955 lines
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955 lines
39 KiB
-- This file contains what is necessary to execute/apply an effect.
-- for "deal_with_offered_item", used i.e. in yl_speak_up.get_fs_edit_option_effect_deal_with_offered_item
yl_speak_up.dropdown_list_deal_with_offered_item = {
minetest.formspec_escape("- please select -"),
"Take the expected part of the offered item(s) and put them in the NPC's inventory.",
"Accept all of the offered item(s) and put them in the NPC's inventory.",
"Refuse and give the item(s) back."
-- the values that will be stored for yl_speak_up.dropdown_list_deal_with_offered_item above
yl_speak_up.dropdown_values_deal_with_offered_item = {
"do_nothing", "take_as_wanted", "take_all", "refuse_all"}
-- check if a block of type node_name is blacklisted for a certain interaction
-- (this is needed if a block is not prepared for interaction with NPC and
-- expects to always be dealing with a player)
-- Parameters:
-- how how to interact with the node
-- node_name the node to place
-- node_there the node that can currently be found at that position
-- tool_name the name of the tool the NPC wants to use (punch or right-click with)
yl_speak_up.check_blacklisted = function(how, node_name, node_there, tool_name)
if(tool_name) then
return yl_speak_up.blacklist_effect_tool_use[ tool_name ]
return yl_speak_up.blacklist_effect_on_block_interact[ node_name ]
or yl_speak_up.blacklist_effect_on_block_interact[ node_there ]
or (how == "place" and yl_speak_up.blacklist_effect_on_block_place[ node_name ])
or (how == "dig" and yl_speak_up.blacklist_effect_on_block_dig[ node_there ])
or (how == "punch" and yl_speak_up.blacklist_effect_on_block_punch[ node_there ])
or (how == "right-click" and yl_speak_up.blacklist_effect_on_block_right_click[ node_there])
or (how == "put" and yl_speak_up.blacklist_effect_on_block_right_click[ node_there])
or (how == "take" and yl_speak_up.blacklist_effect_on_block_right_click[ node_there])
-- create fake playerdata so that the NPC can interact with inventories, punch and right-click blocks
yl_speak_up.get_fake_player = function(owner_name, wielded_item)
return {
get_player_name = function()
return owner_name
is_player = function()
return true
is_fake_player = true,
get_wielded_item = function(self, item)
return ItemStack(wielded_item)
get_player_control = function()
-- NPC is not sneaking
return {}
-- shall the NPC wield and use a tool? if so that tools' on_use or on_place
-- function takes precedence over the block it's used on
yl_speak_up.use_tool_on_block = function(r, fun_name, player, n_id, o_id)
if(not(r.r_wielded) or r.r_wielded == "") then
return false
-- we need the owner_name for creating the fake player
local owner_name = yl_speak_up.npc_owner[ n_id ]
if(not(owner_name) or owner_name == "") then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
r.r_type..": NPC does not have an owner. Aborting.")
return false
local npc_inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="detached", name="yl_speak_up_npc_"..tostring(n_id)})
-- can the tool be used?
local tool_err_msg = nil
if(not(minetest.registered_items[r.r_wielded])) then
tool_err_msg = "Tool not defined"
elseif(not(minetest.registered_items[r.r_wielded][fun_name])) then
tool_err_msg = "Tool does not support "..tostring(r.r_value).."ing"
-- do not use forbidden tools
elseif(yl_speak_up.check_blacklisted(nil, nil, nil, r.r_wielded)) then
tool_err_msg = "NPC are not allowed to use this tool"
-- does the NPC have the item he's supposed to wield?
elseif(not(npc_inv:contains_item("npc_main", r.r_wielded, false))) then
tool_err_msg = "NPC lacks tool"
if(tool_err_msg) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id)..
" block: "..tostring(r.r_value).." - "..tool_err_msg.. ": \""..tostring(r.r_wielded).."\".")
return false
-- act in the name of the owner when accessing inventories
local fake_player = yl_speak_up.get_fake_player(owner_name, r.r_wielded)
local itemstack = fake_player:get_wielded_item()
local pointed_thing = {
type = "node",
under = r.r_pos,
above = {x=r.r_pos.x, y=r.r_pos.y+1, z=r.r_pos.z}
local new_itemstack = minetest.registered_items[r.r_wielded][fun_name](
itemstack, fake_player, pointed_thing)
minetest.chat_send_player("singleplayer", "Did the rightclicking. Result: "..new_itemstack:get_name().." fun_name: "..tostring(fun_name))
if(new_itemstack) then
-- apply any itemstack changes
npc_inv:remove_item("npc_main", itemstack)
npc_inv:add_item("npc_main", new_itemstack)
return true
-- called by yl_speak_up.input_talk(..)
-- and also by yl_speak_up.get_fs_trade_list(..)
-- This function is called *after* the player has clicked on an option
-- and *after* any actions (i.e. trade) have been completed either
-- successfully (=action_was_succesful is true) or not.
-- Unlike the preconditions, the effects are executed in ordered form,
-- ordered by their r_id.
-- Returns the new target dialog that is to be displayed next. This will
-- usually be the one with the r_type "dialog" - unless r_type "on_failure"
-- was encountered after an unsuccessful action *or* right after an
-- effect that returned false.
-- Note: In edit mode, effects will *not* be executed.
yl_speak_up.execute_all_relevant_effects = function(player, effects, o_id, action_was_successful, d_option,
dry_run_no_exec) -- dry_run_no_exec for edit_mode
local target_dialog = ""
local pname = player:get_player_name()
local n_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].n_id
if(not(effects)) then
-- it may still be necessary to set the quest step
if(d_option and d_option.quest_id and d_option.quest_step) then
local d_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].d_id
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, "Setting quest step \""..
tostring(d_option.quest_step).."\" in quest \""..
yl_speak_up.quest_step_reached(player, d_option.quest_step, d_option.quest_id,
n_id, d_id, o_id)
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, "No effects given.")
-- the player has visited this option successfully
yl_speak_up.count_visits_to_option(pname, o_id)
-- no effects? Then...return to the start dialog
return {next_dialog = "", alternate_text = nil}
-- Important: the list of effects is *sorted* here. The order remains constant!
local sorted_key_list = yl_speak_up.sort_keys(effects)
if(not(sorted_key_list) or #sorted_key_list < 1) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, "Error: No effects found. At least one of "..
"type \"dialog\" is necessary.")
elseif(not(dry_run_no_exec)) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, "Executing effects: "..
table.concat(sorted_key_list, ", ")..".")
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, "Not executing effects because in edit mode.")
-- failed actions may set an alternate text
local alternate_text = nil
local last_result = action_was_successful
local res = true
local refuse_items = true
local properties = yl_speak_up.get_npc_properties(pname)
local no_log = properties["server_nolog_effects"]
for i, k in ipairs(sorted_key_list) do
local r = effects[ k ]
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, "..executing "..
tostring(r.r_id)..": "..yl_speak_up.show_effect(r, pname))
-- do not execute effects in edit mode
if(not(dry_run_no_exec)) then
if(not(no_log)) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id,
"Executing effect "..tostring(r.r_id)..".")
res = yl_speak_up.execute_effect(player, n_id, o_id, r)
if(no_log) then
if(not(res)) then
alternate_text = r.alternate_text
elseif(not(res)) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id)..
" -> Effect failed to execute.")
if(r.r_type ~= "dialog") then
local d_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].d_id
yl_speak_up.log_change(pname, n_id,
"Failed to execute effect "..tostring(r.r_id)..
" "..tostring(o_id).." "..tostring(d_id)..": "..
yl_speak_up.show_effect(r, pname))
alternate_text = r.alternate_text
if(r.r_type ~= "dialog") then
local d_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].d_id
yl_speak_up.log_change(pname, n_id,
"Executed effect "..tostring(r.r_id)..
" "..tostring(o_id).." "..tostring(d_id)..": "..
yl_speak_up.show_effect(r, pname))
if(r and r.r_type and r.r_type == "deal_with_offered_item") then
refuse_items = true
if(not(r.r_value) or r.r_value == "do_nothing") then
refuse_items = false
-- in edit mode: assume that the effect was successful
res = true
-- "dialog" gives us the normal target_dialog
if(r.r_type and r.r_type == "dialog") then
target_dialog = r.r_value
alternate_text = r.alternate_text
-- "on_failure" gives an alternate target dialog if the action
-- or last effect failed
elseif(r.r_type and r.r_type == "on_failure" and r.r_value and not(last_result)) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, "Aborted executing effects at "..
tostring(r.r_id)..". New target dialog: "..tostring(r.r_value)..".")
-- we also stop execution here
-- any quest step is NOT set (because effects and/or action weren't successful)
-- the visit counter for this option is not incresed - after all the visit failed
return {next_dialog = r.r_value, alternate_text = r.alternate_text}
last_result = res
-- all preconditions are true
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, "Finished executing effects.")
-- make sure to give unwanted items back if needed
if(refuse_items) then
-- check if there is actually something that needs to be given back
local trade_inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="detached", name="yl_speak_up_player_"..pname})
if(not(trade_inv:is_empty("npc_wants"))) then
target_dialog = "d_got_item"
-- it may still be necessary to set the quest step
if(d_option and d_option.quest_id and d_option.quest_step) then
local d_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].d_id
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, "Setting quest step \""..
tostring(d_option.quest_step).."\" in quest \""..
yl_speak_up.quest_step_reached(player, d_option.quest_step, d_option.quest_id,
n_id, d_id, o_id)
-- the player has visited this option successfully
yl_speak_up.count_visits_to_option(pname, o_id)
return {next_dialog = target_dialog, alternate_text = alternate_text}
-- helper function for yl_speak_up.execute_effect
-- used by "state" (pname is nil) and "property" (pname is nil)
yl_speak_up.execute_effect_get_new_value = function(r, var_val, pname)
-- for "state" - but not for "property"
and (r.r_operator == "quest_step"
or r.r_operator == "maximum" or r.r_operator == "minimum"
or r.r_operator == "increment" or r.r_operator == "decrement")) then
var_val = yl_speak_up.get_quest_variable_value(pname, r.r_variable)
-- set the value of the variable
local new_value = nil
if( r.r_operator and r.r_operator == "set_to") then
new_value = r.r_var_cmp_value
elseif(r.r_operator and r.r_operator == "unset") then
new_value = nil
elseif(r.r_operator and r.r_operator == "set_to_current_time") then
-- we store the time in seconds - because microseconds would just
-- confuse the users and be too fine grained anyway
new_value = math.floor(minetest.get_us_time()/1000000)
elseif(r.r_operator and r.r_operator == "quest_step") then
-- quest_step and maximum are effectively the same
-- TODO: later on, quest steps may be strings
if(var_val and tonumber(var_val) and tonumber(r.r_var_cmp_value)) then
new_value = math.max(tonumber(var_val), tonumber(r.r_var_cmp_value))
new_value = r.r_var_cmp_value
elseif(r.r_operator and r.r_operator == "maximum") then
if(var_val and tonumber(var_val) and tonumber(r.r_var_cmp_value)) then
new_value = math.max(tonumber(var_val), tonumber(r.r_var_cmp_value))
new_value = r.r_var_cmp_value
elseif(r.r_operator and r.r_operator == "minimum") then
if(var_val and tonumber(var_val) and tonumber(r.r_var_cmp_value)) then
new_value = math.min(tonumber(var_val), tonumber(r.r_var_cmp_value))
new_value = r.r_var_cmp_value
elseif(r.r_operator and r.r_operator == "increment") then
if(var_val and tonumber(var_val) and tonumber(r.r_var_cmp_value)) then
new_value = tonumber(var_val) + tonumber(r.r_var_cmp_value)
new_value = r.r_var_cmp_value
elseif(r.r_operator and r.r_operator == "decrement") then
if(var_val and tonumber(var_val) and tonumber(r.r_var_cmp_value)) then
new_value = tonumber(var_val) - tonumber(r.r_var_cmp_value)
new_value = -1 * r.r_var_cmp_value
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"state: Unsupported type: "..tostring(r.r_value)..".")
-- keep the old value
new_value = var_val
return new_value
-- executes an effect/result r for the player and npc n_id;
-- returns true on success (relevant for on_failure)
-- Note: In edit mode, this function does not get called.
yl_speak_up.execute_effect = function(player, n_id, o_id, r)
if(not(r.r_type) or r.r_type == "") then
-- nothing to do
return true
elseif(r.r_type == "auto" or r.r_type == "trade") then
-- these effects don't do anything
return true
elseif(r.r_type == "put_into_block_inv"
or r.r_type == "take_from_block_inv") then
-- get the inventory of the block
if(not(r.r_pos) or type(r.r_pos) ~= "table"
or not(r.r_pos.x) or not(r.r_pos.y) or not(r.r_pos.z)) then
-- position not found?
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
r.r_type..": No or incorrect position given: "..
return false
local meta = minetest.get_meta(r.r_pos)
if(not(meta)) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
r.r_type..": Failed to get metadata at "..
return false
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
if(not(inv)) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
r.r_type..": Failed to get inventory at "..
return false
local inv_name = r.r_inv_list_name
-- get the inventory of the npc
local npc_inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="detached",
local npc_inv_name = "npc_main"
-- for easier checking
local how_to_interact = "take"
if(r.r_type and r.r_type == "put_into_block_inv") then
how_to_interact = "put"
local stack = ItemStack(r.r_itemstack)
-- is there enough room for the item?
if(how_to_interact == "put"
and not(inv:room_for_item(inv_name, stack))) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
r.r_type..": No room for \""..
" in node at "..
minetest.serialize(r.r_pos)..", inv list \""..
return false
elseif(how_to_interact == "take"
and not(npc_inv:room_for_item("npc_main", stack))) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
r.r_type..": NPC has no room for \""..
return false
-- does the item exist?
if(how_to_interact == "put"
and not(npc_inv:contains_item(npc_inv_name, stack, false))) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
r.r_type..": NPC does not have \""..
return false
elseif(how_to_interact == "take"
and not(inv:contains_item(inv_name, stack, false))) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
r.r_type..": Block at "..minetest.serialize(r.r_pos)..
" does not contain \""..tostring(r.r_itemstack).."\" in list \""..
return false
-- check the blacklist
local node = minetest.get_node(r.r_pos)
if(not(node) or not(node.name)) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
r.r_type..": No node found at "..minetest.serialize(r.r_pos)..".")
return false
-- do not interact with nodes on the blacklist
-- (this here is inventory interaction, so no need to check for tools)
if(yl_speak_up.check_blacklisted(how_to_interact, node.name, node.name, nil)) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
r.r_type..": Blocks of type \""..tostring(node.name).."\" do not allow "..
"interaction of type \""..tostring(r.r_value).."\" for NPC.")
return false
-- construct a fake player
local owner_name = yl_speak_up.npc_owner[ n_id ]
if(not(owner_name) or owner_name == "") then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
r.r_type..": NPC does not have an owner. Aborting.")
return false
-- act in the name of the owner when accessing inventories
local fake_player = yl_speak_up.get_fake_player(owner_name, "")
local def = minetest.registered_nodes[ node.name ]
if(def and def[ "allow_metadata_inventory_"..how_to_interact ]) then
local res = def[ "allow_metadata_inventory_"..how_to_interact ](
r.r_pos, inv_name, 1,
if(not(res) or res < ItemStack(r.r_itemstack):get_count()) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
r.r_type..": allow_metadata_inventory_"..tostring(how_to_interact)..
" forbits interaction at "..minetest.serialize(r.r_pos)..".")
return false
-- all ok so far; we can proceed
if(how_to_interact == "put") then
local r1 = npc_inv:remove_item(npc_inv_name, stack)
local r2 = inv:add_item(inv_name, r1)
return true
elseif(how_to_interact == "take") then
local r1 = inv:remove_item(inv_name, stack)
local r2 = npc_inv:add_item(npc_inv_name, r1)
return true
return false
elseif(r.r_type == "deal_with_offered_item") then
-- possible r_value: "do_nothing", "take_as_wanted", "take_all", "refuse_all"}
if(not(r.r_value) or r.r_value == "do_nothing") then
return true -- we're good at doing nothing
local pname = player:get_player_name()
local inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="detached", name="yl_speak_up_player_"..pname})
local stack_got = inv:get_stack("npc_wants",1)
if(stack_got:is_empty()) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
r.r_type..": The offered stack is empty.")
return false -- the player gave nothing
-- get the inventory of the npc
local npc_inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="detached",
-- shall we take all or just as much as the NPC wants?
local stack_wanted = ItemStack(r.r_value)
local amount = 0
if(r.r_value == "take_all") then
amount = stack_got:get_count()
elseif(r.r_value == "takeas_wanted") then
amount = stack_wanted:get_count()
-- the NPC didn't get enough
if(amount > stack_got:get_count()) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
r.r_type..": The offered stack \""..tostring(stack_got)..
"is smaller than what the NPC wanted: \""..
return false
local take_stack = stack_got:get_name().." "..tostring(amount)
if(not(npc_inv:room_for_item("npc_main", take_stack))) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
r.r_type..": The NPC has not enough room for \""..tostring(take_stack).."\".")
return false
-- actually transfer the item from the player to the NPC's inventory
npc_inv:add_item("npc_main", take_stack)
inv:remove_item("npc_wants", take_stack)
-- returning of any leftover items needs to happen after *all* effects
-- are executed; we don't need to take any special preparations here
-- this action was a success
return true
elseif(r.r_type == "dialog"
or r.r_type == "on_failure") then
-- this needs to be handled in the calling function
return true
elseif(r.r_type == "function") then
-- this can only be set and edited with the staff
if(not(yl_speak_up.npc_has_priv(n_id, "effect_exec_lua", r.r_is_generic))) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
r.r_type..": The NPC does not have the \"effect_exec_lua\" priv.")
return false
return yl_speak_up.eval_and_execute_function(player, r, "r_")
-- this can only be set and edited with the staff
elseif(r.r_type == "give_item") then
if(not(r.r_value)) then
return false
if(not(yl_speak_up.npc_has_priv(n_id, "effect_give_item", r.r_is_generic))) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
r.r_type..": The NPC does not have the \"effect_give_item\" priv.")
return false
local item = ItemStack(r.r_value)
if(not(minetest.registered_items[item:get_name()])) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"give_item: "..tostring(item:get_name()).." unknown.")
return false
local r = player:get_inventory():add_item("main", item)
if(not(r) or not(r:is_empty())) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"give_item: "..tostring(item:get_name()).." failed.")
local pname = player:get_player_name()
yl_speak_up.log_change(pname, n_id, "No room for item: "..r:to_string())
return false
return true
-- this can only be set and edited with the staff
elseif(r.r_type == "take_item") then
if(not(yl_speak_up.npc_has_priv(n_id, "effect_take_item", r.r_is_generic))) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
r.r_type..": The NPC does not have the \"effect_take_item\" priv.")
return false
if(not(r.r_value)) then
return false
local item = ItemStack(r.r_value)
if(not(minetest.registered_items[item:get_name()])) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"take_item: "..tostring(item:get_name()).." unknown.")
return false
local r = player:get_inventory():remove_item("main", item)
if(not(r)) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"take_item: "..tostring(item:get_name()).." failed.")
return false
return true
-- this can only be set and edited with the staff
elseif(r.r_type == "move") then
if(not(yl_speak_up.npc_has_priv(n_id, "effect_move_player", r.r_is_generic))) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
r.r_type..": The NPC does not have the \"effect_move_player\" priv.")
return false
-- copeid/moved here from AliasAlreadyTakens code in functions.lua
local target_pos = nil
local target_pos_valid = false
--pos like (100,20,400)
if minetest.string_to_pos(r.r_value) then
target_pos = minetest.string_to_pos(r.r_value)
target_pos_valid = true
--pos like 100,20,400
local maybe = string.split(r.r_value, ",")
if not target_pos_valid and maybe and tonumber(maybe[1])
and tonumber(maybe[2]) and tonumber(maybe[3]) and maybe[4] == nil and
tonumber(maybe[1]) <= 32000 and tonumber(maybe[1]) >= -32000 and
tonumber(maybe[2]) <= 32000 and tonumber(maybe[2]) >= -32000 and
tonumber(maybe[3]) <= 32000 and tonumber(maybe[3]) >= -32000 then
target_pos = {x=maybe[1],y=maybe[2],z=maybe[3]}
target_pos_valid = true
--pos like {x=100,y=20,z=400}
if not target_pos_valid and string.sub(r.r_value,1,1) == "{"
and string.sub(r.r_value,-1,-1) == "}" then
local might_be_pos = minetest.deserialize("return " .. r.r_value)
if tonumber(might_be_pos.x)
and tonumber(might_be_pos.x) <= 32000
and tonumber(might_be_pos.x) >= -32000
and tonumber(might_be_pos.y)
and tonumber(might_be_pos.y) <= 32000
and tonumber(might_be_pos.y) >= -32000
and tonumber(might_be_pos.z)
and tonumber(might_be_pos.z) <= 32000
and tonumber(might_be_pos.z) >= -32000 then
target_pos = might_be_pos
target_pos_valid = true
if target_pos_valid == true then
if vector.distance(player:get_pos(),target_pos) >= 2 then
yl_speak_up.log_change(pname, n_id, tostring(r.r_id)..": "..
"Something went wrong! Player wasn't moved properly.")
-- Debug
if target_pos_valid == false then
local obj = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].obj
local n_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].n_id
local npc = yl_speak_up.get_number_from_id(n_id)
if obj:get_luaentity() and tonumber(npc) then
yl_speak_up.log_change(pname, n_id, tostring(r.r_id)..": "..
"NPC at "..minetest.pos_to_string(obj:get_pos(),0)..
" could not move player "..pname.." because the content of "..
tostring(r.r_id).." is wrong:"..dump(r.r_value))
yl_speak_up.log_change(pname, n_id, tostring(r.r_id)..": "..
"NPC with unknown ID or without proper object "..
" could not move player "..pname.." because the content of "..
tostring(r.r_id).." is wrong:"..dump(r.r_value))
return false
return true
-- "an internal state (i.e. of a quest)", -- 2
elseif(r.r_type == "state") then
if(not(r.r_variable) or r.r_variable == "") then
return false
local pname = player:get_player_name()
-- set the value of the variable
local new_value = yl_speak_up.execute_effect_get_new_value(r, nil, pname)
-- the owner is already encoded in the variable name
local ret = yl_speak_up.set_quest_variable_value(pname, r.r_variable, new_value)
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"state: Success: "..tostring(ret).." for setting "..tostring(r.r_variable).." to "..
return ret
-- "the value of a property of the NPC (for generic NPC)", -- property
elseif(r.r_type == "property") then
local pname = player:get_player_name()
-- get the properties of the NPC
local properties = yl_speak_up.get_npc_properties(pname)
if(not(properties)) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"property: Failed to access properties of NPC "..tostring(n_id))
return false
if(not(r.r_value) or r.r_value == "") then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"property: No name of property given")
return false
local var_val = properties[r.r_value]
-- set the value of the variable
local new_value = yl_speak_up.execute_effect_get_new_value(r, var_val, nil)
local res = yl_speak_up.set_npc_property(pname, r.r_value, new_value, "effect")
if(res ~= "OK") then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"property: "..tostring(res))
return false
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"state: Success: Set property "..tostring(r.r_value).." to "..
return true
-- "something that has to be calculated or evaluated (=call a function)", -- evaluate
elseif(r.r_type == "evaluate") then
if(not(player) or not(r.r_value)) then
return false
local custom_data = yl_speak_up.custom_functions_r_[r.r_value]
if(not(custom_data) or not(custom_data.code)) then
return false
local fun = custom_data.code
-- actually call the function
return fun(player, n_id, r)
-- "a block somewhere" -- 3
elseif(r.r_type == "block") then
-- is the position given correctly?
if(not(r.r_pos) or type(r.r_pos) ~= "table"
or not(r.r_pos.x) or not(r.r_pos.y) or not(r.r_pos.z)) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"block: Missing or wrong position given: "..
return false
-- check protection (relevant for some actions): the *owner*
-- of the NPC needs to be able to build there
local is_protected = minetest.is_protected(r.r_pos, yl_speak_up.npc_owner[ n_id ] or "?")
-- human readable position; mostly for debug messages
local pos_str = tostring(minetest.pos_to_string(r.r_pos))
-- the area has to be loaded
local node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(r.r_pos)
if(not(node)) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"block: Not loaded (nil) at pos "..pos_str..".")
return false
-- do not interact with nodes on the blacklist
if(yl_speak_up.check_blacklisted(r.r_value, r.r_node, node.name, nil)) then
-- construct the right text for the error message
local nname = node.name
if(r.r_value == "place") then
nname = r.r_node
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"block: Blocks of type \""..tostring(nname).."\" do not allow "..
"interaction of type \""..tostring(r.r_value).."\" for NPC.")
return false
-- if node has owner set: check if owner == npc owner
local meta = minetest.get_meta(r.r_pos)
and meta:get_string("owner") and meta:get_string("owner") ~= ""
and meta:get_string("owner") ~= yl_speak_up.npc_owner[ n_id ]) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"block: Blocks at "..pos_str.." is owned by "..meta:get_string("owner")..
". NPC is owned by "..tostring(yl_speak_up.npc_owner[ n_id ])..
" and thus cannot interact with it.")
return false
-- create a fake player and a suitable itemstack
local owner_name = yl_speak_up.npc_owner[ n_id ]
if(not(owner_name) or owner_name == "") then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
r.r_type..": NPC does not have an owner. Aborting.")
return false
-- "If there is air: Place a block so that it looks like now.", -- 2
if(r.r_value and r.r_value == "place") then
if(is_protected) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"block: place - "..pos_str.." is protected. Can't place.")
return false
if(not(node) or not(node.name) or node.name ~= "air") then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"block: place - there is already a block at pos "..pos_str..
". Can't place.")
return false
-- does the NPC have this block in his inventory? else he can't place it
local npc_inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="detached",
if(not(npc_inv:contains_item("npc_main", tostring(r.r_node)))) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"block: place - NPC does not have "..tostring(r.r_node)..
" in his inventory for placing at "..pos_str..".")
return false
-- TODO: switch to minetest.place_node in the future once the bug with placing
-- on an air node is fixed
-- actually place the node
minetest.set_node(r.r_pos, {name=r.r_node, param2=r.r_param2})
-- consume the item
npc_inv:remove_item("npc_main", tostring(r.r_node))
return true
-- "If there is a block: Dig it.", -- 3
elseif(r.r_value and r.r_value == "dig") then
if(is_protected) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"block: place - "..pos_str.." is protected. Can't place.")
return false
if(not(node) or not(node.name) or node.name == "air"
or not(minetest.registered_items[ node.name ])) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"block: dig - there is no block at pos "..pos_str..".")
return false
-- TODO: use dig_node once that can put the items in the inventory
-- local dig_res = minetest.dig_node(r.r_pos)
if(minetest.registered_items[ node.name ].can_dig
and not(minetest.registered_items[ node.name ].can_dig(r.r_pos))) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"block: dig - Can't dig block at pos "..pos_str..".")
return false
-- actually remove the node
-- get node drops when digging without a tool
local drop_list = minetest.get_node_drops(node, nil)
local npc_inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="detached",
-- put the drops into the inventory of the NPC
for i, d in ipairs(drop_list) do
local rest = npc_inv:add_item("npc_main", ItemStack(d))
if(rest and not(rest:is_empty()) and rest:get_count()>0) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id)..
" block: dig (info) - NPC had no room for item drop "..
rest:to_string().." from digging at "..pos_str..".")
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"block: dig - success: "..tostring(node.name).." at pos "..pos_str..".")
return true
-- "Punch the block.", -- 4
elseif(r.r_value and r.r_value == "punch") then
-- shall the NPC wield and use an item? if so that items' on_use function takes
-- precedence
if(r.r_wielded and r.r_wielded ~= "") then
return yl_speak_up.use_tool_on_block(r, "on_use", player, n_id, o_id)
-- even air can be punched - even if that is pretty pointless
-- TODO: some blocks may define their own functions and care for what the player wields (i.e. cheese mod)
minetest.punch_node(r.r_pos, nil)
return true
-- "Right-click the block.", -- 5
elseif(r.r_value and r.r_value == "right-click") then
-- shall the NPC wield and use an item? if so that items' on_use function takes
-- precedence
if(r.r_wielded and r.r_wielded ~= "") then
return yl_speak_up.use_tool_on_block(r, "on_place", player, n_id, o_id)
-- with a tool, clicking on air might make sense; without a tool it doesn't
if(not(node) or not(node.name) or not(minetest.registered_nodes[node.name])) then
return false
-- do not right-click nodes that have a metadata formspec string
local meta = minetest.get_meta(r.r_pos)
if(meta and meta:get_string("formspec") and meta:get_string("formspec") ~= "") then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"block: right-click - The block at "..pos_str.." has a "..
"formspec set. NPC can't read these. Interaction not possible.")
return false
-- do not right-click nodes that have an inventory (they most likely show a
-- formspec - which the NPC can't use anyway)
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
for k, l in pairs(inv:get_lists()) do
-- if the inventory contains any lists: abort
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"block: right-click - The block at "..pos_str.." has an "..
"inventory. Most likely it will show a formspec on right-click. "..
"NPC can't read these. Interaction not possible.")
return false
-- is it a door?
if(doors.registered_doors[node.name]) then
doors.door_toggle( r.r_pos, node, nil) --, clicker)
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"block: Opened/closed door at "..pos_str..".")
-- is it a normal trapdoor?
elseif(doors.registered_trapdoors[node.name]) then
doors.trapdoor_toggle(r.r_pos, node, nil) --, clicker)
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"block: Opened/closed trapdoor at "..pos_str..".")
and minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].on_rightclick) then
local fake_player = yl_speak_up.get_fake_player(owner_name, "")
local itemstack = ItemStack("")
local pointed_thing = nil -- TODO
r.r_pos, node, fake_player, itemstack, pointed_thing)) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"block: right-clicked at at pos "..pos_str..".")
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"block: right-click at at pos "..pos_str.." had no effect.")
return false
-- ""NPC crafts something", -- 4
elseif(r.r_type == "craft") then
if(not(r.r_craft_grid) or not(r.r_value)) then
return false
local input = {}
input.items = {}
-- multiple slots in the craft grid may contain the same item
local sum_up = {}
for i, v in ipairs(r.r_craft_grid) do
if(v and v ~= "") then
local stack = ItemStack(v)
-- store this for later crafting
input.items[ i ] = stack
local name = stack:get_name()
if(sum_up[ name ]) then
sum_up[ name ] = sum_up[ name ] + stack:get_count()
sum_up[ name ] = stack:get_count()
-- empty itemstack in this slot
input.items[ i ] = ItemStack("")
-- does the NPC have all these items in his inventory?
local npc_inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="detached",
for k, v in pairs(sum_up) do
if(not(npc_inv:contains_item("npc_main", k.." "..v))) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"Crafting failed: NPC does not have "..tostring(k.." "..v))
return false
-- do these input items form a valid craft recipe?
input.method = "normal" -- normal crafting; no cooking or fuel or the like
input.width = 3
local output, decremented_input = minetest.get_craft_result(input)
if(output.item:is_empty()) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"Crafting failed: No output for that recipe.")
return false
-- the craft receipe may have changed in the meantime and yield a diffrent result
local expected_stack = ItemStack(r.r_value)
if(output.item:get_name() ~= expected_stack:get_name()
or output.item:get_count() ~= expected_stack:get_count()) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"Crafting failed: Diffrent output: "..tostring(output.item:to_string()))
return false
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"Great: Crafting is possible!")
-- actually consume the items required, return the ones in decremented_input
for i, v in ipairs(r.r_craft_grid) do
if(v and v ~= "") then
npc_inv:remove_item("npc_main", ItemStack(v))
-- add the craft result
if(not(npc_inv:room_for_item("npc_main", output.item))) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"No room for craft result "..output.item:to_string())
npc_inv:add_item("npc_main", output.item)
-- add the decremented_inputs
for k,v in pairs(decremented_input.items) do
if(k and not(v:is_empty())) then
if(not(npc_inv:room_for_item("npc_main", v))) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, tostring(r.r_id).." "..
"No room for craft decr. input "..v:to_string())
-- actually give the decremented input to the NPC
npc_inv:add_item("npc_main", v)
return true
-- "send a chat message to all players", -- 6
elseif(r.r_type == "chat_all") then
local pname = player:get_player_name()
local dialog = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].dialog
local text = r.r_value
-- replace $NPC_NAME$, $OWNER_NAME$, $PLAYER_NAME$ etc.
text = yl_speak_up.replace_vars_in_text(text, dialog, pname)
minetest.colorize(yl_speak_up.chat_all_color, text))
-- sending a chat message always counts as successful
return true
-- fallback: unkown type
return false