hp\\\"] = 10, [\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1412}, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003\"" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 0.38 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:49:17: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "__builtin:item" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 0.00 seconds ago 2023-05-14 09:49:18: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:piggy_set 1 0 \"\\u0001description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Piggy\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\u0003staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"hp\\\"] = 10, [\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1, [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1335}, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003\"" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 0.89 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:raw_rabbit" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 694264.41 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:wolf_set 1 0 \"\\u0001staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen2\\\"] = 1, [\\\"gen1\\\"] = 8}, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"convert_count\\\"] = 5, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1444, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 2}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 20, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 2}\\u0003description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Wolf\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Female\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Dark_grey\\u001bE\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 694263.61 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:piggy_set 1 0 \"\\u0001staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1288, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\"}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 10, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Piggy\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 694264.97 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:raw_chicken" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 694264.74 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:puppy_set 1 0 \"\\u0001staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"sleep_end_time\\\"] = 2868, [\\\"status\\\"] = \\\"sleep\\\", [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 2141, [\\\"sleep_start_time\\\"] = 4332, [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 8, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Puppy\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 694263.38 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:calf_set 1 0 \"\\u0001staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen2\\\"] = 2, [\\\"gen1\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 569, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = true, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 15, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Calf\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Male\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Black_white\\u001bE\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 694263.99 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "ethereal:fern_tubers" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 694264.08 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:goat_set 1 0 \"\\u0001staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 335, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = true, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 15, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Goat\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 694263.75 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:flamingo_set 1 0 \"\\u0001staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1799, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 10, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Flamingo\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Pink\\u001bE\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 694263.94 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:puppy_set 1 0 \"\\u0001staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 296, [\\\"sleep_start_time\\\"] = 4462, [\\\"sleep_end_time\\\"] = 2738, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 3}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 8, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 3}\\u0003description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Puppy\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 694263.75 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:bunny_set 1 0 \"\\u0001staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen2\\\"] = 1, [\\\"gen1\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = true, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"sleep_end_time\\\"] = 2143, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1134, [\\\"sleep_start_time\\\"] = 23442, [\\\"status\\\"] = \\\"sleep\\\", [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 8, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Bunny\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Male\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Brown\\u001bE\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 694264.46 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:kitty_set 1 0 \"\\u0001staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen2\\\"] = 10, [\\\"gen1\\\"] = 10}, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"status\\\"] = \\\"sleep\\\", [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 985, [\\\"sleep_start_time\\\"] = 12496, [\\\"sleep_end_time\\\"] = 16996, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 4}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 18, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 4}\\u0003description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Kitty\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Female\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Camel\\u001bE\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 694263.75 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:bunny_set 1 0 \"\\u0001staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen2\\\"] = 10, [\\\"gen1\\\"] = 10}, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = true, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"sleep_end_time\\\"] = 1481, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1757, [\\\"sleep_start_time\\\"] = 22780, [\\\"status\\\"] = \\\"sleep\\\", [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 8, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Bunny\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Male\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Brown\\u001bE\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 694265.02 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:lamb_set 1 0 \"\\u0001staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen2\\\"] = 10, [\\\"gen1\\\"] = 10}, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 937, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 8, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Lamb\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Female\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)White\\u001bE\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 694264.17 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:lamb_set 1 0 \"\\u0001staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen2\\\"] = 1, [\\\"gen1\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1075, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 2}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 8, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 2}\\u0003description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Lamb\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Female\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Grey\\u001bE\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 694264.88 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:kitty_set 1 0 \"\\u0001staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen2\\\"] = 1, [\\\"gen1\\\"] = 2}, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = true, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"status\\\"] = \\\"sleep\\\", [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1306, [\\\"sleep_start_time\\\"] = 13859, [\\\"sleep_end_time\\\"] = 18359, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 18, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Kitty\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Male\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Brown\\u001bE\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 694263.99 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:goat_set 1 0 \"\\u0001staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1744, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = true, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 3}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 15, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 3}\\u0003description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Goat\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 694263.56 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:bunny_set 1 0 \"\\u0001staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen2\\\"] = 1, [\\\"gen1\\\"] = 2}, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 2185, [\\\"sleep_start_time\\\"] = 21318, [\\\"sleep_end_time\\\"] = 19, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 2}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 8, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 2}\\u0003description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Bunny\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Female\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Gray\\u001bE\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 694264.74 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:piggy_set 1 0 \"\\u0001staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1240, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = true, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"hp\\\"] = 10, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Piggy\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\u0003\"" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 694264.36 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "flowers:mushroom_brown 11" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 694263.09 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:pony_set 1 0 \"\\u0001staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"hp\\\"] = 15, [\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen1\\\"] = 6, [\\\"gen2\\\"] = 2}, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1624, [\\\"accel\\\"] = 4, [\\\"max_speed_reverse\\\"] = 2, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"max_speed_forward\\\"] = 3, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 2, [\\\"is_male\\\"] = true}, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 2}\\u0003description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Pony\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Male\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)White\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Speed Stats\\u001bE: 3/2/4\\u0003\"" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 694263.61 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:pony_set 1 0 \"\\u0001staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"hp\\\"] = 15, [\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen1\\\"] = 1, [\\\"gen2\\\"] = 7}, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 2567, [\\\"accel\\\"] = 2, [\\\"max_speed_reverse\\\"] = 1, [\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"max_speed_forward\\\"] = 2, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1, [\\\"is_male\\\"] = true}, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Pony\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Male\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Brown\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Speed Stats\\u001bE: 2/1/2\\u0003\"" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 694264.36 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:calf_set 1 0 \"\\u0001staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"hp\\\"] = 15, [\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1, [\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen1\\\"] = 2, [\\\"gen2\\\"] = 1}, [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1668}, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Calf\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Female\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Black_white\\u001bE\\u0003\"" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 694263.42 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:leather" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 694263.85 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:beef 2" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 694264.55 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:mini_lamb_chop 3" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 694264.03 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "wool:white 3" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 694264.55 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:goat_set 1 0 \"\\u0001staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"hp\\\"] = 15, [\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1, [\\\"is_male\\\"] = true, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 2189}, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Goat\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\u0003\"" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 694263.52 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "darkage:chalk 6" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 694263.09 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:goat_set 1 0 \"\\u0001staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"hp\\\"] = 15, [\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1600}, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Goat\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\u0003\"" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 694264.32 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:gravel 2" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 694264.74 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "default:coal_lump" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 694263.33 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:leopard_skin" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 694264.13 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:wolf_jaw" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 694263.85 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:bunny_set 1 0 \"\\u0001staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"hp\\\"] = 8, [\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"genes\\\"] = {[\\\"gen1\\\"] = 3, [\\\"gen2\\\"] = 3}, [\\\"sleep_start_time\\\"] = 21370, [\\\"sleep_end_time\\\"] = 71, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 3, [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 950}, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 3}\\u0003description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Bunny\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Gender\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Female\\u001bE\\n\\u001b(T@petz)Color\\u001bE: \\u001b(T@petz)Black\\u001bE\\u0003\"" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 694264.93 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "darkage:chalk 99" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 694263.38 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "darkage:chalk 99" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 694264.03 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "darkage:chalk 99" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 694264.55 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "darkage:chalk 99" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 694264.22 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "darkage:chalk 99" dropped at (5417,8,7762) by , 694263.05 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "darkage:chalk 99" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 694263.75 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:piggy_set 1 0 \"\\u0001staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"hp\\\"] = 10, [\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1412}, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Piggy\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\u0003\"" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 694263.38 seconds ago 2023-05-16 20:36:51: ACTION[Server]: [yl_commons] [builtin] preparing to unload "petz:piggy_set 1 0 \"\\u0001staticdata\\u0002return {[\\\"hp\\\"] = 10, [\\\"memory\\\"] = {[\\\"owner\\\"] = \\\"daydream\\\", [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1, [\\\"is_male\\\"] = false, [\\\"tamed\\\"] = true, [\\\"lifetime\\\"] = 1335}, [\\\"texture_no\\\"] = 1}\\u0003description\\u0002\\u001b(T@petz)Piggy\\u001bE (\\u001b(T@petz)Tamed\\u001bE)\\u0003\"" dropped at (5416,8,7762) by , 694263.89 seconds ago