We always plant a full size flower pot. If there are tile entities, we translate those to blocks and attempt to plant them on top of the flower pot.
109 lines
3.5 KiB
109 lines
3.5 KiB
from itemstack import *
#If you wish to add more entities, then...
# To print out pre and post-conversion entity information uncomment line 237 (ish) in blocks.py (search for 'EntityInfo' to locate it)
def convert_chest(te):
formspec = "size[8,9]"+\
fields = {"infotext": "Chest",
"formspec": formspec}
inventory = {"main": (0, [MTItemStack()]*32)}
return None, None, (fields, inventory)
def escape(s):
s2 = ""
for c in s:
if c in ["'", '"', "\\"]:
s2 += "\\"
s2 += c
elif c == "\n":
s2 += "\\n"
elif c == "\t":
s2 += "\\t"
s2 += c
return s2
def convert_furnace(te):
src_time = 0
src_totaltime = 0
fuel_time = 0
fuel_totaltime = 0
infotext = "Furnace out of fuel"
formspec = "size[8,9]"+\
fields = {"infotext": infotext,
"formspec": formspec,
"src_totaltime": src_totaltime,
"src_time": src_time,
"fuel_totaltime": fuel_totaltime,
"fuel_time": fuel_time}
inventory = {"fuel": (0, [MTItemStack()]),
"src": (0, [MTItemStack()]),
"dst": (0, [MTItemStack()]*4)}
return None, None, (fields, inventory)
def convert_sign(te):
t = ""
for i in range(1, 5):
line = te.get("Text"+str(i), "").strip('"')
if line != "":
t += line
t += "\n"
t = t.strip()
fields = {"infotext": t,
"text": t,
"__signslib_new_format": "1",
"formspec": "size[6,4]textarea[0,-0.3;6.5,3;text;;${text}]button_exit[2,3.4;2,1;ok;Write]background[-0.5,-0.5;7,5;bg_signs_lib.jpg]"}
return None, None, (fields, {})
def convert_nodeblock(te):
pitch = te.get("note")
return None, int(pitch) % 12, None
def convert_pot(te):
c = str(te.get("Item"))+":"+str(te.get("Data"))
# translation table for flowers
# highly approximate, based on color only
t = {
":0" : 0, # air
"minecraft:brown_mushroom:0" : 1,
"minecraft:red_mushroom:0" : 2,
"minecraft:cactus:0" : 3,
"minecraft:deadbush:0" : 4,
"minecraft:red_flower:0" : 5,
"minecraft:red_flower:1" : 6,
"minecraft:red_flower:2" : 7,
"minecraft:red_flower:3" : 8,
"minecraft:red_flower:4" : 9,
"minecraft:red_flower:5" : 10,
"minecraft:red_flower:6" : 11,
"minecraft:red_flower:7" : 12,
"minecraft:red_flower:8" : 13,
"minecraft:sapling:0" : 14,
"minecraft:sapling:1" : 15,
"minecraft:sapling:2" : 16,
"minecraft:sapling:3" : 17,
"minecraft:sapling:4" : 18,
"minecraft:sapling:5" : 19,
"minecraft:tallgrass:2" : 20,
"minecraft:yellow_flower:0" : 21
fields = { "_plant": t[c] }
return None, None, (fields, {})
print('Unknown flower pot type: '+c)
return None, None, None
te_convert = {"chest": convert_chest,
"sign": convert_sign,
"furnace": convert_furnace,
"music": convert_nodeblock,
"flowerpot": convert_pot}