72 lines
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72 lines
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-- Implementation of chat commands that were registered in register_once
-- this is a way to provide additional help if a mod adds further commands (like the editor)
yl_speak_up.add_to_command_help_text = ""
-- general function for handling talking to the NPC
yl_speak_up.command_npc_talk = function(pname, param)
if(not(pname)) then
local parts = string.split(param or "", " ", false, 1)
local cmd = parts[1] or ""
local rest = parts[2] or ""
-- setting talk style is available for all
if( cmd and cmd == "style") then
-- implemented in fs_decorated.lua:
return yl_speak_up.command_npc_talk_style(pname, rest)
-- show formspec with list of NPC controlled by the player
elseif(cmd and cmd == "list") then
return yl_speak_up.command_npc_talk_list(pname, rest)
-- show the version of the mod
elseif(cmd and cmd == "version") then
minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "Version of yl_speak_up: "..tostring(yl_speak_up.version))
-- debug mode only makes sense if the player can edit that NPC; the command checks for this
elseif(cmd and cmd == "debug") then
-- implemented in npc_talk_debug.lua:
return yl_speak_up.command_npc_talk_debug(pname, rest)
-- managing generic NPC requires npc_talk_admin priv
elseif(cmd and cmd == "generic") then
if(not(minetest.check_player_privs(pname, {npc_talk_admin = true}))) then
minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "This command is used for managing "..
"generic NPC. You lack the \"npc_talk_admin\" priv required to "..
"run this command.")
-- implemented in add_generic_dialogs.lua:
return yl_speak_up.command_npc_talk_generic(pname, rest)
-- restore an NPC that got lost
elseif(cmd and cmd == "force_restore_npc") then
if(not(minetest.check_player_privs(pname, {npc_talk_admin = true}))) then
minetest.chat_send_player(pname, "This command is used for restoring "..
"NPC that somehow got lost (egg destroyed, killed, ..). You "..
"lack the \"npc_talk_admin\" priv required to run this command.")
-- implemented in fs_npc_list.lua:
return yl_speak_up.command_npc_force_restore_npc(pname, rest)
elseif(cmd and cmd == "privs") then
-- the command now checks for player privs
-- implemented in npc_privs.lua:
return yl_speak_up.command_npc_talk_privs(pname, rest)
"The /npc_talk command is used for managing the yl_speak_up mod and "..
"any NPC that use it.\n"..
"Usage: \"/npc_talk <command>\" with <command> beeing:\n"..
" help this help here\n"..
" style display talk menu in a way better suited for very old versions of MT\n"..
" version show human-readable version information\n"..
" list shows a list of NPC that you can edit\n"..
" debug debug a particular NPC\n"..
" privs list, grant or revoke privs for your NPC\n"..
" generic [requires npc_talk_admin priv] list, add or remove NPC as generic NPC\n"..
" force_restore_npc [requires npc_talk_admin priv] restore NPC that got lost\n"..
-- reload is fully handled in register_once
"Note: /npc_talk_reload [requires privs priv] reloads the code of the mod without server "..