
272 lines
11 KiB

yl_speak_up = {}
-- human-readable version
yl_speak_up.version = "05.11.23 first publication"
-- some mods (i.e. yl_speak_up_addons) need to be called again when
-- this mod is reloaded via chat command "/npc_talk_reload";
-- this is a list of such functions
yl_speak_up.inform_when_reloaded = {}
yl_speak_up.register_on_reload = function(fun, desc)
-- avoid double entries
for i, f in ipairs(yl_speak_up.inform_when_reloaded) do
if(f == fun) then
table.insert(yl_speak_up.inform_when_reloaded, fun)
minetest.log("action","[MOD] yl_speak_up Will execute function \""..tostring(desc)..
"\" on each reload.")
-- execute it once so that the calling mod doesn't have to do that manually
local modpath = minetest.get_modpath("yl_speak_up")..DIR_DELIM
yl_speak_up.worldpath = minetest.get_worldpath()..DIR_DELIM
yl_speak_up.modpath = modpath
yl_speak_up.modstorage = minetest.get_mod_storage()
-- status
-- 0: NPCs may speak
-- 1: NPCs may not speak
-- 2: NPCs must selfdestruct on load. Their dialogs remain safed
yl_speak_up.status = yl_speak_up.modstorage:get_int("status") or 0
-- needed for assigning individual IDs (n_id) to NPC
yl_speak_up.number_of_npcs = yl_speak_up.modstorage:get_int("amount") or 0
-- we need to know how many quests exist in this world;
-- if a quest shall be copied to a new world, its variable needs to be created
-- manually first, then a quest beeing created, and *then* the quest file copied
yl_speak_up.number_of_quests = yl_speak_up.modstorage:get_int("max_quest_nr") or 0
-- which player (key) is talking to which NPC?
yl_speak_up.speak_to = {}
-- allow to request the highest possible version number for formspec_version
-- for each individual player; formspec_version...
-- ver 1 looks very bad because button height can't be set)
-- ver 2 works pretty well because the code has workarounds for the scroll elements
-- ver 3 is what this was developed with and looks best
yl_speak_up.fs_version = {}
-- used for storing custom functions only this server may have
yl_speak_up.custom_server_functions = {}
-- may store a table of registered mobs in the future; currently not really used
yl_speak_up.mob_table = {}
-- the real implementation happens in interface_mobs_api.lua
-- mob implementations may need this at an earlier point
yl_speak_up.mobs_on_rightclick = function(self, clicker)
if(not(yl_speak_up.do_mobs_on_rightclick)) then
return false
return yl_speak_up.do_mobs_on_rightclick(self, clicker)
yl_speak_up.mobs_after_activate = function(self, staticdata, def, dtime)
if(not(yl_speak_up.do_mobs_after_activate)) then
return false
return yl_speak_up.do_mobs_after_activate(self, staticdata, def, dtime)
-- Some files may or may not exist on the server - they contain adjustments
-- local to the server.
-- Here you can override what you need for YOUR SERVER.
-- Note: These files here are NOT part of the git repository and will NOT be
-- overwritten when the mod is updated. You need to maintain them
-- yourself for your server!
-- This is a local function for security reasons.
local yl_speak_up_execute_if_file_exists = function(reason)
local file_name = ""
if(reason == "config") then
-- This mod is configured through a config file. Here in this
-- file you can keep and maintain your own local config.
-- This file will be loaded and executed (if it exists) at
-- startup AND each time when the command /npc_talk_reload
-- is given.
file_name = modpath.."local_server_config.lua"
elseif(reason == "reload") then
-- Add functions that exist only on your server. This is for
-- example useful for overriding and adding functions found
-- in the file:
-- custom_functions_you_can_override.lua
-- This file will be loaded and executed (if it exists) at
-- startup AND each time when the command /npc_talk_reload
-- is given.
file_name = modpath.."local_server_do_on_reload.lua"
elseif(reason == "startup") then
-- Add functionality that exists only on your server and that
-- is exectuted only ONCE when this mod here is LOADED - not
-- each time the reload command is executed.
-- This is useful for calling minetest.register_* functions,
-- i.e. for registering new chat commands.
file_name = modpath.."local_server_do_once_on_startup.lua"
-- *only* the file names above are allowed
-- actually check if the file exists (it's optional after all)
local file, err = io.open(file_name, "r")
if(err) then
minetest.log("action","[MOD] yl_speak_up Ignoring non-existing file \'"..file_name..
"\' (may contain server-side adjustments).")
minetest.log("action","[MOD] yl_speak_up Found and executing file \'"..file_name..
"\' with server-side adjustments.")
-- the functions in here can be reloaded without restarting the server
-- log_entry: what to write in the logfile
yl_speak_up.reload = function(modpath, log_entry)
-- the server-specific configuration
dofile(modpath .. "config.lua")
-- Here you can override config values for YOUR SERVER.
-- those paths are set in config.lua - so make sure they exist
-- logging and showing the log
dofile(modpath .. "api/api_logging.lua")
-- players *and* npc need privs for certain things; this here handles the NPC side of things
dofile(modpath .. "npc_privs.lua")
-- add generic dialogs
dofile(modpath .. "add_generic_dialogs.lua")
-- handle on_player_receive_fields and showing of formspecs
dofile(modpath .. "show_fs.lua")
-- needs to be registered after show_fs.lua so that it can register its formspecs:
dofile(modpath .. "fs/fs_show_log.lua")
-- general decoration part for main formspec, trade window etc.
dofile(modpath .. "api/api_decorated.lua")
-- change dialog d_dynamic via an extra function on the fly when the player talks to the NPC:
dofile(modpath .. "dynamic_dialog.lua")
-- the formspec and input handling for the main dialog
dofile(modpath .. "api/api_talk.lua")
dofile(modpath .. "fs/fs_talkdialog.lua")
-- As the name says: a collection of custom functions that you can
-- override on your server or in your game to suit your needs;
-- Note: No special privs are needed to call custom functions. But...
-- of course you can change them only if you have access to
-- the server's file system or can execute lua code.
-- Note: Please do not edit this file. Instead, create and edit the
-- file "local_server_do_on_reload.lua"!
dofile(modpath .. "api/custom_functions_you_can_override.lua")
-- execute preconditions, actions and effects
dofile(modpath .. "exec_eval_preconditions.lua")
dofile(modpath .. "exec_actions.lua")
-- the formspecs for the actions:
dofile(modpath .. "fs/fs_action_npc_wants.lua")
dofile(modpath .. "fs/fs_action_npc_gives.lua")
dofile(modpath .. "fs/fs_action_text_input.lua")
dofile(modpath .. "fs/fs_action_evaluate.lua")
-- execute and apply effects:
dofile(modpath .. "exec_apply_effects.lua")
dofile(modpath .. "npc_talk_debug.lua")
-- execute lua code directly (preconditions and effects) - requires priv
dofile(modpath .. "eval_and_execute_function.lua")
-- provide the NPC with an initial (example) dialog and store name, descr and owner:
dofile(modpath .. "initial_config.lua")
-- set name, description and owner (owner only with npc_talk_master priv)
dofile(modpath .. "fs/fs_initial_config.lua")
-- inspect and accept items the player gave to the NPC
dofile(modpath .. "fs/fs_player_offers_item.lua")
-- inventory management, trading and handling of quest items:
dofile(modpath .. "api/api_inventory.lua")
dofile(modpath .. "fs/fs_inventory.lua")
-- limit how much the NPC shall buy and sell
dofile(modpath .. "api/api_trade.lua")
dofile(modpath .. "fs/fs_trade_limit.lua")
dofile(modpath .. "fs/fs_edit_trade_limit.lua")
-- trade one item(stack) against one other item(stack)
dofile(modpath .. "api/api_trade_inv.lua")
dofile(modpath .. "fs/fs_do_trade_simple.lua")
dofile(modpath .. "fs/fs_add_trade_simple.lua")
-- just click on a button to buy items from the trade list
dofile(modpath .. "fs/fs_trade_via_buy_button.lua")
-- easily accessible list of all trades the NPC offers
dofile(modpath .. "fs/fs_trade_list.lua")
-- handle variables for quests for player-owned NPC
dofile(modpath .. "quest_api.lua")
-- setting skin, wielded item etc.
dofile(modpath .. "api/api_fashion.lua")
-- properties for NPC without specific dialogs that want to make use of
-- some generic dialogs
dofile(modpath .. "api/api_properties.lua")
-- the main functionality of the mod
dofile(modpath .. "functions_dialogs.lua")
dofile(modpath .. "functions_save_restore_dialogs.lua")
dofile(modpath .. "functions_talk.lua")
-- implementation of the chat commands registered in register_once.lua:
dofile(modpath .. "chat_commands.lua")
-- show a list of all NPC the player can edit
dofile(modpath .. "api/api_npc_list.lua")
dofile(modpath .. "fs/fs_npc_list.lua")
-- this may load custom things like preconditions, actions, effects etc.
-- which may depend on the existance of other mods
dofile(modpath .. "addons/load_addons.lua")
-- some general functions that are useful for mobs_redo
-- (react to right-click, nametag color etc.)
-- only gets loaded if mobs_redo (mobs) exists as mod
dofile(modpath .. "interface_mobs_api.lua")
-- export dialog for cut&paste in .json format
dofile(modpath .. "export_to_ink.lua")
dofile(modpath .. "fs/fs_export.lua")
dofile(modpath .. "import_from_ink.lua")
-- edit_mode.lua has been moved to the mod npc_talk_edit:
-- dofile(modpath .. "editor/edit_mode.lua")
-- initialize and load all registered generic dialogs
if(log_entry) then
minetest.log("action","[MOD] yl_speak_up "..tostring(log_entry))
-- reload all mods that may have to add something as well
for i, f in ipairs(yl_speak_up.inform_when_reloaded) do
-- Add functionality that exist only on your server.
-- register all the necessary things; this ought to be done only once
-- (although most might work without a server restart as well; but we
-- better want to be on the safe side here)
dofile(modpath .. "register_once.lua")
-- Register things that are only used on your server.
-- load all those files that can also be reloaded without a server restart
-- load here for the first time:
yl_speak_up.reload(modpath, "loaded")