
517 lines
21 KiB

-- This file contains what is necessary to execute an action.
-- monitor changes to the npc_gives and npc_wants slots (in particular when editing actions)
-- how: can be "put" or "take"
yl_speak_up.action_inv_changed = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player, how)
if(not(player)) then
local pname = player:get_player_name()
if(not(pname) or not(yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname])) then
local n_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].n_id
-- if not in edit mode: the player may just be normally interacting with the NPC;
-- nothing to do for us here (wait for the player to click on "save")
if(listname and listname == "npc_gives") then
yl_speak_up.input_fs_action_npc_gives(player, "action_npc_gives", {})
-- actions - in contrast to preconditions and effects - may take time
-- because the player usually gets presented a formspec and needs to
-- react to that; thus, we can't just execute all actions simultaneously
yl_speak_up.execute_next_action = function(player, a_id, result_of_a_id, formname)
local pname = player:get_player_name()
local n_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].n_id
local d_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].d_id
local o_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].o_id
local dialog = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].dialog
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, "Last action: "..tostring(a_id).." returned "..
local actions = {}
local effects = {}
local sorted_key_list = {}
local d_option = {}
and dialog.n_dialogs
and dialog.n_dialogs[d_id]
and dialog.n_dialogs[d_id].d_options
and dialog.n_dialogs[d_id].d_options[o_id]) then
-- get the actual actions
actions = dialog.n_dialogs[d_id].d_options[o_id].actions
-- needed later on when all actions are executed
effects = dialog.n_dialogs[d_id].d_options[o_id].o_results
-- needed later for setting quest_step (optional)
d_option = dialog.n_dialogs[d_id].d_options[o_id]
if(actions) then
-- sort the actions so that we can execute them always in the
-- same order
sorted_key_list = yl_speak_up.sort_keys(actions)
local nr = 0
if(not(a_id)) then
-- check if the action(s) can be executed
local time_now = yl_speak_up.get_time_in_seconds()
-- is there a limiton how many failed attempts there can be per time?
local timer_name = "timer_on_failure_"..tostring(d_id).."_"..tostring(o_id)
local timer_data = yl_speak_up.get_variable_metadata( timer_name, "parameter", true)
or {}
local max_attempts = tonumber(timer_data["max_attempts"] or 0)
local duration = tonumber(timer_data["duration"] or 0)
if(max_attempts > 0 and duration > 0) then
local new_times = ""
local times = yl_speak_up.get_quest_variable_value(pname, timer_name)
local parts = string.split(times or "", " ")
local count = 0
for i, p in ipairs(parts) do
p = tonumber(p)
-- eliminate entries that are in the future
if(p and p < time_now and (p + duration > time_now)) then
new_times = new_times.." "..tostring(p)
count = count + 1
-- all timers are expired
if(count == 0) then
yl_speak_up.set_quest_variable_value(pname, timer_name, nil)
-- some timers are expired
elseif(new_times ~= times) then
yl_speak_up.set_quest_variable_value(pname, timer_name, new_times)
if(count >= max_attempts) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, "Action for option "..
" was attempted "..tostring(count)..
" times withhin the last "..tostring(duration)..
" seconds. Maximum allowed attempts are: "..
-- show the same dialog again, but with the failure message
yl_speak_up.show_fs(player, "talk", {n_id = n_id, d_id = d_id,
alternate_text = timer_data[ "alternate_text" ]
or yl_speak_up.standard_text_if_action_failed_too_often})
-- is there a limiton how fast the action may be repeated again?
timer_name = "timer_on_success_"..tostring(d_id).."_"..tostring(o_id)
timer_data = yl_speak_up.get_variable_metadata(timer_name, "parameter", true)
or {}
duration = tonumber(timer_data["duration"] or 0)
if(duration > 0) then
local last_time = yl_speak_up.get_quest_variable_value(pname, timer_name)
last_time = tonumber(last_time or 0)
-- timers in the future are ignored
if(last_time > 0 and last_time < time_now
and last_time + duration > time_now) then
-- show the same dialog again, but with the failure message
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, "Action for option "..
" has last been completed "..
tostring(time_now - last_time)..
" seconds ago. It can only be repeated after "..
" seconds have passed.")
yl_speak_up.show_fs(player, "talk", {n_id = n_id, d_id = d_id,
alternate_text = timer_data[ "alternate_text" ]
or yl_speak_up.standard_text_if_action_repeated_too_soon})
-- the timer has expired
yl_speak_up.set_quest_variable_value(pname, timer_name, nil)
else -- if(a_id) then
nr = table.indexof(sorted_key_list, a_id)
-- did the player go back?
if(nr > -1 and result_of_a_id == nil) then
-- set the current action to nil
yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].a_id = nil
-- no option of the new dialog has been selected yet
yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].o_id = nil
-- show the new dialog
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, "Action "..
tostring(a_id).." aborted. Switching back to dialog "..
yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].o_id = nil
yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].a_id = nil
yl_speak_up.show_fs(player, "talk", {n_id = n_id, d_id = d_id})
-- did the action fail?
elseif(nr > -1 and not(result_of_a_id)) then
-- is there a limiton how many failed attempts there can be per time?
local timer_name = "timer_on_failure_"..tostring(d_id).."_"..tostring(o_id)
local timer_data = yl_speak_up.get_variable_metadata(
timer_name, "parameter", true)
-- store that (another?) attempt to do the action failed
and timer_data["max_attempts"] and tonumber(timer_data["max_attempts"])> 0
and timer_data["duration"] and tonumber(timer_data["duration"])> 0) then
local times = yl_speak_up.get_quest_variable_value(pname, timer_name)
if(not(times)) then
times = ""
-- variables are stored as strings, not as lists
yl_speak_up.set_quest_variable_value(pname, timer_name,
times.." "..yl_speak_up.get_time_in_seconds())
local this_action = actions[ sorted_key_list[ nr ]]
-- if there is an on_failure target dialog: go there
-- set the current action to nil
yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].a_id = nil
-- no option of the new dialog has been selected yet
yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].o_id = nil
-- show the new dialog
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, "Action "..
tostring(a_id).." failed. Switching to dialog "..
yl_speak_up.log_change(pname, n_id,
"Player failed to complete action "..tostring(a_id)..
" "..tostring(o_id).." "..tostring(d_id)..": "..
yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].d_id = this_action.a_on_failure
yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].o_id = nil
yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].a_id = nil
-- allow d_end, d_trade, d_got_item etc. to work as a_on_failure
yl_speak_up.show_next_talk_fs_after_action(player, pname,
this_action.a_on_failure, formname,
dialog, d_id, n_id, this_action.alternate_text)
local this_action = actions[ sorted_key_list[ nr ]]
yl_speak_up.log_change(pname, n_id,
"Player completed action "..tostring(a_id)..
" "..tostring(o_id).." "..tostring(d_id)..": "..
-- get the next entry
if(nr > -1 and nr < #sorted_key_list and sorted_key_list[nr + 1]) then
local next_action = actions[ sorted_key_list[ nr + 1 ]]
-- store which action we are currently executing
yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].a_id = next_action.a_id
-- execute the next action
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, "Executing next action "..
yl_speak_up.execute_action(player, n_id, o_id, next_action)
-- the player needs time to react
-- when all actions are executed:
-- is there a limiton how fast the action may be repeated again?
local timer_name = "timer_on_success_"..tostring(d_id).."_"..tostring(o_id)
local timer_data = yl_speak_up.get_variable_metadata(timer_name, "parameter", true)
-- store that the action was executed successfully
and timer_data["duration"] and tonumber(timer_data["duration"]) > 0) then
yl_speak_up.set_quest_variable_value(pname, timer_name, yl_speak_up.get_time_in_seconds())
-- set the current action to nil
yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].a_id = nil
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, "All actions have been executed successfully. "..
"Doing effects/results now.")
-- execute all effects/results
local res = yl_speak_up.execute_all_relevant_effects(player, effects, o_id, true, d_option)
local target_dialog = res.next_dialog
yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].o_id = nil
yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].a_id = nil
-- the function above returns a target dialog; show that to the player
yl_speak_up.show_next_talk_fs_after_action(player, pname, target_dialog, formname,
dialog, target_dialog, n_id, res.alternate_text)
-- after completing the action - either successfully or if it failed:
yl_speak_up.show_next_talk_fs_after_action = function(player, pname, target_dialog, formname,
dialog, d_id, n_id, alternate_text)
-- allow to switch to d_trade from any dialog
if(target_dialog and target_dialog == "d_trade") then
yl_speak_up.show_fs(player, "trade_list")
-- allow to switch to d_got_item from any dialog
if(target_dialog and target_dialog == "d_got_item") then
yl_speak_up.show_fs(player, "player_offers_item")
-- end conversation
if(target_dialog and target_dialog == "d_end") then
-- we are done with this; close any open forms
if(formname) then
minetest.close_formspec(pname, formname)
-- the special dialogs d_trade and d_got_item have no actions or effects - thus
-- d_id cannot become d_trade or d_got_item
or target_dialog == ""
or not(dialog.n_dialogs[target_dialog])) then
target_dialog = d_id
-- actually show the next dialog to the player
yl_speak_up.show_fs(player, "talk", {n_id = n_id, d_id = target_dialog,
alternate_text = alternate_text})
yl_speak_up.execute_action = function(player, n_id, o_id, a)
if(not(a.a_type) or a.a_type == "" or a.a_type == "none") then
-- no action - nothing to do
return true
elseif(a.a_type == "trade") then
yl_speak_up.show_fs(player, "trade_simple", a.a_value)
elseif(a.a_type == "npc_gives") then
yl_speak_up.show_fs(player, "action_npc_gives", a.a_value)
elseif(a.a_type == "npc_wants") then
yl_speak_up.show_fs(player, "action_npc_wants", a.a_value)
elseif(a.a_type == "text_input") then
-- start with an empty answer
yl_speak_up.show_fs(player, "action_text_input", "")
-- "Show something custom (has to be provided by the server)", -- evaluate
elseif(a.a_type == "evaluate") then
yl_speak_up.show_fs(player, "action_evaluate", a.a_value)
-- fallback: unkown type
return false
-- helper function;
-- returns the action the player is currently faced with (or nil if none)
yl_speak_up.get_action_by_player = function(player)
local pname = player:get_player_name()
local dialog = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].dialog
local n_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].n_id
local d_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].d_id
local o_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].o_id
local a_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].a_id
if(not(dialog) or not(d_id) or not(o_id) or not(a_id)
or not(dialog.n_dialogs)
or not(dialog.n_dialogs[d_id])
or not(dialog.n_dialogs[d_id].d_options)
or not(dialog.n_dialogs[d_id].d_options[o_id])
or not(dialog.n_dialogs[d_id].d_options[o_id].actions)
or not(dialog.n_dialogs[d_id].d_options[o_id].actions[a_id])) then
return nil
return dialog.n_dialogs[d_id].d_options[o_id].actions[a_id]
-- did the NPC try to give something to the player already - and the player didn't take it?
-- then give that old item back to the NPC
yl_speak_up.action_take_back_failed_npc_gives = function(trade_inv, npc_inv)
if(not(trade_inv) or not(npc_inv)) then
local last_stack = trade_inv:get_stack("npc_gives", 1)
if(not(last_stack:is_empty())) then
-- strip any metadata to avoid stacking problems
npc_inv:add_item("npc_main", last_stack:get_name().." "..last_stack:get_count())
-- clear the stack
trade_inv:set_stack("npc_gives", 1, "")
-- Create the quest item by taking a raw item (i.e. a general piece of paper) out
-- of the NPC's inventory, applying a description (if given) and quest id (if
-- given); place the quest item in the trade inv of the player in the npc_gives slot.
-- The npc_gives inv is managed mostly by the NPC, except when in edit mode. We can
-- just overwrite anything old in there.
-- Returns false if the creation of the quest item wasn't possible (i.e. the
-- NPC had no paper left).
yl_speak_up.action_quest_item_prepare = function(player)
-- which action are we talking about?
local a = yl_speak_up.get_action_by_player(player)
if(not(a) or not(a.a_id) or not(a.a_value)) then
return false
local pname = player:get_player_name()
local n_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].n_id
-- what shall the NPC give?
local stack = ItemStack(a.a_value)
-- get the inventory of the NPC
local npc_inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="detached", name="yl_speak_up_npc_"..tostring(n_id)})
local trade_inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="detached", name="yl_speak_up_player_"..pname})
yl_speak_up.action_take_back_failed_npc_gives(trade_inv, npc_inv)
-- does the NPC have the item we are looking for?
if(not(npc_inv:contains_item("npc_main", stack))) then
local o_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].o_id
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, "Action "..tostring(a.a_id)..": NPC ran out of "..
-- just go back; the player didn't do anything wrong
return nil
-- get the items from the NPCs inventory
local new_stack = npc_inv:remove_item("npc_main", stack)
local meta = new_stack:get_meta()
-- if given: set the item stack description
if(a.a_item_desc and a.a_item_desc ~= "") then
local dialog = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].dialog
-- replace $PLAYER_NAME$ etc. in quest item description
meta:set_string("description", yl_speak_up.replace_vars_in_text(a.a_item_desc, dialog, pname))
if(a.a_item_quest_id and a.a_item_quest_id ~= "") then
-- which player got this quest item?
meta:set_string("yl_speak_up:quest_item_for", pname)
-- include the NPC id so that we know which NPC gave it
meta:set_string("yl_speak_up:quest_item_from", tostring(n_id))
-- extend quest_id by NPC id so that it becomes more uniq
tostring(n_id).." "..tostring(a.a_item_quest_id))
-- put the stack in the npc_gives-slot of the trade inventory of the player
-- (as that slot is managed by the NPC alone we don't have to worry about
-- anything else in the slot)
-- actually put the stack in there
trade_inv:set_stack("npc_gives", 1, new_stack)
return true
-- check if the item in the npc_gives slot is the one the NPC wants
yl_speak_up.action_quest_item_check = function(player)
-- which action are we talking about?
local a = yl_speak_up.get_action_by_player(player)
if(not(a) or not(a.a_id) or not(a.a_value)) then
return false
local pname = player:get_player_name()
local n_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].n_id
local o_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].o_id
-- get the item that needs to be checked
local trade_inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="detached", name="yl_speak_up_player_"..pname})
local stack = trade_inv:get_stack("npc_wants", 1)
-- nothing there?
if(stack:is_empty()) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, "Action "..tostring(a.a_id)..": No item found.")
return false
local cmp = tostring(stack:get_name()).." "..(stack:get_count())
-- wrong item or wrong amount?
if(cmp ~= a.a_value) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, "Action "..tostring(a.a_id)..
": Wrong item given. Got: "..stack:to_string()..
" Expected: "..tostring(a.a_value)..".")
yl_speak_up.log_change(pname, n_id,
"Action "..tostring(a_id)..
" "..tostring(yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].o_id)..
" "..tostring(yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].d_id)..
" failed: Player gave item \""..tostring(cmp).."\", but we wanted: \""..
return false
local meta = stack:get_meta()
-- the description is not checked; just the quest id (if given)
if(a.a_item_quest_id and a.a_item_quest_id ~= "") then
-- we don't check here if the item was given by the right NPC;
-- only the quest id has to fit
if(meta:get_string("yl_speak_up:quest_id") ~= a.a_item_quest_id) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, "Action "..tostring(a.a_id)..
": Wrong quest item (wrong ID).")
yl_speak_up.log_change(pname, n_id,
"Action "..tostring(a_id)..
" "..tostring(yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].o_id)..
" "..tostring(yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].d_id)..
" failed: Player gave item with wrong quest ID.")
return false
-- was this quest item given to another player?
if(meta:get_string("yl_speak_up:quest_item_for") ~= pname) then
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, "Action "..tostring(a.a_id)..
": Quest item was given to "..
", but "..tostring(pname).." gave it.")
yl_speak_up.log_change(pname, n_id,
"Action "..tostring(a_id)..
" "..tostring(yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].o_id)..
" "..tostring(yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].d_id)..
" failed: Player gave quest item that belonged to player "..
return false
yl_speak_up.debug_msg(player, n_id, o_id, "Action "..tostring(a.a_id)..
": Quest item checked ok.")
return true
-- strip the quest information from the item and give it back to the NPC;
-- returns the modified stack (but also places it in the NPC's inventory)
yl_speak_up.action_quest_item_take_back = function(player)
-- which action are we talking about?
local a = yl_speak_up.get_action_by_player(player)
if(not(a) or not(a.a_id) or not(a.a_value)) then
return false
local pname = player:get_player_name()
local n_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].n_id
-- get the item that the NPC shall take back (or accept in npc_wants)
local trade_inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="detached", name="yl_speak_up_player_"..pname})
local stack = trade_inv:get_stack("npc_wants", 1)
-- if it was the wrong item:
if(not(yl_speak_up.action_quest_item_check(player))) then
local player_inv = player:get_inventory()
-- give the item back to the player
local remaining = player_inv:add_item("main", stack)
-- very unlikely - but in case the item did not fit back into the player's inv:
if(remaining and not(remaining:is_empty())) then
local p = player:get_pos()
-- throw it at the player
minetest.add_item({x=p.x, y=p.y+1, z=p.z}, stack)
-- remove it from the trade inv slot
trade_inv:set_stack("npc_wants", 1, ItemStack())
return false
-- we already checked that it is the correct item
local meta = stack:get_meta()
-- if given: set the item stack description
if(a.a_item_desc and a.a_item_desc ~= "") then
meta:set_string("description", "")
-- delete all the special IDs that where added before
if(a.a_item_quest_id and a.a_item_quest_id ~= "") then
meta:set_string("yl_speak_up:quest_item_for", "")
meta:set_string("yl_speak_up:quest_item_from", "")
meta:set_string("yl_speak_up:quest_id", "")
local npc_inv = minetest.get_inventory({type="detached", name="yl_speak_up_npc_"..tostring(n_id)})
-- Has the NPC room enough for the item?
-- If the NPC doesn't have room, the item will be destroyed in the next step by setting
-- npc_wants to an empty stack. While this may lead to some item loss, it is more important
-- that the quest item was properly accepted (and discarded of) rather than worrying about
-- where to put it or even giving it back and letting the quest fail.
if(npc_inv:room_for_item("npc_main", stack)) then
npc_inv:add_item("npc_main", stack)
-- save the inventory of the NPC
-- the NPC has accepted the item
trade_inv:set_stack("npc_wants", 1, ItemStack())
return true
-- show the diffrent action-related formspecs and handle input to them
-- (Note: trade is handled in trade_simple.lua)
-- -> now moved to fs/fs_action_*.lua