567 lines
22 KiB
567 lines
22 KiB
-- helper functions for export_to_ink_language:
-- this table will hold the functions for exporting to ink so that we don't fill that namespace too much
yl_speak_up.export_to_ink = {}
-- an abbreviation
local ink_export = yl_speak_up.export_to_ink
-- use d_name field (name of dialog) instead of n_<id>_d_<id>
local use_d_name = true
-- in order to be able to deal with multiple NPC in ink, we use the NPC id n_id
-- plus the dialog id d_id as a name prefix; o_id, a_id and r_id are appended
-- as needed
yl_speak_up.export_to_ink.print_knot_name = function(lines, knot_name, use_prefix, dialog_names)
if(knot_name and dialog_names[knot_name]) then
knot_name = dialog_names[knot_name]
knot_name = use_prefix..tostring(knot_name or "ERROR")
table.insert(lines, "\n\n=== ")
table.insert(lines, knot_name)
table.insert(lines, " ===")
return knot_name
-- execution of effects ends if an on_failure effect is reached; for ink to be able to
-- display effects (as tags) correctly, we need to add them at the right place - some
-- tags come after the option/choice, some after the last action (if there is an action),
-- some between on_failure actions (if they exist)
yl_speak_up.export_to_ink.add_effect_tags = function(text, sorted_e_list, effects, start_at_effect)
if(not(text)) then
text = ""
if(not(start_at_effect) or start_at_effect > #sorted_e_list) then
return text
for i = start_at_effect, #sorted_e_list do
local r_id = sorted_e_list[i]
if(effects and effects[r_id]) then
local r = effects[r_id]
if(r and r.r_type and r.r_type == "on_failure") then
-- end as soon as we reach the next on_failure dialog
return text
if(r and r.r_type and r.r_type ~= "dialog") then
if(text ~= "") then
text = text.."\n "
-- the dialog effect is something diffrent
text = text.."# effect "..tostring(r_id).." "..tostring(yl_speak_up.show_effect(r))
return text
-- choices are a bit complicated as they may contain alternate_text that is to be
-- displayed instead (in yl_speak_up) and before (in ink) shwoing the target dialog text;
-- also, the divert_to target dialog may need to be rewritten
yl_speak_up.export_to_ink.print_choice = function(lines, choice_text, use_prefix, start_dialog,
alternate_text, divert_to, only_once, label,
precondition_list, effect_list,
-- usually, options/answers/choices can be selected multiple times;
-- we support the default ink way of "*" as well (but only until the player stops talking,
-- not persistently stored)
if(not(only_once)) then
table.insert(lines, "\n+ ")
table.insert(lines, "\n* ")
-- helps to regcognize what has been changed how when importing again
if(label and label ~= "") then
table.insert(lines, "(")
table.insert(lines, tostring(label))
table.insert(lines, ") ")
-- are there any preconditions which can be handled by ink? most can not as they can
-- only be determined ingame (i.e. state of a block); even the value of variables may
-- have been changed externally
if(precondition_list and #precondition_list > 0) then
for _, p_text in ipairs(precondition_list) do
if(p_text ~= "") then
table.insert(lines, "{ ")
table.insert(lines, p_text)
table.insert(lines, " } ")
-- don't repeat the text of the choice in the output when running ink
table.insert(lines, "[")
table.insert(lines, choice_text)
table.insert(lines, "]")
-- dialogs, actions and effects can have an alternate_text with which they override the
-- text of the target_dialog/divert_to;
-- this isn't perfect as alternate_text supports $TEXT$ for inserting the text of the
-- target dialog anywhere in the alternate_text - while ink will print out this alternate_text
-- first and then that of the target dialog/divert_to
if(alternate_text and alternate_text ~= "") then
-- a new line and some indentation makes this more readable
table.insert(lines, "\n ")
table.insert(lines, alternate_text)
-- write the divert into a new line as well
table.insert(lines, "\n ")
-- setting a variable to a value is something we can model in ink as well
if(effect_list and #effect_list > 0) then
for _, e_text in ipairs(effect_list) do
table.insert(lines, "\n ~ ")
table.insert(lines, e_text)
-- the divert needs to be put into a new line
table.insert(lines, "\n")
-- actually go to the dialog this option leads to
table.insert(lines, " -> "..use_prefix)
if(not(start_dialog) or start_dialog == "") then
start_dialog = "d_1"
if(not(divert_to) or divert_to == "") then
-- go back to the start dialog (the start dialog may have been changed)
divert_to = tostring(start_dialog)
elseif(divert_to == "d_end" or divert_to == use_prefix.."d_end") then
-- go back to choosing between talking to NPC and end
divert_to = "d_end"
divert_to = tostring(divert_to)
if(dialog_names and dialog_names[divert_to]) then
divert_to = dialog_names[divert_to]
table.insert(lines, divert_to)
-- this prints the dialog as a knot - but without choices (those are added to the lines table later)
-- d: dialog
yl_speak_up.export_to_ink.print_dialog_knot = function(lines, use_prefix, d_id, d, dialog_names)
local knot_name = ink_export.print_knot_name(lines, d_id, use_prefix, dialog_names)
-- many characters at the start of a line have a special meaning;
-- hopefully they will not be obstrusive later on;
-- TODO: in order to be on the safe side: add a ":" in front of each line?
local t = d.d_text or ""
if(t == "") then
-- entirely empty text for knots does not work
t = "No text."
-- t = string.gsub(t, "\n([:>=])", "\n %1")
table.insert(lines, "\n")
table.insert(lines, t)
return knot_name
-- actions can fail *and* be aborted by the player; in order to model that in ink, we add
-- a knot for each action
-- Parameter:
-- a action
yl_speak_up.export_to_ink.print_action_knot = function(lines, use_prefix, d_id, o_id, start_dialog,
a, alternate_text_on_success, next_target, dialog_names,
local action_prefix = use_prefix.."action_"..tostring(a.a_id).."_"..tostring(o_id).."_"
local knot_name = ink_export.print_knot_name(lines, d_id, action_prefix, dialog_names)
table.insert(lines, "\n:action: ")
table.insert(lines, a.a_id)
table.insert(lines, " ")
table.insert(lines, yl_speak_up.show_action(a))
table.insert(lines, "A: "..minetest.serialize(a or {})..".")
ink_export.print_choice(lines, "Action was successful", use_prefix, start_dialog,
alternate_text_on_success, next_target, false, nil,
nil, e_list_on_success, dialog_names)
ink_export.print_choice(lines, "Action failed", use_prefix, start_dialog,
a.alternate_text, a.a_on_failure, false, nil,
nil, nil, dialog_names)
ink_export.print_choice(lines, "Back", use_prefix, start_dialog,
nil, tostring(d_id), false, nil,
nil, nil, dialog_names)
return string.sub(knot_name, string.len(use_prefix)+1)
-- there is a special on_failure effect that can lead to a diffrent target dialog and print
-- out a diffrent alternate_text if the *previous* effect failed; in order to model that in
-- ink, we add a knot for such on_failure effects
-- Parameter:
-- r effect/result
-- r_prev previous effect
yl_speak_up.export_to_ink.print_effect_knot = function(lines, use_prefix, d_id, o_id, start_dialog,
r, r_prev, alternate_text_on_success, next_target,
local effect_prefix = use_prefix.."effect_"..tostring(r.r_id).."_"..tostring(o_id).."_"
local knot_name = ink_export.print_knot_name(lines, d_id, effect_prefix, dialog_names)
table.insert(lines, "\n:effect: ")
table.insert(lines, r.r_id)
table.insert(lines, " ")
-- show text of the *previous effect* - because that is the one which may have failed:
table.insert(lines, yl_speak_up.show_effect(r))
table.insert(lines, "\nThe previous effect was: ")
table.insert(lines, r_prev.r_id)
table.insert(lines, " ")
-- show text of the *previous effect* - because that is the one which may have failed:
table.insert(lines, yl_speak_up.show_effect(r_prev))
ink_export.print_choice(lines, "Effect was successful", use_prefix, start_dialog,
alternate_text_on_success, next_target, false, nil,
nil, nil, dialog_names)
ink_export.print_choice(lines, "Effect failed", use_prefix, start_dialog,
r.alternate_text, r.r_value, false, nil,
nil, nil, dialog_names)
return string.sub(knot_name, string.len(use_prefix)+1)
-- which variables are used by this NPC?
yl_speak_up.export_to_ink.print_variables_used = function(lines, dialog)
if(not(dialog) or not(dialog.n_dialogs)) then
local vars_used = {}
for d_id, d_data in pairs(dialog.n_dialogs or {}) do
for o_id, o_data in pairs(d_data.d_options or {}) do
-- variables may be used in preconditions
for p_id, p in pairs(o_data.o_prerequisites or {}) do
-- we are checking the state of a variable
if(p and p.p_type and p.p_type == "state") then
-- store as key in order to avoid duplicates
vars_used[ p.p_variable ] = true
-- properties are comparable to variables
elseif(p and p.p_type and p.p_type == "property") then
vars_used[ "property "..p.p_value ] = true
for r_id, r in pairs(o_data.o_results or {}) do
if(r and r.r_type and r.r_type == "state") then
vars_used[ r.r_variable ] = true
elseif(r and r.r_type and r.r_type == "property") then
vars_used[ "property "..r.r_value ] = true
table.insert(lines, "\n")
-- we stored as key/value in order to avoid duplicates
for var_name, _ in pairs(vars_used) do
-- replace blanks with an underscore in an attempt to turn it into a legal var name
-- (this is not really sufficient as var names in yl_speak_up are just strings,
-- while the ink language expects sane var names like other lanugages)
-- TODO: this is not necessarily a legitimate var name!
local parts = string.split(var_name, " ")
table.remove(parts, 1)
local v_name = table.concat(parts, "_")
-- stor it for later use
vars_used[var_name] = v_name
-- add the variable as a variable to INK
table.insert(lines, "\nVAR ")
table.insert(lines, v_name)
table.insert(lines, " = false") -- start with undefined/nil (we don't know the stored value)
table.insert(lines, "\n")
return vars_used
-- which preconditions and effects can be modelled in ink?
-- in singleplayer adventures, properties can be relevant as well;
-- in multiplayer, other players may affect the state of the property
-- *some* functions may be relevant here:
-- (but not for variables)
-- * compare a variable with a variable
-- * counted dialog option visits
-- * counted option visits
-- types "true" and "false" can be relevant later on
-- small helper function
local var_with_operator = function(liste, var_name, op, var_cmp_value, vars_used)
-- visits are not stored as variables in ink
if(not(vars_used[var_name])) then
vars_used[var_name] = var_name
if(op == "~=") then
op = "!="
if(op=="==" or op=="!=" or op==">=" or op==">" or op=="<=" or op==">") then
table.insert(liste, tostring(vars_used[var_name]).." ".. op.." "..tostring(var_cmp_value))
elseif(op=="not") then
table.insert(liste, "not "..tostring(vars_used[var_name]))
elseif(op=="is_set") then
table.insert(liste, tostring(vars_used[var_name]))
elseif(op=="is_unset") then
table.insert(liste, tostring(vars_used[var_name]).." == false")
-- the following values for op cannot really be checked here and are not printed:
-- "more_than_x_seconds_ago","less_than_x_seconds_ago",
-- "quest_step_done", "quest_step_not_done"
yl_speak_up.export_to_ink.translate_precondition_list = function(dialog, preconditions, vars_used, use_prefix,
-- collect preconditions that may work in ink
local liste = {}
-- variables may be used in preconditions
for p_id, p in pairs(preconditions or {}) do
if(p and p.p_type and p.p_type == "state") then
-- state changes of variables may mostly work in ink as well
var_with_operator(liste, p.p_variable, p.p_operator, p.p_var_cmp_value, vars_used)
elseif(p and p.p_type and p.p_type == "property") then
-- same with properties
var_with_operator(liste, p.p_value, p.p_operator, p.p_var_cmp_value, vars_used)
elseif(p and p.p_type and p.p_type == "evaluate" and p.p_value == "counted_visits_to_option") then
-- simulate the visit counter that ink has in yl_speak_up
local tmp_var_name = use_prefix..p.p_param1
if(dialog_names[tmp_var_name]) then
tmp_var_name = use_prefix..dialog_names[tmp_var_name].."."..tostring(p.p_param2)
tmp_var_name = tmp_var_name.. "_"..tostring(p.p_param2)
var_with_operator(liste, tmp_var_name, p.p_operator, p.p_var_cmp_value, vars_used)
elseif(p and p.p_type and p.p_type == "true") then
table.insert(liste, p.p_type)
elseif(p and p.p_type and p.p_type == "false") then
table.insert(liste, p.p_type)
return liste
-- small helper function
local set_var_to_value = function(liste, var_name_full, op, val, vars_used)
if(not(vars_used[var_name_full])) then
vars_used[var_name_full] = var_name_full
local var_name = vars_used[var_name_full]
if(op == "set_to") then
table.insert(liste, tostring(var_name).." = "..tostring(val))
elseif(op == "unset") then
-- TODO: there does not seem to be a none/nil type in the Ink language
table.insert(liste, tostring(var_name).." = false ")
elseif(op == "maximum") then
table.insert(liste, tostring(var_name).." = max("..tostring(var_name)..", "..tostring(val))
elseif(op == "minimum") then
table.insert(liste, tostring(var_name).." = min("..tostring(var_name)..", "..tostring(val))
elseif(op == "increment") then
table.insert(liste, tostring(var_name).." = "..tostring(var_name).." + "..tostring(val))
elseif(op == "decrement") then
table.insert(liste, tostring(var_name).." = "..tostring(var_name).." - "..tostring(val))
-- not supported: "set_to_current_time", "quest_step"
yl_speak_up.export_to_ink.translate_effect_list = function(dialog, effects, vars_used)
-- collect effects that may work in ink
local liste = {}
-- variables may be set in effects
for r_id, r in pairs(effects or {}) do
if(r and r.r_type and r.r_type == "state") then
-- state changes of variables may mostly work in ink as well
set_var_to_value(liste, r.r_variable, r.r_operator, r.r_var_cmp_value, vars_used)
elseif(p and p.p_type and p.p_type == "property") then
-- same with properties
set_var_to_value(liste, r.r_value, r.r_operator, r.r_var_cmp_value, vars_used)
return liste
-- Note: use_prefix ought to be tostring(n_id).."_" or ""
yl_speak_up.export_to_ink_language = function(dialog, use_prefix)
local start_dialog = yl_speak_up.get_start_dialog_id(dialog)
if(not(start_dialog)) then
start_dialog = "d_1"
and dialog.n_dialogs
and dialog.n_dialogs[start_dialog]
and dialog.n_dialogs[start_dialog].d_name) then
start_dialog = dialog.n_dialogs[start_dialog].d_name
start_dialog = tostring(start_dialog)
-- prefix all dialog names with this;
-- advantage: several NPC dialog exports can be combined into one inc game
-- where the player can talk to diffrent NPC (which can have the
-- same dialog names without conflict thanks to the prefix)
-- use_prefix = tostring(n_id).."_"
if(not(use_prefix)) then
use_prefix = ""
-- go to the main loop whenever the player ends the conversation with the NPC;
-- this allows to create an additional dialog in INK where the player can then
-- decide to talk to multiple NPC - or to continue his conversation with the
-- same NPC
local main_loop = use_prefix.."d_end"
local tmp = {"-> ", main_loop,
"\n=== ", main_loop, " ===",
"\nWhat do you wish to do?",
"\n+ Talk to ", tostring(dialog.n_npc or prefix or "-unknown-"), " -> ", use_prefix..tostring(start_dialog),
"\n+ End -> END"}
local vars_used = ink_export.print_variables_used(tmp, dialog)
local sorted_d_list = yl_speak_up.get_dialog_list_for_export(dialog)
-- d_got_item may contain alternate texts - so it is of intrest here
-- (also links to other dialogs)
if(dialog.n_dialogs["d_got_item"]) then
table.insert(sorted_d_list, "d_got_item")
-- maybe not that useful to set up this one in inK; add it for completeness
if(dialog.n_dialogs["d_trade"]) then
table.insert(sorted_d_list, "d_trade")
-- make use of dialog names if wanted
local dialog_names = {}
for i, d_id in ipairs(sorted_d_list) do
if(use_d_name) then
local n = tostring(d_id)
local d = dialog.n_dialogs[d_id]
dialog_names[n] = (d.d_name or n)
for i, d_id in ipairs(sorted_d_list) do
-- store the knots for actions and effects here:
local tmp2 = {}
local d = dialog.n_dialogs[d_id]
-- print the dialog knot, but without choices (those we add in the following loop)
local this_knot_name = ink_export.print_dialog_knot(tmp, use_prefix, d_id, d, dialog_names)
-- iterate over all options
local sorted_o_list = yl_speak_up.get_sorted_options(dialog.n_dialogs[d_id].d_options or {}, "o_sort")
for j, o_id in ipairs(sorted_o_list) do
local o_data = d.d_options[o_id]
local sorted_a_list = yl_speak_up.sort_keys(o_data.actions or {})
local sorted_e_list = yl_speak_up.sort_keys(o_data.o_results or {})
-- we will get alternate_text from the dialog result later on
local alternate_text_on_success = ""
local target_dialog = nil
-- what is the normal target dialog/divert (in ink language) of this dialog?
for k, r_id in ipairs(sorted_e_list) do
local r = o_data.o_results[r_id]
if(r and r.r_type and r.r_type == "dialog") then
target_dialog = tostring(r.r_value)
alternate_text_on_success = r.alternate_text or ""
-- iterate backwards through the effects and serach for on_failure;
-- the first effect cannot be an on_failure effect because on_failure effects
-- decide on failure/success of the *previous* effect
for k = #sorted_e_list, 2, -1 do
local r_id = sorted_e_list[k]
local r = o_data.o_results[r_id]
if(r and r.r_type and r.r_type == "on_failure") then
local r_prev = o_data.o_results[sorted_e_list[k-1]]
-- *after* this effect we still need to execute all the other
-- remaining effects (read: add them as tag)
alternate_text_on_success = ink_export.add_effect_tags(
sorted_e_list, o_data.o_results, k)
-- whatever dialog comes previously - the dialog, an action, or
-- another on_failure dialog - needs to lead to this dialog
target_dialog = ink_export.print_effect_knot(tmp2,
use_prefix, d_id, o_id, start_dialog,
r, r_prev,
alternate_text_on_success, target_dialog,
-- we have dealt with the alternate text (it will only be shown
-- in the last on_failure dialog before we go to the target)
alternate_text_on_success = ""
-- add the remaining effects
alternate_text_on_success = ink_export.add_effect_tags(
sorted_e_list, o_data.o_results, 1)
-- if it is an action knot then the effects have to go to the action knot
local e_list = ink_export.translate_effect_list(dialog, o_data.o_results,
-- iterate backwards through the actions (though usually only one is supported)
for k = #sorted_a_list, 1, -1 do
local a_id = sorted_a_list[k]
local a = o_data.actions[a_id]
target_dialog = ink_export.print_action_knot(tmp2,
use_prefix, d_id, o_id, start_dialog,
alternate_text_on_success, target_dialog, dialog_names,
-- has been dealt with
alternate_text_on_success = ""
-- which preconditions can be translated to ink?
local p_list = ink_export.translate_precondition_list(dialog, o_data.o_prerequisites,
vars_used, use_prefix, dialog_names)
-- what remains is to print the option/choice itself
local o_text = o_data.o_text_when_prerequisites_met
local o_prefix = ""
if(d.o_random) then
o_text = "[One of these options is randomly selected]"
o_prefix = "randomly_"
elseif(o_data.o_autoanswer) then
o_text = "[Automaticly selected if preconditions are met]"
o_prefix = "automaticly_"
-- if the target is an action knot: do not print the effect list as that belongs
-- to the action knot!
if(#sorted_a_list > 0) then
e_list = {}
o_text, use_prefix, start_dialog,
alternate_text_on_success, target_dialog,
o_data.o_visit_only_once, -- print + (often) or * (only once)
o_prefix..o_id, p_list, e_list, dialog_names)
-- deal with o_grey_when_prerequisites_not_met (grey out this answer)
if( o_data.o_text_when_prerequisites_not_met
and o_data.o_text_when_prerequisites_not_met ~= ""
and o_data.o_grey_when_prerequisites_not_met
and o_data.o_grey_when_prerequisites_not_met == "true") then
o_text = o_data.o_text_when_prerequisites_not_met
-- this option cannot be selected - so choose d_end as target dialog
o_text, use_prefix, start_dialog,
alternate_text_on_success, "d_end",
o_data.o_visit_only_once, -- print + (often) or * (only once)
"grey_out_"..o_id, p_list, e_list, dialog_names)
-- Note: Showing an alternate text if the preconditions are not met is not
-- covered here. It makes little sense for the NPC as the option appears
-- but cannot be clicked. It exists for backward compatibility of old NPC
-- on the Your Land server.
end -- dealt with the option
-- add way to end talking to the NPC
ink_export.print_choice(tmp, "Farewell!", use_prefix, start_dialog,
nil, "d_end", false, nil, dialog_names)
-- add the knots for actions and effects for this dialog and all its options:
for _, line in ipairs(tmp2) do
table.insert(tmp, line)
return table.concat(tmp, "")