fixed initial config

This commit is contained in:
Sokomine 2024-03-22 22:17:31 +01:00
parent a9d5adb3a9
commit e262b53a04
2 changed files with 28 additions and 33 deletions

View File

@ -81,17 +81,6 @@ yl_speak_up.input_fs_initial_config = function(player, formname, fields)
"\' exists. This NPC got assigned the same name!")
local d_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].d_id
local count = 0
if(dialog and dialog.n_dialogs) then
for k,v in pairs(dialog.n_dialogs) do
if(k and k ~= "d_dynamic") then
count = count + 1
-- we checked earlier if the player doing this change and the
-- player getting the NPC have appropriate privs
if(fields.n_owner ~= yl_speak_up.npc_owner[ n_id ]) then
@ -104,15 +93,21 @@ yl_speak_up.input_fs_initial_config = function(player, formname, fields)
-- give the NPC its first dialog
if(not(dialog) or count==0) then
or not(dialog.created_at)
or not(dialog.n_npc)
or not(dialog.npc_owner)) then
-- TODO: pname == yl_speak_up.npc_owner[ n_id ] required
-- initialize the NPC with first dialog, name, description and owner:
yl_speak_up.initialize_npc_dialog_once(pname, nil, n_id, fields.n_npc, fields.n_description)
yl_speak_up.initialize_npc_dialog_once(pname, dialog, n_id, fields.n_npc, fields.n_description)
-- initializing the dialog in the code above may have changed it
dialog = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].dialog
-- just change name and description
elseif((fields.n_npc and fields.n_npc ~= "")
or (fields.n_description and fields.n_description ~= "")) then
dialog = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].dialog
if((fields.n_npc and fields.n_npc ~= "")
and (fields.n_description and fields.n_description ~= "")) then
-- we checked that these fields contain values; are they diffrent from the existing ones?
if(dialog.n_npc ~= fields.n_npc
or dialog.n_description ~= fields.n_description) then
dialog.n_npc = fields.n_npc
@ -124,12 +119,10 @@ yl_speak_up.input_fs_initial_config = function(player, formname, fields)
"NPC name: \""..tostring(fields.n_npc)..
"\" Description: \""..tostring(fields.n_description)..
"\" May be edited by: \""..
table.concat(yl_speak_up.sort_keys(dialog.n_may_edit, true), " ").."\".")
table.concat(yl_speak_up.sort_keys(dialog.n_may_edit or {}, true), " ").."\".")
dialog = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].dialog
-- show nametag etc.
if yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].obj then
local obj = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].obj
@ -166,16 +159,18 @@ yl_speak_up.input_fs_initial_config = function(player, formname, fields)
-- the dialog id may be new due to the dialog having been initialized
local d_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].d_id
if(not(fields.save_initial_config)) then
yl_speak_up.show_fs(player, "initial_config",
{n_id = n_id, d_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].d_id, false})
{n_id = n_id, d_id = d_id, false})
if((fields.add_may_edit and fields.add_may_edit ~= "")
or (fields.delete_may_edit and fields.delete_may_edit ~= "")) then
-- show this formspec again
yl_speak_up.show_fs(player, "initial_config",
{n_id = n_id, d_id = yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].d_id, false})
{n_id = n_id, d_id = d_id, false})
-- actually start a chat with our new npc
yl_speak_up.show_fs(player, "talk", {n_id = n_id, d_id = d_id})

View File

@ -38,18 +38,15 @@ end
-- example call:
-- yl_speak_up.initialize_npc_dialog_once(pname, nil, n_id, fields.n_npc, fields.n_description)
yl_speak_up.initialize_npc_dialog_once = function(pname, dialog, n_id, npc_name, npc_description)
local count = 0
if(dialog and dialog.n_dialogs) then
for k,v in pairs(dialog.n_dialogs) do
if(k and k ~= "d_dynamic") then
count = count + 1
-- the NPC already has a dialog - do not overwrite it!
if(dialog or count > 0) then
if(dialog.created_at) then
return dialog
if(yl_speak_up.count_dialogs(dialog) > 0) then
-- add the created_at flag if the dialog is already set up
-- (this affects only NPC created before this time)
dialog.created_at = os.time()
return dialog
-- give the NPC its first dialog
@ -69,10 +66,13 @@ yl_speak_up.initialize_npc_dialog_once = function(pname, dialog, n_id, npc_name,
local dialog = yl_speak_up.fields_to_dialog(pname, f)
-- overwrite this function if you want something diffrent added:
yl_speak_up.setup_initial_dialog(dialog, pname)
dialog.created_at = os.time()
-- save our new dialog
yl_speak_up.save_dialog(n_id, dialog)
yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].dialog = dialog
dialog.n_may_edit = {}
-- update the dialog for the player
yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].dialog = dialog
yl_speak_up.speak_to[pname].d_id = yl_speak_up.get_start_dialog_id(dialog)
-- now connect the dialogs via results
yl_speak_up.log_change(pname, n_id,
"Initial config saved. "..